瑪黑家居選物 》台北中山捷運站下午茶 | Marais Taipei
Last Updated on 2019-04-07 by Foodelicious
(2019.4 更新) 新開幕的瑪黑家居選物是台北中山區下午茶之一, 是一家輕食茶飲與家居選物複合概念旗艦店, 鐵鍋鬆餅與茶品為招牌品項, 2019年4月確認雙人午茶經典套餐依舊是 NTD $880.
Newly-opened Marais brand opens a flagship store, which combines light food, dessert, and Marais products, at Taipei Zhongshan MRT Station. Its signature dishes include Dutch Baby and Tea. I confirmed with the staff on April, 2019 that 2-people Afternoon Tea Set is still NTD $880.
瑪黑菜單在文末 Marais Menu is at the end of article
從中山捷運站四號出口往“大師兄銷魂麵”方向走, 旗艦店跟 “IL MERCATO TAIPEI“一樣是獨棟, 但沒有二樓. 一進門放眼望去即是瑪黑進口品牌廚具和家居選物, 門右邊是收銀台與茶師製作茶的平台, 茶葉品牌是柏林選茶Paper and Tea ( P&T ), 茶葉與敘述一一放置在方格中, 不確定未來會不會像 “Smith & Hsu” 有聞香瓶服務.座位部分有高腳座, 簡單四人座, 也有配色令人舒適的沙發座, 整家店是設計感十足的樣品屋 (細節在文末短秒影片). 我會建議朋友可以ㄧ起到這家店享用雙人下午茶. 二訪在文末
Exiting Zhongshan MRT station and walk toward “Master Spicy Noodle”. The flagship store is an independent one floor building, similar with “IL MERCATO TAIPEI”. Inside, there are many Marais brand products, which from Kitchen Aid to any home display. Near the cashier, there is a counter specifically for the Tea master/chef (?) to make the tea, which is from Berlin Paper and Tea (P&T Brad). The tea leafs and descriptions are placed inside the cubic shelf display near the counter. However, I am not sure if they will have the service like “Smith & Hsu”, which is to let the customers smell the leafs before ordering.There are high chairs, 4-people seats, and sofa area. The whole store is like model house (See the details at the video). I would suggest that friends can come here to enjoy the afternoon tea together. Second Visit Review is at the bottom of the article.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
鍋煮奶茶 – 烏巴錫蘭鮮奶茶
English Name: Pan Milk Tea – Ceylon Milk Tea
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
選擇這款奶茶純粹是自己不想花時間在家嘗試調配比例, 進口花草茶與水果茶已經不足夠吸引我. 店員告知因為是現煮, 需要花 10 ~ 15 分鐘. 純白色陶瓷茶壺與馬克杯放在圓形木盤上, 一旁放著蜂糖漿與糖霜磅蛋糕切片,整體相當有質感. 建議先吃磅蛋糕, 因為蛋糕體有點乾, 畢竟不是甜點店. 將如絲綢般的奶茶注入厚實陶瓷做的馬克杯, 鮮奶香味比茶香如預期地多一些, 剛開始品酌時, 兩種風味取得平衡, 也可適量加入楓糖漿到杯中, 兩種喝法都是值得慢慢品酌.
I select Ceylon milk tea because I heard that P & T brand master developed the milk tea recipe solely for Taiwan. It would take 10 ~ 15 minutes to cook. The white tea pot, mug, along with the maple syrup and pound cake are placed on the round wooden plate. I would suggest to taste the pound cake first since it is a bit dry. When pouring the silky milk tea into the mug, the milky aroma is a bit more than tea aroma as expected. When drinking, both milk and tea flavors are balanced. You can also add maple syrup as you wish. I would recommend both methods.
鐵鍋鬆餅 – 焦糖肉桂蘋果鐵鍋鬆餅
English Name: Dutch Baby Pancake : Caramel, Cinnamon & Apple Flavor
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
“Dutch Baby”直接翻譯是荷蘭鬆餅, 但其實是來自德國. 我對在台灣販售鬆餅的印象是乾與扁, 但這家店的鬆餅跟 “Le Blanc Taipei “的約克夏布丁一樣膨鬆, 鬆軟口感中有純樸的奶油香氣, 放置中央的每個蘋果切塊皆有濃厚焦糖外衣, 並沒有肉桂味, 再加上香脆烘烤核桃, 店家撒上糖粉, 建議搭配鬆餅皮一起吃. 因為你點奶茶, 我會建議點別款鬆餅 (例如莓果), 整體吃起來不會過於甜膩.
