Custom-Made Cabinet & Closet 》選 藝峰工程行 為台北木櫃訂做推薦的原因 (自費非業配)

Last Updated on 2020-09-08 by Foodelicious

這是第二篇關於房屋裝潢的文章, 這次我們家的自費木櫃訂製 包括三大類: 衣櫃訂製, 電視櫃訂製與書櫃訂製, 以下是我選擇藝峰工程行的三個理由與使用心得.
This is the second article regarding Taipei Home Remodel. My family decides to purchase Custom-Made TV Cabinet, Book Shelf, and Closet. The article will include the three reasons that I chose Yi-Fung Contractor and Review. I paid full amount, so, this is not a promotion article!

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關於藝峰工程行 & 聯絡方式

About Yi-Fung Contractor

藝峰工程行業務範圍為大台北地區, 並沒有像傢俱工廠可以參觀工廠, 負責專案有住家也有商用, 由於老闆外務繁忙, 比較沒空管理網路行銷, 產品都是訂做, 關於這家公司的資料極少, 目前只有他公司的 Facebook 粉絲頁  ( ).  我家裡要裝潢, 找設計師費用超過預算太多, 只好直接詢問大樓管理委員會有無認識的設計師或是裝潢公司,  管理委員則介紹 “藝峰工程行“ . 聯絡方式是直接打藝峰工程行老闆曾先生的手機: 0925-281-198. 以下是我選藝峰工程行的三個原因.
Yi-Fung Contractor has commercial use and house use projects. Its service region is Taipei and New Taipei City. However, there isn’t much online information about this company. He only has a Facebook Fan Page ( ). The designer charges too much on home modeling. So, I decide to ask our building management association for further reference.  You would need to call the boss Mr. Tseng (cell number: 0925-281-198 ) for further arrangement. The following are the three reasons that I chose Yi-Fung Contractor. But, please note that Mr. Tseng does not speak English.



Three Reasons why I picked Yi-Fung Contractor

藝峰工程行 – 耐心專業講解

Yi-Fung Contractor – Patient to Explain

到府免費丈量和洽談需要約時間, 若是有平面圖 (圖一) 輔助溝通最好. 你需要先確定櫃子的擺設位置. 由於需要報價, 需要先決定哪種材質, 老闆都會現場講解材質與優缺點, 我們是選 KD 板.建議先從KD 板線上目錄 ( ) 選擇顏色 , 藝峰工程行曾老闆則是會拿 KD 板 3D 樣品顏色目錄給你做選擇.
You would need to arrange 1st meeting in order to do the free measurement and discuss more details about the project. It would be better if you have the layout of the house. You would need to confirm where to put the shelf because the quotation is based on the size and material. We picked veneer sheet, which we Taiwanese called it “KD Sheet”.Y ou can also see the sample online catalogue ( ) . The  boss Mr. Tseng would bring the veneer sheet sample catalogue for you to pick.


藝峰工程行- 可多次修改櫃子的設計圖

Yi-Fung Contracter – Revise Design Multiple Times

報價會以初次溝通的材質/Size/顏色 來計算, 若有更改, 報價會有變動. 開始進行櫃子設計圖是在確定報價後才開始進行. 藝峰工程行曾老闆是用手畫櫃子設計圖, 照相, 再傳給你, 別擔心, 他會標上尺寸與抽屜櫃子細節之類, 你可以直接修改他畫的圖片, 也可直接直接打 LINE 電話溝通細節. .
The quotation will be submitted to you based on first communication on material and size. After confirming the quotation, the boss wold start to hand-draw design instead of Autocade. No worries, he would state the size and inside design. You can revise his hand-drawing picture. You can discuss more details via Line.


藝峰工程行- 簽約/付款方式/額外服務

Yi-Fung Contracter – Price & Warranty

請注意客製櫃會在你家組裝, 而非完整直接搬至家裡. 你需要先與藝峰工程行提前告知其他傢俱需要防護套防塵. 當櫃子的報價/材質/顏色/設計圖皆確定後, 第三次見面就是簽約, 簽約是保障雙方, 據我所知, 有些公司因為金額不大, 不願意簽約. 付款方式是簽約後 100% 付清, 才會進行製作櫃子,  藝峰工程行的額外服務就是可協助叫大型垃圾清運車, 除了車子費用外, 再付一筆監工搬運費用, 藝峰工程行會安排人力當場協助從樓上搬到樓下. 趁這時候將家裡大掃除很方便. 以下是我們家櫃子的報價, 會因各家需求不同而有更改.
Please note that the custom-made shelf will be assembled at your house. When confirming shelf material/color/design, the 3rd meeting is to sign the contract. From what I know, some companies are not willing to sign. After you sign the contract, you would pay 100%. After the full amount is paid, they will start to manufacture. The extra service would be to assist reserving the large truck to ship the recycled closets. Besides the truck fee, you can also pay money to Mr. Tseng and his staffs to move the recycled furniture downstairs. It would be a good time to clean the house! The following is my house’s closet quotation. Your quotation might be vary due to request difference. 


