Orchid Restaurant 》關於 Orchid 蘭餐廳節慶套餐 (內有短版午餐菜單)
Last Updated on 2024-12-18 by Foodelicious
台北 Orchid 蘭餐廳推出短版平日午餐菜單 ( Prix Fixe ). 也在 12 月推出節慶套餐至 2025/1/1 ( Festive Menu ).
Taipei Orchid Restaurant now has short version of Fine Dining Weekday Lunch Set Menu ( Prix Fixe). They also offer the Holiday Festive Set Menu until 2025/1/1.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
關於 平日短版午餐菜單
About Weekday Prix Fixe Lunch Menu ( (Short Lunch Menu )
餐廳推出平日短版午餐菜單 ( Prix Fixe ) 與 節慶套餐 ( Festive Menu). 這次我是吃 2024節慶套餐 Festive Menu. 以下是短版午餐菜單的價格與菜單
✅ 平日短版午餐菜單 ( Prix Fixe ) 圖一與圖二
✅ 平日短板午餐套餐價格是看主餐的價格
✅ Prix Fixe 平日短版午餐菜單的蘭經典和牛派可以點半顆 或是一整顆. 一人也可以吃 Fine Dining. 請注意跟 Tasting Menu 不一樣, Tasting Menu 至少要兩人同行,各點半顆.
✅ 選擇多樣化, 主餐六選一.
The restaurant offers short versions of Weekday Lunch Set menu (Prix Fixe ) and Festive Set menu. This time, I tried out the Festive Menu.
✅ Weekday Prix Fixe Lunch Menu ( Pic 1 & Pic 2 )
✅ The price is based on the Main course price.
✅ You can order half of the Pithivier or whole Pithivier on the weekday Prix Fixed Menu. One person can also enjoy Fine Dining. Please note that it is different from the Tasting Menu. You will need to order a whole Pithivier to share with another.
✅ Various selections. Select One out of the Six main courses.
Orchid 蘭餐廳訂位
Orchid Restaurant Reservation
蘭餐廳 地址為台北市大安區安和路二段83號 , 離信義安和站 3 號與 2號 出口約 5 ~ 8 分鐘路程. 我喜歡蘭餐廳的挑高舒適用餐環境, 蘭餐廳有適合約會的兩人沙發座位外, 也可以組成大桌適合朋友們一起聚餐. 蘭餐廳訂位可透過 inline ( LINK ) . 常規菜單訂金則是NTD $2000/人. 節慶菜單訂金則是 NTD $3000/人.
Orchid Restaurant address is at No. 83, 2nd Section, Anhe Road, Da’an District, Taipei City. It is about 8 minutes walking distance from Xinyi Anhe MRT station Exit 2 and Exit 3. I like Orchid Restaurant’s high ceiling design and comfortable dining environment. Besides the sofa seats, you can also combine tables to dine with friends. You can reserve seats via inline ( Link ) . The downpayment is NTD $2000/person for regular menu. The downpayment for Festive Menu is NTD $3000/person.
ღ 台北約會餐廳 Taipei Restaurant for Dating
連結 (Link) : 台北約會餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Restaurant for Dating
連結 (Link) : 台北牛排餐廳推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak Recommendation
娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount
Orchid 蘭餐廳節慶套餐價位
Orchid Restaurant Festive Menu Set Price
✅ 節慶套餐提供至 1/1/2025 (12/20 ~ 1/1 )
✅ 訂位完成後,總公司會有專人聯繫,詢問過敏食材和飲食禁忌等細節
✅ 12/20 , 12/31 1/1 依舊有 Tasting Menu.
✅ 午餐時段與晚餐時段皆有提供節慶套餐
✅ 節慶菜餚以魚子醬與松露高級食材作為主軸, 份量頗多
✅ 節慶套餐價位: NTD $6880+10% /人
✅ 有 Premium 3 Glasses Pairing ( NTD $4800 ) , 也有常規 3 Glasses Pairing (NTD $2600 ) 與 常規 5 Glasses Pairing (NTD $4600)
✅ The Festive Menu is offered until 1/1/2025 (12/20~ 1/1)
✅ After reservation, the staff will contact with you directly regarding allergen information.
✅ Tasting Menu is also available on 12/20 , 12/31, 1/1
✅ You can enjoy the Festive Menu during lunch time and dinner time.
✅ The Festive menu theme ingredients are caviar and truffles.
