台北可麗露禮盒推薦 》露 LooL Canelé Pâtisserie ( 內有下單方式 )

Last Updated on 2024-11-18 by Foodelicious

(2024. 11 更新) 露·LooL- Canelé Pâtisserie2022 新開幕的台北可麗露預約現烤專賣店 , 不開放內用或 Walk-in 購買, 除了經典可麗露禮盒外, 也有鹽之花起士奶蓋焦糖布丁禮盒咕露咕露禮盒.
(2024.11 Update) LooL Canelé Pâtisserie is a 2022 new reservation-only Canelé Store in Taipei. It doesn’t open for dine-in or walk-in purchase. Besides the Classic Canelé Gift Box, they also offer Flan with Cream Top and Fleur de sel Gift Box and Mini Kugelhopf Gift Box.

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關於 露·LooL 品牌

About LooL- Canelé Pâtisserie

品牌取名很重要, 要讓人記住並不簡單. 「 露·LooL 」品牌一目暸然是可麗露專賣店, Pastry Chef Lena Lo 姓「 羅 」, 因此有 LooL 品牌取名, 非常有記憶點.
Brand name is important. Pastry Chef Lena’s last name is Lo.  And「 露 」is the partial Chinese name of Canelé. Therefore,「 露·LooL 」brand is easy to remember.



露·LooL 下單

LooL- Canelé Pâtisserie Pickup and Lalamove

露·LooL Canelé pâtisserie 的下單方式是先至官方網站 ( Link: https://www.loolcanele.com ) 註冊會員 , 再到 露·LooL 網站選購放入網站購物車 (Link: https://www.loolcanele.com/products ), 只能「 外帶自取 」 與「 黑貓宅配 」.

✅ 外帶自取地點
露·LooL 店面: 台北市大同區民族西路75巷4號 (Map) – 位於圓山捷運站附近
Pickup 店面沒有開放內用, 也沒有 Walk-in 購買

How to order LooL Canelé pâtisserie? First, register as a member on their website (Link: https://www.loolcanele.com).Then, browse and select your desired items on the website and add them to your shopping cart (Link: https://www.loolcanele.com/products). You can choose self pick up or delivery.

✅ Pickup Location
LooL Canelé pâtisserie Store: No. 4 , 75th Lane, Minzu West Road, Datong District, Taipei City (Map) – Near Yuanshan MRT station
Pickup store doesn’t open for dine-in, nor walk-in purchase

(The Picture is provided by Lool’s Social Media)



LooL Canelé Pâtisserie Package


Canelé Gift Box

可麗露禮盒 (6入) 設計高貴典雅, 外型就像珠寶盒, 重點是禮盒耐冷凍, 而且防水, 禮盒放在室溫解凍, 禮盒質地不會變成濕軟.可麗露禮盒包裝紙袋需要另外購買, 一個可麗露提袋最多能夠裝到3盒可麗露. 也可以「 自備環保容器 」, 價格比較便宜, 自備容器尺寸為14cm ( 長 ) X 10cm ( 寬) X 5cm (高).
Canelé Gift Box has elegant design, which similar with jewel gift box. It is water-proof. You can defrost the gift box without getting the soft texture. You will need to pay extra for gift box bag. You can carry three Canelé Gift Boxes in one gift bag. You can also pack the Canelé with your own container, which will charge less. The container size is 14cm (L) x 10cm (W) x 5cm (H)



Flan with Cream Top and Fleur de sel Gift Box

鹽之花起士奶蓋焦糖布丁禮盒不錯看, 禮盒磅紙夠可以 Hold 住 6 個布丁, 布丁禮盒會免費附小湯匙, 布丁禮盒包裝紙袋需要另外購買, 這一款大 Size 禮盒袋可以放, 可裝最多2盒布丁與 2盒可麗露. 我個人建議只放一盒布丁與兩盒可麗露.
The flan gift box is a white gift box, which can held 6 units of flan. They will offer free small spoons for the flans. You will need to pay extra for the gift box bag. This large gift box can fit in 2 Flan Gift Boxes and 2 Canelé Gift Boxes. I suggest to put in 1 Flan Gift Box and 2 Canelé Gift Boxes only.



經典可麗露禮盒 Review ⭐

LooL- Canelé Review
Price: NTD $755
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍


About Ingredients

✅ 麵粉採用法國小麥粉以及日本麵粉

露·LooL-主廚 Lena Lo 是日本東京的服部營養學苑畢業,類似台灣的高雄餐旅學院概念,教育訓練更嚴謹, 主廚在畢業競賽時得到優秀賞, 多數亞洲甜點麵包店都是用日本與法國麵粉 Remix, 更適合亞洲人口味.

✅ 蘭姆酒是用深色蘭姆酒 ( Dark Rum ) 與其他進口食材

露·LooL-主廚提到有試過15種+ 的Rum 測試,決定使用最能帶出經典風味並帶有木質調的Dark Rum. 採用馬達加斯加香草豆莢的香草籽, 鮮奶油產自法國.