訂作櫃使用心得 Review

電視櫃 & 書櫃 TV Cabinet & Book Shelf

我們本來就沒有所謂的電視櫃. 我們家本來是一個深色移動式木質書櫃搭配一個淺木色有玻璃系統櫃, 後來因為兩個櫃子皆損壞, 決定重做. 因此媽媽就決定做一個電視櫃加書櫃. KD 板耐刮, 目前尚未有任何問題. 櫃子裡的1cm 玻璃隔板非常堅固耐重.   藝峰工程行曾先生在書櫃裝上單邊的側邊燈光, 如果家裡有獎盃或是古董蠻適合.
We did not have TV Cabinet before. We only had one dark book shelf and one light color shelf with glasses. But, since both shelfs are broken and used, mom decided to custom-made TV Cabinet with two book shelfs. The glass in between is 1cm, which can held fair amount of weights. Mr. Tseng also installed light on the side of the closet to brighten up the arts or trophies.


主臥衣櫃 Master Bedroom Closet

以前的衣櫃是最傳統的推門, 有時開衣櫃時, 會怕五金生鏽或是怕門撞到床. 這次新的衣櫃是有拉軌的推拉門, 節省空間. 本來抽屜是有四個, 後來考量換季衣服折疊直接收進抽屜, 需要比較大的空間, 因此換成三個抽屜 (抽屜高度: 23cm). 千萬不要忘記衣櫥上也要有放棉被的空間 (棉被空間: 28 ~ 30 cm).
Our previous closet is the traditional pull door. Now this new closet door is slide doors. The previous design is supposed to be four drawers. However, considering the winter cloth are quite thick, we might need more spaces on the drawers. We revised to three drawers (23cm per drawer heights). Please remember to leave some spaces on the shelf for the blankets (height: 28cm ~ 30cm)


次臥衣櫃 Bedroom Closet

因為我有皮包與背包, 所以特別設計一個皮包收納空間 (空間高度: 23cm), 藝峰工程行曾老闆特別在兩個衣櫃門中間填滿空間, 防止灰塵由縫隙進入衣櫃. 衣櫃手把手感不錯, 推拉門與抽屜的滑軌都很順.
We design a space for my purses and backpacks (Height 23cm). Mr. Tseng also left no space in between slide doors in avoid of dusts. The overall experience is quite good.





1.丈量前要先上網 Google 搜尋自己想要的樣式, 也可至 Pinterest 網站 ( ) 或是 Pinterest App 搜尋
2.你需要先到 KD 板線上目錄 ( ) 選擇顏色
3. 需要先打電話給藝峰工程行曾老闆手機 (手機號碼: 0925-281-198 ) 預約第一次到府免費丈量時間 , 告知你想做的項目 – 衣櫃訂做, 電視櫃訂做 或是 書櫃訂做
4. 丈量時需決定櫃子的材質與擺放位置
5  老闆會帶 KD 板 3D 樣品顏色目錄給你做選擇
6. 記得先請老闆將合約草本 Line 給你看
7. 報價會以初次溝通的Size, 材質, 顏色提供, 若有更改, 價格會變
8. 確認報價後, 櫃子手工設計圖初稿才會提供



1. 在 LINE 上確認櫃子報價/材質/顏色/設計圖
2. 第二次約則是正式簽約, 簽完約後需要先 100 % 付清, 才會開始製作



1. 老闆會在你家簡單組裝櫃子, 畢竟有些櫃子尺寸太大無法進門, 別擔心, 並不會有擾人的甲醛味
2. 由於房間地板與床都需要裝拆保護膜, 建議留一天的時間



SOP of Custom-Made Closets

The following is just for reference.

1st Meeting

1. Before calling, you would need to google or go to Pinterest website ( ) or Pinterest App to find the closet design preference.
2.You would need to check KD Sheet online catalogue to pick colors. Link:
3. You would need to call Yi-Fung Contractor boss Mr. Tseng to arrange 1st meeting (手機號碼: 0925-281-198). Tell him what you wish to custom-made: Closet? TV Cabinet? Book shelf?
4. While measuring, you would need to decide the closet material/display location
5. Mr. Tseng would bring the 3D KD Sheet sample color catalogue to you to pick the final color. You would need to confirm the color
6.Remember to ask the boss to give you the contract draft
7. The quotation will be provided after confirming the material/size/color
8. The hand-drawing closet draft will be provided AFTER confirming the quotation


2nd Meeting

1.Confirm quotation/material/color/design via LINE
2.Sign the contract in person. You would need to pay 100% before starting manufacturing.


3rd Meeting

1.The closet will be assembled at your home. After all, some of the closet size is too large to move into the house. No worries, there won’t be any smell.
2. Since th bed and floor might need to put on/take off protection sheet, you would need to give one day for the whole assembly process.


短秒影片 Short Video



Yi-Fung Contractor Contact Information


建議打電話預約, 而非私訊

