Xinyi District Ramen 》柑橘 Shinn – 魚水菜單點什麼?
Last Updated on 2023-03-17 by Foodelicious
(2023.3 更新) 2022 新開幕的 柑橘 Shinn – 魚水 拉麵是信義區拉麵推薦, 新鮮生魚片搭配日本拉麵在 台北拉麵地圖 比較少見.
Citrus Shinn Fish Ramen is Taipei 2022 new restaurant. They offer Japanese Ramen with sashimi and fish broth.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
柑橘 Shinn – 魚水 訂位
Citrus Shinn Fish Ramen Reservation
柑橘 Shinn 拉麵店系列有三家:
✅ 柑橘 Shinn – Soba 拉麵 (一店)
✅ 柑橘 Shinn 鴨蔥拉麵 (二店)
✅ 柑橘 Shinn – 魚水 (新開幕三店)
我三家店都去過 ! 柑橘 Shinn – 魚水位於基隆路一段 428 號, 離 台北101世貿捷運站 1 號出口約 10 分鐘. 柑橘魚水拉麵店無法訂位, 只能現場排隊. 用餐環境比國泰醫院旁邊的柑橘 Shinn – Soba 拉麵好, 不會太擠, 而且有隔板. 進入餐廳後是用拉麵機點菜, 與其他拉麵店一樣皆可選擇麵的軟硬度.
There are three Citrus Shinn Ramen restaurants:
✅ Citrus Shinn Soba (1st Store )
✅ Citrus Shinn Duck Ramen ( 2nd Store )
✅ Citrus Shinn Fish Ramen (3rd Store – New )
I have been to all three ramen restaurants. Citrus Shinn Fish Ramen address is at No. 428, 1st Section, Keelung Road, Xinyi District, Taipei. It is about 10 minutes walking from Exit 1 of Taipei 101 MRT station. You cannot reserve seats at Citrus Shinn Fish Ramen. You can only walk in. The dining environment is less crowded than the first store. Similar with other Ramen restaurants, You would need to order the ramen from the machine
延伸閱讀: 柑橘 Shinn – Soba 》菜單裡的雞白湯柑橘蛤蜊拉麵讓我決定N訪
延伸閱讀: Taipei Ramen 》柑橘 Shinn 鴨蔥拉麵是值得二訪的台北拉麵推薦
柑橘 Shinn – 魚水 菜單
Citrus Shinn Fish Ramen Menu
因為是捕穫的新鮮魚種並不固定, 因此柑橘 Shinn – 魚水 菜單每天會公布一次當天菜單, 菜單與價格需要看他們每天更新的 Facebook 貼文 ( ) , 而且價格有限量.
Since the fish types may vary, their menu may vary as well. They will post their menu daily on their Facebook ( )
淡麗魚湯拉麵 + 溏心蛋
Raw Fish Ramen with Standard Fish Broth + Egg
Price: NTD $240 + NTD $30
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
柑橘鮮魚拉麵湯頭有分三種, 由濃到淡是 泡系 > 白湯 > 淡麗, 我是選淡麗魚湯拉麵. 配置則是有六片生魚片, 那天的魚則是煙仔虎 , 拉麵一上桌先喝一口湯, 雖然稱為淡麗, 仍舊有適量鮮鹹味, 當然沒有 “二屋牡蠣拉麵專門店”的湯頭濃鹹.拉麵本身有我喜歡的硬度, 魚吃起來鮮甜, 若你喜歡生魚片保持生鮮狀態, 請記得先撈起來放在一旁的盤子, 若是喜歡魚肉微熟, 可將生魚片浸在湯裡, 柑橘與檸檬帶來的小清新讓用餐經驗頗為特別. 我會再訪, 我二訪應該會點白湯系列, 湯頭比較濃.
Citrus Shinn Fish Ramen broth has three types. There are several different levels of broth: Foam broth (extreme thick) > White broth (thick broth ) > Standard broth. I ordered the standard fish broth. When the ramen is served, I immediately taste the soup. Even though it is called “standard”, the fish broth still has fair amount of seafood flavor. The fish is fresh and quite delicious. If you want keep the fish raw, I would suggest to place the sashimi on the side. The signature citrus and lemon brings refreshing taste to the tastebuds. I will re-visit. Next time, I will order thick broth.
延伸閱讀: 二屋牡蠣拉麵專門店 》Oyster Ramen House
延伸閱讀: 台北拉麵推薦懶人包 (分區) 》TAIPEI RAMEN GUIDE (BY DISTRICT)
Second Visit
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文
結論 Conclusion ⭐
關於三店, 你如果喜歡魚湯, 這家柑橘 Shinn – 魚水適合你. 很多人會問柑橘 Shinn三家店最推薦哪一家? 其實每家都有特色,而且都不錯吃, 我只能分享我喜歡的順序.柑橘 Shinn 鴨蔥拉麵 > 柑橘 Shinn – Soba 拉麵 = 柑橘 Shinn – 魚水.
If you like fish broth, Citrus Shinn Fish Ramen restaurant is for you. Many would ask which do I recommend among those three branches. I would say each ramen restaurant has its selling points and delicious. I can only tell you my favorite: Citrus Shinn Duck Ramen > Citrus Shinn Soba > Citrus Shinn Fish Ramen.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
柑橘 Shinn – 魚水 資訊
Citrus Shinn Fish Ramen Information
店名: 柑橘 Shinn – 魚水
地址: 台北市信義區基隆路一段428號 (Map)
捷運站: 台北 101 / 世貿捷運站
電話: 02-8786-0535
Restaurant: Citrus Shinn Fish Ramen
Address: No. 428, 1st Section, Keelung Road, Xinyi District, Taipei (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Taipei 101 MRT station.