Silks House Taipei 2024 》 2024 年 晶華軒蟹宴
Last Updated on 2024-11-20 by Foodelicious
此篇文章是紀錄 2024 年晶華軒蟹宴, 內容有 晶華軒蟹宴菜單 與 晶華軒的單點螃蟹菜餚與價格. 最滿意的菜色則是大閘蟹粉撈麵與酸菜粉絲燒膏蟹.
This article is to document 2024 Crab Feast at Silks House at Taipei, Taiwan . The content includes Silks House Crab Feast set and à la carte menu. Most satisfying dishes are “Crab Meat and Crab Roe with Noodles” and “Braised Mangrove Crab Roe with Pickled Mustard”
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延伸閱讀: Silks House Taipei 》N訪後的晶華軒菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點)
目錄 / Table of Contents
About Dining Experience in Silks House
感謝友人們 , 我已經到晶華軒用餐 N 次. 我也寫過一篇 “N訪後的晶華軒菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點) ”, 給你們做參考. 我也會將此次用餐菜餚放進排行榜文章裡
Thanks to my friends , I have been to Silks House many times. I also wrote an article about the Dish Rank at Silks House. I will also put the set dish at the dish rank article.
延伸閱讀: Silks House Taipei 》N訪後的晶華軒菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點)
晶華軒蟹宴菜單 – 單點
Silks House Crab Feast Menu – à la carte
每逢 10 ~ 11 月, 許多高級中式料理與高級日式料理都會有螃蟹宴 , 主廚們運用不同螃蟹做多樣化的料理. 除了套餐, 晶華軒也推出單點菜單, 讓用餐客人有更多選擇.
During October ~ November, many high-end Chinese and Japanese restaurant have Crab Feast menu. Chefs use various crabs ingredient to make many various and flavorful dishes. Besides Set, Silks House also offer à la carte menu for customers to have more options.
延伸閱讀: CS Club Sushi Kappou 》2023 辰壽司割烹大閘蟹宴
延伸閱讀: 辰壽司割烹會席 Sushi Kappou 》二訪吃雙活蟹會席料理
晶華軒蟹宴菜單 – 套餐
Silks House Crab Season Menu – Set
蟹宴套餐菜單的價位是依照菜餚決定. 那天我們套餐是 NTD $5000 +10% / 人. 以下是當天套餐的菜餚排行榜.
The Crab Feast menu price is based on the dishes. Our set price was NTD $5000 + 10% / person. The following is the dish rank of the crab feast.
Crab Meat and Crab Roe with Noodles
Price: NTD $1280/份
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
整道料理無論是擺盤還是餐具選用, 都讓視覺美感升級. 鄔海明主廚採用江蘇大閘蟹 . 一份大閘蟹粉需要 1.5隻~2隻的手拆蟹肉. 並將蟹肉、蟹膏與蟹黃細心炒製成鮮濃蟹粉,. 搭配新北石碇的手工麵線.建議先單獨品嚐一口蟹粉, 濃稠鮮美風味直球般衝擊著味蕾. 將蟹粉倒入且均勻佈滿整碗麵線. 再將蟹粉與麵均勻攪拌且品嚐. 不知不覺已經吃完整碗蟹粉撈麵. 晶華軒附上一些鎮江醋讓客人有更多層次的風味選擇. 我個人非常推薦這一道菜餚.
The presentation and choice of tableware for this dish elevate its visual appeal to another level. The Chef uses premium hairy crabs from Jiangsu province, with each serving of crab roe requiring 1.5 to 2 crabs’ worth of hand-picked meat. The crab meat, roe, and tomalley are meticulously stir-fried to create a rich and flavorful crab roe topping, which is paired with handmade vermicelli from Shiding, New Taipei City. It is recommended to first taste a spoonful of the crab roe on its own, as its thick, savory flavor delivers a direct and delightful impact on the taste buds. Then, pour the crab roe evenly over the bowl of vermicelli, mix thoroughly, and enjoy. Before you know it, you’ll find yourself savoring every last bite of the dish. For added complexity, the restaurant also offers Zhenjiang vinegar, allowing diners to explore additional layers of flavor. This crab roe vermicelli dish is truly a standout, and I highly recommend it!
Braised Mangrove Crab Roe with Pickled Mustard
Price: NTD $3980
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
之前吃到的生拆膏蟹燴麻婆豆腐是讚嘆 , 這次吃到的酸菜粉絲燒膏蟹是驚喜. 主廚的靈感結合多年廚師經驗, 打造出創新且大眾會喜歡的酸菜粉絲螃蟹. 當砂鍋蓋掀開時 , 酸菜香氣撲鼻, 並不像台灣流行酸菜魚有刺激感. 微酸刺激著味蕾, 卻意外地平衡了蟹肉的鮮味. 我接連喝了兩碗.