✅ Festive Menu Set: NTD $6880 +10% /人
✅ In Festive menu, they also offer Premium 3 Glasses Pairing ( NTD $4800 ) , 3 Glasses Pairing (NTD $2600 ) and 5 Glasses Pairing (NTD $4600)
Orchid 蘭餐廳節慶套餐評價 ⭐
Orchid Restaurant Festive Menu Review
迎賓飲品- 湯品
Welcome Drink – Soup
主廚準備日式高湯作為迎賓飲品. 此外, 店員也會擺放溫熱濕毛巾, 有著日式飲食文化的巧思.
Orchid Restaurant new Chef thoughtfully prepared a warm soup as the welcoming drink. Additionally, the staff went the extra mile by providing warm, moist towels ( oshibori ) , showcasing a clever touch of Japanese dining culture.
Hassun ( Amuse Bouche )
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
八寸是日本會席與懷石料理的開胃小點, 法文翻譯則是 Amuse Bouche . 日籍主廚 Sato Kiyoshi 佐藤清準備三款小點, 未來會不定期更換. 端上桌時, 煙霧彌漫的 Display 頗具美感. 三款開胃小點的菜色都在菜單上. 店員會解釋吃的順序, 我個人是最喜歡鱒魚搭配鮭魚卵與布里歐麵包
✅ 煙燻塔斯馬尼亞鱒魚,搭配鮭魚卵與自製布里歐麵包
✅ 熟成醬油醃製赤身,柚子醋風味麵條與葱鮪魚泥
✅ 備長炭輕烤和牛,搭配魚子醬
The “Hassun” is an appetizer in Japanese kaiseki a cuisine, translated into French as Amuse Bouche. Japanese chef Sato Kiyoshi prepares three small dishes, which may vary in the future. When served, the display is filled with a captivating smoky ambiance. All three dishes details are at the menu. The staff will also explain which one to taste first. I personally prefer the smoked trout with brioche and ikura
✅ Smoked tasmanian trout, ikura, homemade brioche
✅ Akami marinated in aged soy, ponzu noodles and negitoro
✅ Binchotan kissed wagyu, ossetra caviar
蕎麥麵,象拔蚌, 番茄
Knifecut Matcha Buckwheat Soba , Geoduck Sashimi , Tomato
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
服務生首先呈上一個精緻的木製筷子盒,邀請客人親自挑選喜歡的筷子. 店員再開始解說木盤裡的抹茶粉, 蕎麥麵粉, 一把刀. 主廚親手揉製綠茶蕎麥麵, 並以刀細緻地切割成均勻的細麵. Display 呈現具有美感的聖誕花圈. 綠茶蕎麥麵帶有微硬口感, 搭配微甜醬油冷湯入口. 象拔蚌刺身與秋葵的美味更是將此道菜色加分. 這一道足以成為 Chef Sato 的招牌菜色之一.
The server first presented a delicate wooden box filled with chopsticks, inviting guests to personally select their preferred pair. It instantly added a touch of ceremony to the dining experience. The server then began explaining the items on the wooden tray: matcha powder, buckwheat flour, and a knife. The chef skillfully hand-kneaded the green tea soba dough, slicing it into evenly fine noodles with precision. The final presentation was a visually stunning wreath-like arrangement, reminiscent of a Christmas garland. The match soba noodles had a slightly firm texture, perfectly complemented by a subtly sweet soy-based chilled broth. Adding to the dish’s complexity were slices of geoduck sashimi and okra, elevating the flavors and creating a delightful harmony.This dish undoubtedly showcases Chef Sato’s craftsmanship and creativity, with all the potential to become one of his signature dishes.
茶碗蒸, 北海道海膽 , 蟹
Chawanmushi: Hokkaido Uni, Crab consomme, Roasted Lily Bulb
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
節慶套餐菜單裡有加北海道海膽的茶碗蒸. 建議先將滑嫩茶碗蒸與鮮味十足的蟹高湯入口. 再搭配北海道海膽與百合根, 不同層次的鮮味與口感呈現於味蕾.
The festive set menu includes a Chawanmushi topped with Hokkaido uni. It’s recommended to first savor the silky steamed egg custard paired with the richly flavorful crab consommé. Then, enjoy it alongside the Hokkaido uni and lily bulb, as the dish unfolds a variety of textures and layers of umami on the palate.