Dutch Baby is not from Holland, instead, its origin is Germany. My impression of pan cake in Taiwan is horribly dry and dense. However, this store’s Dutch Baby is as fluffy as “Le Blanc Taipei” Yorkshire Pudding. Each bite of the pancake itself has butter aroma. Each apple dice is coated with caramel with a bit of snow sugar. There is no cinnamon flavor. The taste is very overwhelmed sweet even though there are small amount of baked walnuts. I would recommend to eat with the pancake itself. However, if you already ordered milk tea, I would suggest you to order some other dutch baby (for example, berry flavors).
二訪 Second Visit
包括: 2款茶品, 2款三明治 (一甜一鹹), 1款鐵鍋鬆餅, 1 款甜點
English Name: Afternoon Tea Set for two people
Includes: 2 Teas, 2 Sandwiches (one sweet, one salty), 1 dutch baby pancake, 1 dessert
Price: NTD $880
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
鐵鍋鬆餅 – 培根起司蛋
English Name: Dutch Baby Pancake : Bacon, Cheese, and Egg Flavor
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
原價是 NTD $280. 一訪點的是甜的焦糖肉桂蘋果鐵鍋鬆餅, 這次點的是鹹的培根起司蛋鐵鍋鬆餅, 二訪的鬆餅依舊有鬆軟口感, 一如往常將水波蛋切開, 蛋黃緩緩地與鹹香培根結合, 芝麻葉看似突兀, 但卻是在黏膩口感中有些小清新, 鬆餅奶油風味讓味蕾跳 Tone, 有些人也許認為鬆餅就是要甜, 我則是認為這款鐵鍋鬆餅是可以當做較為特別的正餐.
During my first visit, I ordered their caramel, apple, cinnamon flavor Dutch Baby. At my second visit, my friend and I decide to order Bacon, Cheese, and Egg Flavor Dutch Baby. The egg yolk is mixed with bacon. Arugula doesn’t look fit into this dish. But, it is a necessity. The arugula can bring refreshing taste to this dish. The dutch baby itself is sweet and combines with the salty flavor that comes from the bacon. Most people might think that the dessert should be sweet. I personally think that this dish could be the main course by itself.
開放式三明治 (一鹹一甜)
English Name: Open Sandwiches – One Salty, One Sweet
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍
一鹹一甜的開放式三明治單點原價是 NTD $180. 菜單上寫開放式三明治, 其實就是三明治 Tapas, 鹹款是炙燒煙燻鮭魚乳酪, 我一向蠻愛吃煙燻鮭魚, 乳酪部分則是有加分, 甜款是蜂蜜酪梨莓果, 蜂蜜醬已蓋過莓果的酸甜, 老實說, 兩片 Tapas 原價 NTD $180 偏高, 我不會建議單點.
The open sandwiches is basically tapas. The original price of this dish is NTD $180. The salty item is smoked salmon with cheese. I always like smoked salmon. Now, the cheese upgrades this particular tapas. As for the sweet item, it is honey avocado cause with berries. However, the honey sauce covers the acidity from the berries. Honestly, the price NTD $180 is a bit higher than expected. I wouldn’t recommend to order.
鍋煮奶茶 – 阿薩姆鮮奶茶
English Name: Pan Milk Tea – Assam Milk tea
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
我二訪還是決定點有濃郁奶香的鍋煮奶茶, 基本上別人問我在瑪黑的推薦飲料, 我都會回答鍋煮奶茶.
At my 2nd visit, I still order Pan Milk Tea with thick milky flavor. I always recommend their Pan Milk Tea.
English Name: Blackcurrant Cherry Tea
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A
這是我朋友點的, 我沒有試喝.
My friend ordered this tea. I didn’t try it.
English Name: Blueberry Cheese Cake
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
藍莓醬有些偏乾, 整體比預期地甜, 我朋友大概吃掉 2/3 吧
The blueberry jam is a bit dry. The overall taste is quite sweeter than expected. My friend probably ate 2/3 of the cake.
Restaurant Name 店名: 瑪黑家居旗艦店 Marais Taipei Flagship Store
Address: No. 18, 36th Lane, 2nd Section, Zhongshan North Road, Taipei City 台北市中山區中山北路二段36巷18號 (MAP)
Website: https://www.storemarais.com/showroom
Nearby MRT station: Zhongshan MRT Station 中山捷運站
電話: 02-2523-9860
營業時間: Call to Confirm
瑪黑菜單 》Marais Menu