The previously tasted Crab Roe Mapo Tofu was awe-inspiring, and this time, the Sauerkraut Vermicelli Braised Crab Roe brought a delightful surprise. Combining inspiration with years of culinary experience, the chef has crafted an innovative dish that is both creative and universally appealing. As the lid of the clay pot was lifted, the enticing aroma of sauerkraut wafted out. Unlike the sharp intensity of the popular sauerkraut fish in Taiwan, this aroma was more delicate and nuanced. The gentle tang of the sauerkraut tantalized the taste buds while unexpectedly balancing the natural sweetness of the crab meat. I couldn’t help but indulge in two bowls in a row.
延伸閱讀: 泰和樓 》被銀絲卷擔誤的台北酸菜白肉鍋 | Taipei Pickled Cabbage Hot Pot
Deep Fried Radish Pastry
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
上次在 “大三元” 吃過類似的蘿蔔絲酥餅, 外型並不是常見的白色表層加上些許白芝麻. 晶華軒的蘿蔔絲酥餅顏色像 “泰和樓“ 的銀絲卷, 外層口感極度酥脆, 蘿蔔絲內餡不苦偏香甜, 我個人喜歡吃這一道港式點心.
I tasted the similar radish pastry at “Taipei Three Coins Restaurant”. The appearance is different from the regular white color radish pastry. Silks House deep fried radish pastry color is similar with Chinese Crispy Roll at “Taihe House restaurant”. The outside appearance is extremely crispy. The radish filling is not bitter but tastes a bit sweet. I like this Cantonese Dim Sim.
BBQ Pork
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
厚切叉燒立於圓盤中央, 切面可看到有些許油脂, 瘦肉大理紋偏少, 有著微焦痕跡,店員提到主廚是用台灣黑豬肉的梅頭肉 (上肩肉), 咬一口比想像中地軟嫩, 肉的油脂搭配特製蜜汁滋潤著舌尖, 蜜汁並不是死甜, 而是麥芽糖與蜂蜜的完美比例, 與 “頤宮 Le Palais”的叉燒皇相比, 美味程度不相上下, 值得點.
The BBQ pork are thick sliced. Besides the grilling marks, you can also see the slim meats are more than the fats. The staff mentioned that the chef uses Pork Shoulder Butt. The meat texture is quite tender. The tastebuds would sense both fats and the sweet sauce, which is combined with honey and maltose. Comparing with “Le Palais restaurant” BBQ pork, both are delicious. It is worth ordering.
延伸閱讀: 頤宮 Le Palais 》Taipei Michelin 3 Stars Restaurant | 君品酒店台北米其林三星餐廳榮耀
Stir-Fried Crab with Black Pepper Butter Sauce
Price: NTD $4880
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
蟹宴並非每一道料理都採用大閘蟹 , 例如這一道就是採用斯里蘭卡蟹.感謝朋友分享她拆好的蟹腳 , 肉質飽滿且彈牙. 黑胡椒與牛油向來是經典搭配, 重口味的鹹香醬汁均勻地包覆著螃蟹.
Not every dish in the crab feast features hairy crabs. For example, this dish uses Sri Lankan crab. Thanks to a friend who shared some freshly shelled crab legs with me, I got to enjoy the plump and springy texture of the meat. The classic pairing of black pepper and butter shines here, with the rich, savory sauce evenly coating the crab, creating a bold and flavorful experience.
Steamed Mangrove Crab Roe with Huadiao Wine and Chicken Oil
Price: NTD $3680
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
如果吃不習慣重口味的黑椒牛油炒蟹 , 可點這一道雞油花雕蒸膏蟹. 陳年花雕酒, 雞油與鮮甜蟹膏襯托出螃蟹的鮮味.
If you find the bold flavors of black pepper butter stir-fried crab too intense, you can try for the Chicken Oil and Huadiao Wine Steamed Crab. The aged Huadiao wine, chicken oil, and sweet crab roe perfectly highlight the freshness of the crab.
Boneless Chicken Feet with Pickled Peppers
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
第一次沒有品嚐因為以為有骨頭. 第二次才知道是 “去骨”泡椒鳳爪. 仔細看, 其實也沒有明顯的雞爪形狀. 入口時, 泡椒賦予不同層次辣香刺激感. 如果喜歡吃辣, 可以考慮點一道菜餚.
