Sprout 初芽 》 天母新光三越週邊美食推薦 | Tianmu Sandwiches

Last Updated on 2018-02-10 by Foodelicious

Sprout 初芽台北天母美食餐廳之一, 也是位於美國學校附近的親子友善餐廳, 最受歡迎的料理是美式三明治系列.
Sprout restaurant is one of the Tianu restaurants. It is also one of the restaurants near American School. Their famous dishes would be sandwiches series.


菜單連結在文末 Menu is at the end of article


Sprout 初芽附近有 “甜典 16 號 ( Sweet 16 Patisserie )” 和 “ IL MERCATO (義瑪卡多)”, 一樣都需要從芝山捷運站搭大眾運輸工具或計程車抵達, 餐廳名稱跟蔬食健康有關, 有戶外座位外, 餐廳內木質長桌與 “慢慢弄乳酪坊 (Man Mano Cheese Lab)”相似, 工業風設計相當美式, 需要先到位於開放式廚房旁的櫃台點餐付錢, 跟台北大安區“Liquid Bread Company (LBC)” 較為不同的是Sprout 初芽也有販售義大利麵和多種甜點.
“Sweet 16 Patisseries” and “IL MERCATO restaurant” are both nearby. All restaurants would need to take public transportation or taxi. It has outdoor seats. Its long wooden chair is similar with “Man Mano Cheese Lab”. The customer would need to order and pay prior at the counter near open kitchen. The difference between “Liquid Bread Company (LBC)” would be Sprout offers pasta and various dessert.


LGBT 三明治

食材: 綜合生菜, 牛番茄, Sedor’s 手工煙燻培根, 酪梨抹醬, 酸麵包
English Name: LGBT Sandwiches
Content: Upgraded BLT sandwich with mixed lettuce, beef tomato, Sedor’s Handmade Black-pepper Bacon Strips, Guacamole in Sour Dough Slices
Price: NTD $320
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

LGBT 三明治其實是美國著名 BLT (培根 Bacon, 生菜 Lettuce, 番茄 Tomato)的升級版, 多加了酪梨抹醬 (Guacamole), 因此名稱改為 LGBT 三明治. Sprout 初芽 餐廳將酸麵包烤得較為酥脆, 吃起來口感較好. 三明治內的生菜相當有誠意, 不僅新鮮且清脆.
BLT (Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato) is upgraded with Guacamole to become LGBT sandwiches. Sprout’s sour dough is very crispy. The lettuce inside has large amount, which is crisp and fresh.



培根是台灣Sedor’s Farm 採用台灣相思木煙燻自家秘方醃製培根, 脆度十足外, 煙燻風味也沒有被酪梨抹醬蓋住. 酪梨抹醬是我點這道三明治最主要的原因, 單吃酪梨醬其實不甜也不鹹, 但卻是個稱職配角, 並不會過於油膩, 反而中和了培根鹹度與蕃茄的微酸, 相當推薦這一道三明治.
Bacon is smoked by Jason Sedor with Taiwan local wood in Taiwan. The bacon is very crispy and full of smoky flavor. The guacamole is the main reason that I order this dish. It is a perfect side sauce to mix with the saltness from bacon and the light acidity from the tomato. I strongly recommend this sandwiches.




內容: 今日湯擇一與一杯飲料
English Name: Upgrade Set
Content: Daily Soup and One Drink
Price: + NTD $140
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

Sprout 初芽 將每日例湯與限量甜點寫在櫃台一旁的黑板上, 當天選的每日例湯是奶油蕃茄湯, 與 “POPINA BISTRO” 一樣濃郁, 份量較多, 雖然沒有搭配新鮮小番茄, 微酸番茄香氣結合濃郁奶油, 我已經很久沒有喝到如此美味的湯.
Sprout restaurant handwrite their daily soup and limited quantity dessert on the blackboard near the counter. My friend and I choose creamy tomato soup. It is as thick as “POPINA BISTRO”’s creamy tomato soup. Even though there isn’t any small fresh tomato, its light acidity combines with cream is perfect.



套餐可選一道配菜, 配菜與微風 “Trine and Zen” 一樣都放在透明櫃中保存溫度, 我跟朋友都是選擇綜合烤蔬菜, 店家細心地將蔬菜再次烤過保持脆度. 紅茶透澈並不會過苦.
The customer can choose one side dish. The options are placed near the counter just like Breeze Center “Trine and Zen”. My friend and I both chose roasted vegetables. The restaurant re-roasted the vegetables in order to keep it crispy. As for the black tea, it is average.




English Name: Roasted Vegetable in Tomato Sauce
Price: NTD $340
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

我朋友點的, 可要求麵的硬度
My friend ordered this. You can decide the texture of the pasta.




English Name: Classic Organic Egg Salad Sandwiches
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

My friend’s husband ordered this.





Restaurant Name 店名: 初芽 Sprout
Address: No.31, 7th section, Zhongshan North Road, Shilin District, Taipei City 台北市士林區中山北路七段31號 (MAP)
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/SproutTianmu/
Nearby MRT station: Zhishang MRT station 芝山捷運站
電話:02- 2876-6080
營業時間: Monday Off
Tuesday ~ Sunday 8:30am ~ 9pm


Menu 連結