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
不同於其他西式餐廳提供的歐式酸種麵包, 蘭餐廳主廚則是準備自製日式生吐司. 每次搭配麵包的奶油都有兩款. 值得一提的是榛果奶油搭配的是黑松露刨絲. 這次我比較喜歡單純的法國頂級奶油.
Diverging from the European-style sourdough commonly offered in other Western restaurants, Orchid Restaurant Chef prepares homemade Japanese-style shokupan (milk bread). The restaurant always offer two types of butter.This time, we have chestnut with truffle and Bordier Butter. I personally prefer the Bordier Butter.
Langoustine, Ossetra Caviar, Chestnut Pumpkin Jam , Pumpkin, Potato and Kabocha Sauce
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
這道料理最吸引人之處是由馬鈴薯與日本栗子南瓜精巧組合而成的圓形千層. 店員解釋將兩款食材堆疊後捲成圓型後, 再綑綁固定. 確保切開時才能維持半圓型且不散落. 丹麥海螯蝦鮮脆, 沾蝦頭與香料熬煮後的咖哩醬汁後, 更是增加許多鮮味與東南亞風格. 非常誘人與美味.
The highlight of this dish lies in the intricately crafted semi-circular mille-feuille, made from layers of potato and chestnut pumpkin. The server explained that the two ingredients are stacked and rolled into a circular shape, then carefully tied to ensure the round shape remains intact and doesn’t fall apart when cut. The langoustine is delightfully crisp. When dipped into the curry sauce made from simmered langoustine heads and spices, it gains an extra depth of umami and a touch of Southeast Asian flavor. Utterly enticing and absolutely delicious.
甘鯛 (馬頭魚)
Tilefish (Amadai), Bamboo , Kombu Broth Bone Emulsion, Pickled Celtuee
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
Orchid 蘭餐廳的立鱗馬頭魚是我吃過炸得最細緻的版本. 切的時候有清晰的脆酥聲響. 酥脆外層搭配嫩滑魚肉, 意猶未盡. 再搭配淋有飛魚卵的微稠醬汁, 同時呈現不同鮮鹹與口感.
The crispy fried tilefish at Orchid Restaurant is the most meticulously prepared version I’ve ever tasted. When cut, it emits a satisfyingly crisp sound that immediately captures your attention. The golden, crunchy exterior pairs harmoniously with the tender and succulent fish inside, leaving you craving more. Drizzled with a slightly thick sauce infused with flying fish roe, it offers a delightful interplay of umami flavors and varied textures, creating a truly memorable dish.
蘭經典和牛派 (主餐選一 )
Pithivier : Wagyu, Black Winter Truffles
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
Orchid 蘭餐廳的節慶套餐 (Festive Menu) 中推出了經典的「和牛派」,更奢華地加入了現刨黑松露!常規菜單的和牛派沒有黑松露. 圓形派的酥皮金黃酥脆,內餡豐富,結合了波特菇、和牛菲力與牛頰肉,每一口都充滿層次與驚喜. 我喜歡切下第一刀, 外層酥脆所帶來的聲響. 也喜歡內餡肉汁緩緩流出的視覺效果. 此道和牛派的酥皮, 牛肉與波特菇的比例是經典也是最美味的組合. 這一道菜餚的美味是費時費工的成果.
The festive menu at Orchid Restaurant features a classic “Pithivier” elevated with the luxurious addition of freshly shaved black truffle—a special touch not found in the regular menu version. The pie’s golden, crisp pastry encases a rich and flavorful filling of portobello mushrooms, Wagyu tenderloin, and beef cheek, offering a delightful combination of layers and surprises with every bite. I especially enjoyed the satisfying crunch of the crust as I made the first cut, paired with the visual allure of the slowly oozing meat juices from the filling. The balance of pastry, beef, and mushrooms is both classic and perfectly executed, making it a truly harmonious and delicious creation. This dish’s exceptional taste is undoubtedly a testament to the time and effort poured into its meticulous preparation.
龍蝦 (主餐選一)
Lobster: Aged caviar, Cultured Carrot Emulsion, Kohlrabi and Fragrant Shellfish Bisque , Asparagus
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
醃製白蘿蔔切片置放於新鮮蘆筍讓整道龍蝦菜餚 Display 更符合節慶的主題. 鮮脆龍蝦搭配魚子醬不僅視覺更加奢華, 味蕾更是可以感受到兩種不同鮮味. 如果兩人同行, 我會建議一人點蘭經典和牛派 , 另一位點龍蝦.