✅ Chef Lena uses French Wheat Flour and Japanese Flour

LooL- Canelé Pâtisserie chef is graduated from Hattori Nutrition College,Tokyo. She also won the Excellence Award. Most Asian Dessert Bakeries use French Flour and Japanese Flour remix to fit Asians‘ appetite.

✅ The chef uses Dark Rum and other imported ingredients

LooL- Canelé Pâtisserie chef tested 15+ types of rum. They decide to use dark rum, which has classic flavor. They use Madagascar vanilla and the cream is from France.


可麗露 Review

Canelé Review

我是隔天吃可麗露, 打開冷凍禮盒時, 先是注意到金箔的亮麗點綴, 依舊保存烘烤後的迷人香氣, 照著小卡片指示加熱. 熱騰騰地吃, 外層酥脆會有意想不到的 ㄎㄠˇ聲響. 除了法國波爾多BAILLARDRAN 品牌銅模的輔助, 完美蜂巢狀切面也需要主廚熟練的烘烤經驗. 內層更是比其他可麗露Q軟, 深色蘭姆酒賦予微酒香讓人印象深刻,  龍眼蜜讓這款可麗露多了些許蜜香.  中 Size 可麗露不錯吃, 我初次品嚐就吃了兩顆可麗露, 美味程度與價格成正比. 初次推薦買一盒來試試.
I tasted the canelé the next day. When opening the frozen gift box, you will notice the golden foil decoration. You can sense the luxurious after-bake aroma. You can follow the instruction card to re-bake. The canelé appearance has the crispy sound. Besides French BAILLARDRAN copper cannelé mold, the perfect honeycomb filling also requires chef’s baking skill as well. The canelé filling tastes delicious. The hints of dark rum aroma is impressive.  The longan honey offers the honey aroma and flavor for this canelé .  The medium size Canelé is quite delicious. The price is reasonable and matches its delicious level. I would recommend you to purchase one box for the first time.


可麗露中秋禮盒 Review ⭐

LooL Canelé Pâtisserie Moon Festival Gift Box Review
Price: NTD $755
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

露 · LooL 可麗露中秋禮盒限量販售. 2023 中秋禮盒裡共有三種口味 -桂花包種茶, 經典原味與鹹蛋黃起士. 對我來說, 經典原味一直都是最愛. 露 · LooL 選用知名“舞間茶心”品牌的桂花包種茶粉, 製作可麗露蛋糕體. 烘烤加熱後, 茶香更加明顯. 至於第三款可麗露, 頂部有鹹蛋黃粉與白巧克力 ,  法國乳酪則是包裹在小 Size 且鹹香的手剝鹹蛋黃外. 頗具創意且不失比例, 不會掩蓋可麗露本身的風味. 這三種風味且微酥脆的可麗露適合帶去在中秋 Party 跟朋友們分享.
LooL Brand offers limited edition canelé gift boxes for the Mid-Autumn Festival.. There are three flavors in this gift box – Osmanthus Oolong Tea, Classic Original, and Salted Egg Yolk with Cheese. For me, the classic original canelé pâtisserie has always been my favorite. LooL uses Osmanthus Oolong Tea powder from the famous brand “Dancing Tea” to make the canelé pâtisserie base. After baking to reheat, the tea aroma becomes even more pronounced. The third flavor is quite creative, which is salted egg yolk powder with white chocolate on top. Inside the canelé pâtisserie, there is a small, savory, hand-peeled salted egg yolk with French Cheese. Overall, it doesn’t overpower the canelé’s own flavor. These three flavors of slightly crispy LooL Canelé Pâtisserie are great for bringing to a Mid-Autumn party and sharing with friends.


咕露咕露中秋禮盒 Review (12入) ⭐

LooL Mini Kugelhopf Moon Festival Gift Box Review (12 units)
Price: NTD $530
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

露 · LooL 這次有特地為中秋節與插畫家”ㄟ瑞歐” 合作, 繪製可愛的中秋禮盒食用小卡. 咕露咕露發想於咕咕霍夫, 這一盒裡有12入的迷你一口咕露咕露, 每一個皆有包裝, 以維持濕潤口感, 可以常溫保存, 適合分享.

共有三款風味 (上至下)
✅ 柚子胡椒
吃一口發現並不是常見磅蛋糕用的糖漬橙橘, 看小卡片敘述才知道是日本梅原糖漬柚子丁 , 搭配柚子胡椒醬, 帶些許辛香與柚子風味, 完美契合中秋柚子主題

✅ 經典原味
採用法國產區限定依思尼發酵奶油, 鹽之花與杏仁粉, 造就迷人的奶油香, 建議室溫吃, One-Bite Size 很適合當下午茶點.

✅ 桂花紅烏龍
露 · LooL 採用舞間茶心紅烏龍茶粉製作鬆軟的咕露咕露, 再搭配銘珍蜜釀桂花餡與鮮採桂花釀, 相較於經典原味款 , 略有微茶香與微花香

LooL Brand has collaborated with a famous Taiwanese illustrator to create adorable mooncake gift cards. This moon festival gift box has 12 units of Mini Kugelhopf, which all are individual packed to keep the moisture texture. It can be kept under the room temperature and great for sharing.