The first time, I didn’t taste it because I thought it had bones. The second time, I learned that it was “boneless” pickled chicken feet. Upon closer inspection, there isn’t actually a distinct chicken claw shape. When I bite into it, the pickled peppers impart a spicy and stimulating sensation with different layers of heat. If you enjoy spicy food, you might consider ordering this dish.
Deep-Fried Crispy Eel
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
當你以為鱔魚食材只出現在上海菜系餐廳 (例如 “海派” 與 “上海鄉村信義137 “ ) , 晶華軒推出脆鱔菜餚. 酥脆且無油耗味.
When you think eel ingredient only appear in Shanghai cuisine (For example “Hai Pai” and “Shanghai Kitchen Xinyi 137” ), Silks House now has deep-fried Crispy Eel dish. It tastes very crispy and delicious.
延伸閱讀:海派上海小吃 Hai Pai 》除了煙燻圓鱈也有其他拿手好菜
延伸閱讀: Shanghai Kitchen Xinyi 137 》少數人也可以品嚐上海鄉村信義137 菜單
Stewed Chicken Soup with Abalone and Cordyceps Flower
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
之前在 “小酌之家” 品嚐過鮮鮑烏骨雞湯, 晶華軒的蟲草花鮑魚燉雞湯品猶如升級版. 雞湯看似清澈卻濃郁 , 鮑魚看似彈牙卻口感軟嫩.
I tasted the black chicken soup with abalone at “Hsiao Cho Chih Chia Taiwanese Restaurant”. This particular chicken soup with abalone at Silks House is the upgraded version. The chicken color is clear but has thick and unforgettable flavor. The abalone looks chewy but soft and delicious in taste.
延伸閱讀: Taipei BIB Gourmand 》小酌之家菜單推薦點哪些菜餚
Pan-Fried Bun with Minced Crab Meat and Pork
Price: NTD $680 (2 units)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
由於是粉煎包, 外層偏厚可理解 . 原本以為會像蟹肉小籠包ㄧ樣多汁 , 可惜內餡偏乾, 豬肉的肉香覆蓋著大閘蟹的鮮味.
Since it’s a pan-fried bun, the thicker outer layer is understandable. Initially, I expected it to be as juicy as a crab meat soup dumpling. But unfortunately, the filling turned out to be rather dry, with the pork’s flavor overshadowing the delicate freshness of the hairy crab.
Sauerkraut Roll
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
顏色比預期地亮麗 , 口感脆且不軟爛. 不會過酸.
The color is brighter than expected. The texture is crisp. Overall, this dish has fair amount of acidity that is just enough for customers to enjoy.
Preserved Egg with Peeled Chili
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
單點菜單沒有看到這一道菜餚. 皮蛋食材經常出現在中式餐廳, 在 ”徐家私廚“ 吃到筍乾皮蛋, 在“喜相逢”吃到講求刀工的皮蛋豆腐. 這次在晶華軒吃到的是直球般的辛辣卻開胃的皮蛋老虎菜. 如果喜歡吃辣, 可以考慮點.
This dish is not on the menu. Preserved egg ingredient always appear at Chinese restaurant. For example, I tasted the preserved egg with dried bamboo at “OUAH HANCHI Private Kitchen”. I tasted the preserved egg with tofu at “Taipei Xi Xiang Feng Taiwanese Restaurant”. This time at Silks House, I tasted the straight forward spicy flavor dish. If you like spicy food, you can consider ordering this dish.
延伸閱讀: 台北三大私廚推薦 》Taipei Private Kitchen Recommendation
Cold Mixed Vegetables Dish
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
採用十種蔬菜製作出此道菜餚, 通常是晶華軒宴席的小菜之一.
This dish, which is made with 10 different types of vegetable, is considered an appetizer in Silks House.
Stir-Fried Bean Seedling
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
蒜炒小豆苗比預期地美味 , 有爽脆且嫩的口感.
It is more delicious than expected, which has crisp texture.
Tangyuan n Ginger Soup
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
如果想嘗試不同類型的中式甜點, 可選擇點這一道.
If you want to try different type of Chinese dessert, you can order this one.
Stir-Fried Pork Neck Meat with Sweet Chili
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
相較於其他蟹宴菜色, 此道並沒有讓人印象深刻.
Comparing with other dishes at Crab Feast dishes , this dish is not outstanding as other dishes.
Silks House Information
餐廳: 晶華軒
地址: 台北市中山區中山北路二段39巷3號3樓 (Map)
捷運站: 中山捷運站 (R11 & G14)
電話: 02-2523-8000 #3236
Restaurant: Silks House
Address: 3F, No. 3, 39th Lane, 2nd Section, Zhongshan North Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: Zhongshan MRT station (R11 & G14)
Tel: 02-2523-8000 #3236