Pickled daikon slices placed atop fresh asparagus enhance the festive theme of the lobster dish’s presentation. The tender, succulent lobster paired with caviar not only elevates its visual appeal to a luxurious level but also allows the palate to experience two distinct layers of umami. If dining as a pair, I recommend one person ordering the classic Pithivier and the other opting for the lobster dish.
烤豚,越光米, 鮑魚
Gohan: Sake Braised Abalone, Binchotan Grilled Pork , Abalone Liver Butter, Pork Rib Dashi
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
這不是義式燉飯 , 而是介於義式燉飯與日式茶泡飯之間. 用的不是義式燉飯米 , 而是越光米. 店員將豬骨高湯注入米飯. 攪拌再入口, 鹹香溫潤. 之前試過 Chef Sato 做過米飯系列的菜餚 , 這一道應該是米飯系列最成功的一道. 不錯吃也成功詮釋日本風格.
This is not an Italian risotto, but rather a dish that lies somewhere between Italian risotto and Japanese chazuke. Instead of using traditional risotto rice, it is made with Koshihikari rice. The server pours pork bone broth over the rice. You can stir and taste, resulting in a savory, comforting flavor. Having previously tried other rice-based dishes by Chef Sato, I can say this one is the most successful in his rice series. It’s delicious and truly captures the essence of Japanese cuisine.
草莓, 發酵奶油
Ichigo Sorbet, Cultured Cream, Shiso Vinegar and Ichigo Crisps
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
Fine Dining 套餐都會有雙甜點. ICHIGO 在日文是草莓. 甜點色調溫柔, 草莓雪酪搭配發酵奶油有意想不到的微酸度. 敲碎草莓糖片一起品嚐, 酸甜平衡.
Fine dining sets always feature two desserts. “ICHIGO” is the Japanese word for strawberry. The dessert has a soft color palette, with strawberry sorbet paired with fermented butter, offering an unexpected subtle acidity. Crushing the strawberry candy pieces and tasting them together creates a perfect balance of sweet and sour.
起司蛋糕, 蜜柑
Mikan: Japanese Cream Cheese, Taiwanese Mikan , Mikan Sorbet and Honeyed Textures
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
看菜單時 , 發現蜜柑是我不太熟悉的水果. 甜點端上桌時 , 先品嚐新鮮蜜柑, 比柑橘多一些甜度. 起司蛋糕並不會過於厚重, 搭配蜜柑雪酪是不錯的選擇
While looking at the menu, I noticed that “mikan” is a fruit I’m not very familiar with. When the dessert arrived at the table, I first tasted the fresh mikan, which was sweeter than other citrus fruits. The cheesecake was not overly rich, and pairing it with the mikan sorbet was a delightful choice.
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
Orchid 蘭餐廳的茶點會不定期更換.
The mignardise might be vary.
Matcha or Coffee
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
我這次是點咖啡, 上次是桌邊服務現沖的熱抹茶 , 展現日式風格 . 餐廳店員 Step by Step 現場製作抹茶非常具有記憶點.
This time I opted for coffee, but last time, I had the hot matcha prepared at the table, showcasing a true Japanese style. The staff’s step-by-step preparation of the matcha right in front of us was a memorable experience.
Alcohol Pairing
這次節慶套餐 Alcohol Pairing 有 Premium Alcohol Pairing. 有平常我喝不到的酒. 我會建議你們先問餐廳當日 Premium Alcohol Pairing 有哪些酒再決定.
The festive menu now has premium alcohol pairing menu, which I rarely drank and also famous. I would suggest you to ask the server what are on the premium pairing menu and decide.
✅ Premium 3 glasses NTD $4800
✅ Festive 3 glasses NTD $2600
✅ Festive 5 glasses NTD $4600
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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Orchid Restaurant 蘭 資訊
Orchid Restaurant Information
店名: Orchid 蘭餐廳
地址: 台北市大安區安和路二段83號 (Map)
捷運站: 信義安和捷運站
電話: 02-2378-3333
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OrchidTaipei/
Website: https://www.orchid-restaurant.com.tw/intro
Restaurant: Orchid Restaurant
Address: No. 83, 2nd Section, Anhe Road, Da’an District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Xinyi Anhe MRT station.
Tel: 02-2378-3333