There are three flavors (From top the bottom)

✅ Yuzu Pepper
Upon taking a bite, I discovered that it’s not the commonly used candied tangerine in pound cakes. Reading the card, I found out it’s Japanese candied yuzu peel, paired with yuzu pepper sauce, which brings a slightly spicy and yuzu-flavored twist. It perfectly matches the Mid-Autumn yuzu theme.

✅ Classic Original
It is made with French Isigny fermented butter, fleur de sel, and almond powder. Overall, it creates a captivating buttery aroma. I recommend enjoying it at room temperature. The one-bite size is perfect for afternoon tea.

✅ Osmanthus Red Oolong Tea
LooL uses red oolong tea powder from the “Dancing Tea” brand to create a soft and fluffy cake, paired with Ming-Jen’s honey-sweetened osmanthus filling and freshly picked osmanthus flowers. Compared to the Classic Original, it has a slight tea aroma and a hint of floral notes.



鹽之花起士奶蓋焦糖布丁禮盒 Review ⭐

LooL- Flan with Cream Top and Fleur de sel Gift Box Review (6 units)
Price: NTD $660
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

冷藏後的布丁層次分明, 我個人建議奶蓋,布丁, 與底部焦糖一起入口, 新鮮現打起司奶蓋濃稠且細緻,法國鹽之花賦予微鹹, 滑順布丁口感令人滿意, 同時也可以吃到馬達加斯加香草籽, 手煮焦糖液採用日本上白糖, 有特色的苦甜焦糖增加多層次風味, 也與奶蓋甜度 Balance. 禮盒裡有附小湯匙, 適合與朋友一起分享.
The flan layers are more obvious after refrigeration. I would suggest to taste the cream top, flan and caramel all together. The cream top is thick and smooth. The slight saltness comes from the Fleur de sel. I am satisfied with the smooth texture of the flan along with the Madagascar vanilla. You can taste the bitterness and sweetness from the caramel at the bottom. All are balanced. They also offer free small spoon at the gift box. It is suitable for sharing.


結論 Conclusion ⭐


✅ 露·LooL- Canelé Pâtisserie 販售
經典可麗露禮盒 NTD $755 (6入 )
鹽之花起士奶蓋焦糖布丁禮盒 NTD $660 (6入)

✅ 中 Size 可麗露不錯吃, 外酥內軟, 有 Dark Rum 賦予的微酒香, 美味程度與價格成正比. 初次推薦買一盒來試試

✅ 鹽之花起士奶蓋焦糖布丁禮盒比較適合分享, 奶蓋濃郁細緻很特別, 有附小湯匙

✅ 一盒有 12入咕露咕露, 而且個別包裝, 非常適合分享

✅ 需私訊店家 Instagram (@lool_canele) 預約甜點, 同意日期再到 iChef 網頁 下單 ( https://shop.ichefpos.com/store/tGXxM_F-/ordering ), 有單才會製作保持新鮮度, 一盒也能預訂, 不用註冊登入.

✅ 只能自取 Pickup 或是 Lalamove (店家安排Lalamove, 運費由客人付), Pickup 店面沒有開放內用, 也沒有 Walk-in 購買

✅  請注意可麗露禮盒保存方式是冷凍, 布丁禮盒保存方式是冷藏, 咕露咕露保存方式是常溫

The conclusions are down below

✅ LooL- Canelé Pâtisserie offers
A. Canelé Gift Box Review NTD $755 (6 units )
B. Flan with Cream Top and Fleur de sel Gift Box NTD $660 (6 units)

✅ The medium size Canelé is quite delicious. It has crispy appearance and the filling inside tastes quite soft. It also has hints of aroma of dark rum. The price is reasonable and matches its delicious level. I would recommend you to purchase one box for the first time.

✅ Flan with Cream Top and Fleur de sel Gift Box is suitable for sharing. The cream top is thick and smooth, which is quite special. They also offer small spoon.

✅ There are 12 units individual packed of Mini Kugelhopf. It is suitable for sharing. 

✅ You will need to contact via Instagram (@lool_canele) to reserve desserts. Both sides agree the finished date. Then, the customer will need to order via iChef page ( https://shop.ichefpos.com/store/tGXxM_F-/ordering ) . They will only start making the dessert when there are orders. You can also reserve for just one box. You don’t need to register and log in.

✅ You can only Pickup or use Lalamove delivery (The store will arrange.  The customer will pay for the delivery fee). Pickup store doesn’t open for dine-in. And there is no Walk-in purchase.

✅  Please keep Canelé  frozen. As for the flan, please keep it refrigerated.Mini Kugelhopf can be kept under room temperature.




♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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露 LooL Canelé Pâtisserie 資訊

LooL Canelé Pâtisserie Information

店名: 露 LooL Canelé Pâtisserie (不對外開放, 預約自取外帶為主)
地址: 台北市大同區民族西路75巷4號 (Map)
捷運站: 圓山站
電話: 02-2595-2566
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/lool_canele/
Shop: LooL Canelé Pâtisserie ( Not open to Public. Reserve to pickup and deliver only)
Address: No. 4 , 75th Lane, Minzu West Road, Datong District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Yuanshan MRT Station
Tel: 02-2595-2566


