Taipei Curtain Recommendation 》推薦隆美窗簾的三個理由 (自費非業配)
Last Updated on 2020-08-31 by Foodelicious
這是第一篇關於房屋裝潢的文章, 這篇文章是關於自費的隆美窗簾心得, 我花了一些時間搜尋關於 台北窗簾推薦 或 新北窗簾推薦 , 隆美窗簾評價比較適合我這種怕麻煩的人, 以下是我推薦隆美窗簾的三個理由與使用心得.
This is the first article regarding Taipei Home Remodeling. This article is about purchasing at Lung Mei Curtain. The following are three reasons why I recommend Lung Mei Curtain.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
隆美窗簾 – 專業且快速
Lung Mei Curtain – Professional and Quick
首先, 先搜尋且打電話到住戶附近的隆美窗簾店面, 預約時間後, 隆美窗簾會先派人到府, 免費量窗戶所需要的窗簾尺寸, 也會用一張表格紀錄每個房間床簾的尺寸, 只想裝一個窗戶的窗簾也可以免費丈量. 在量的時候, 店員也很專業地詢問房間是不是有西曬或是想要哪一種類型的窗簾. 隆美窗簾有許多不同類型, 隆美窗簾花了一些行銷費用與部落客合作介紹 BLING 類型窗簾, 但是我個人比較喜歡單色窗簾而不是拼接不同顏色的窗簾. 圖二為丈量紀錄表格.
First, you would need to call the nearby Lung Mei Curtain Store to reserve for free measuring curtain size at your place. They will take notes at the check list. You can also get free measurement even for one curtain. The staff would ask you about questions regarding which type of curtain that we want. Or there is any special circumstance for the rooms. Lung Mei Curtain store has lots of different curtains. They recently are promoting BLING series, which is combined with several different fabric, with the bloggers/social media. I personally like single color curtain. Picture two is the measurement list.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
隆美窗簾 – 到店面看整片窗簾而不是一片布
Lung Mei Curtain – Full Image of curtain instead of a piece of fabric sample
當天早上丈量完後, 下午我就去店面選窗簾材質顏色,店面有多款窗簾類型顏色, 也有不同類型的窗軌. 在網路搜尋窗簾廠商時, 發現有些廠商是帶小片方形布 Sample 讓顧客挑選, 我個人比較喜歡看隆美的一整片窗簾樣品的視覺感與窗簾質地觸感. 請注意選完需要 100% 先付清, 隆美窗簾大約7 ~ 10 天工作天, 再到府裝窗簾.
Afterr the measurement process, I arrived at their store to select curtain color and texture. I prefer the full image and curtain texture instead of pieces of fabric sample. They also have various curtain rails. But, usually the staff would offer you advice or select the rail for you. Please note that you would need to pay 100% in advance. Lung Mei Curtain would need 7 ~ 10 working days to finish the product. They will install the curtains for you.
隆美窗簾 – 售後服務
Lung Mei Curtain – After Sales Service
隆美售後服務有平價窗簾清洗服務與檢查窗軌, 隆美窗簾提到他們不光是平價窗簾清洗服務, 他們到府拆除窗簾後也會提供暫時的窗簾給顧客, 重點是他們還會協助燙窗簾摺痕再到府安裝, 很適合用在新年大掃除, 此外, 如果窗軌也是隆美品牌, 他們也會檢查窗軌. 家裡的主臥窗軌是ㄇ字型, 很適合用在每年檢查窗軌的售後服務.
Lung Mei Curtain has good after services, which include price-friendly curtain cleaning and curtain rail checking. During the curtain washing period, they will also provide temporary curtain for the customer. The most important part would be they also iron the curtain and install. Also, they will also check the curtain rail.
Lung Mei Curtain Review
我分兩個房間寫, 也順便紀錄我家窗簾的型號. 文末有短秒影片.
I will categorize the review into two rooms, and also document the product number. There is a short video at the end of the article.
Master Room with Blend Curtain Rail
我選購的是溫柔大地 – 深灰, 型號是 17084601. 遮光度與隔熱度皆不錯, 今年夏天我每天都把兩側窗簾拉起來擋光線, 目前都容易收放, 並不會卡卡的, 有優點當然也有缺點, 缺點就是不會像百葉窗透風, 我沒買百頁窗因為價格較為昂貴, 反正淡水風很大, 秋冬我睡覺的時候大部分會把窗戶關上擋風.
I purchase dark grey color (product number: 17084601). The sunlight and temperature blocking functions are pretty good. The bend curtain rail seemed to be smooth. However, it is not easy to let the air in like shutters. I didn’t purchase shutters because it is quite expensive. Since Dansui has strong wind most of the time, I usually close the window during my sleep.
Curtain at Facing West Room
當時在隆美窗簾店面選西曬房間的窗簾材質時, 店員與我都花了一些時間溝通, 我後來選的是素色遮光布 (04022905) 與柔紗 – 白 (05022701), 遮光布大概可遮掉 70 %的光線, 相對也比較不透風, 我在下午拉起西曬房間的全部窗簾, 房間需要開電燈. 我選擇薄紗因為睡覺時可用薄紗窗簾透氣, 下午才有西曬狀況, 比較不用擔心.
Rooms that face west usually get very hot in the afternoon. It takes a while for staff and I discuss about the curtain. I selected the curtain that can block 70% lights (04022905) for this room. The other curtain that I pick is soft texture of gauze. I can draw down all the curtains during the afternoon. During my sleep, I can draw down the gauze to let some airs in.
隆美窗簾 – 價格 & 收據
Lung Mei Curtain – Price & Receipt
The price is for reference.
Lung Mei Curtain Contact Information