Zhongshan Food 中山站美食 》龍亭菜單只賣星期五六日
Last Updated on 2023-05-16 by Foodelicious
(快閃店) 台北龍亭餐廳只有星期五六日進駐於北風社咖啡店裡, 也是神秘的赤峰街美食推薦之一, 每週龍亭菜單與營業時間都不太一樣, 請關注他們的Instagram 與 Facebook.
(Nomad) Taipei Long Ting Food is located inside Bei Fong She Coffee Shop during Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Long Ting is also a mysterious Chifeng Street Food recommendation. Long Ting menu and operation hour are different every week. You will need to follow their social media.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
Long Ting Food
龍亭是靠近中山捷運站四號出口和雙連站一號出口, 龍亭進駐於不限時地北風社咖啡店裡, 招牌是以「北風社」為主, 這裡的住址就是之前的 ”光の越後” . 我會建議營業時間前 10 分鐘就到一樓門口排隊 , 當天用餐我是 12:45到, 1pm 後面就排滿人. 開門上二樓, 若是一人可考慮坐吧台, 閣樓聽說是榻榻米. 因為北風社是不限時咖啡店, 通常週末在開門後15分鐘就坐滿, 不接受訂位.
Long Ting Food is near Zhongshan MRT station Exit 4 and Shuang Lan MRT station Exit 1. Long Ting Food is located inside Bei Fong She Coffee Shop, which is a coffee shop with unlimited dining time. I will suggest to arrive the place 10 minutes earlier at operation hour. I arrived at 12:45, and after 1pm, there are people lining up. You would need to walk up to the 2F. The attic is tatami. They do not accept reservation.
延伸閱讀: 光の越後 》日本籍阿光師之不按牌理出牌的美味 | Taipei Japanese Diner
龍亭點菜 SOP
Long Tine Food Order SOP
先入座, 走到後門陽台 (如圖) 就可以看到 「 龍亭」招牌與窗口, 每週菜單都只有一款限定料理, 不定期更換, 請關注他們的Instagram 與 Facebook公告. 直接在窗口說你要一份, 座位描述一下即可, 這裡是採 “先點菜, 上菜後付現金“.
After seating, you would need to walk through the back door to the balcony (as picture). You would need to order at the window. Every week only has one dish with limited quantity. Please follow their social media to check if this week’s dish is your favorite. After ordering the dish, you might need to explain which table that you are sitting at. The payment policy is “order first, and pay while serving the dish”.
Long Tine Food Menu
Steak Rice with Soy Sauce Marinated Egg Yolk
Price: NTD $300
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
龍亭主廚現點現做, 端上桌時, 被完美的漬蛋黃吸引 , 主廚採用微甜日本醬油醃製土雞蛋黃, 呈現完美的月見 Style, 蛋黃立體且濃稠程度高, 連同醬油拌飯很美味. 牛肉嫩肩里肌刀工整齊且厚度剛好, 半熟微軟不錯吃, 唯獨米飯有點乾硬, 我是個吃軟飯的人. 份量女生大約七分飽, 男生可能六分飽. 整體來說, 我個人會再來, 價格合理, 也很推薦.
Long Ting Chef made a beautiful presentation with soy sauce marinated egg yolk. The egg yolk has thick texture. Eating along with the sauce with rice is delicious. The blade steak is cut in slice consistently , which is quite impressive. The steak tastes quite tender and yummy. However, the rice is a bit “hard”. I personally prefer soft rice. The quantity will fulfill 70% appetite for girls and probably 60% appetite for guys. Overall, I will visit again since the price is quite reasonable. I also recommend Long Ting too.
延伸閱讀: 台北中山站美食推薦懶人包 》 Zhongshan Station Restaurants Guide
延伸閱讀: 其他雙連站美食餐廳 》 Other Restaurants near Shuanglian MRT station
Bei Fong She Coffee Shop
北風社是不限時咖啡店, 有 Wifi. 不接受訂位, 低消是一杯飲料. 要離開時再付錢.
Bei Fong She Coffee Shop is a coffee shop with unlimited dining time. They have WIFI and do not accept reservation. The minimum charge is one drink.
Bei Fong She Coffee Shop
Signature Milk Tea
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
這款是他們的招牌飲料. 風箏奶茶比預期地好喝, 用的是鮮奶, 夠濃郁, 因為這裡不限時, 我可以接受 NTD $150 價格. 搭配任何餐點也不錯. 我個人會推薦點.
This milk tea is their best selling drink. The milk tea tastes great expectedly. They use milk instead of milk powder. I can accept NTD $150 since it doesn’t have limited dining time. The milk tea pairs well with other dishes as well. I will recommend to order.
Price: NTD $160
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
當時吃完龍亭限定料理與喝完奶茶, 就決定點一杯卡布奇諾, 微焦苦, 我個人還是比較推薦風箏奶茶.
After eating Long Ting dish and Signature milk tea, I decide to order Cappuccino. It has small amount of bitterness. I still recommend their milk tea though.
Bei Fong She Coffee Shop Menu
結論 Conclusion
建議先到龍亭 Instagram ( @long_ting_food ) 看這週菜單是不是你喜歡. 記得早點到. 到這裡吃飯基本上就是要點一份龍亭限時限量的菜餚與一杯北風社飲料, 總共不會超過 NTD $500, 不限時用餐時間是也是優點之一. 我個人會再二訪.
I would suggest you to go to Long Tin Food Instagram (@long_ting_food) to check if you like their dish of the week. Please remember to arrive earlier. You can order one dish from Long Ting and one drink from Bei Fong She Shop. The total will not exceed NTD $500. The unlimited dining time is also a plus. I will visit 2nd time in the future.
Long Ting Food Short Video
龍亭 資訊
店名: 龍亭
地址: 台北市大同區赤峰街47巷18號2樓 (Map)
捷運站: 中山捷運站 or 雙連捷運站
電話: 02-2559-4019
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/龍亭-105727204334433
Restaurant: Long Ting Food
Address: 2F, No 18, 47th Lane, Chifeng Street, Datong District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongshan MRT station & Shuang Lan MRT station
Tel: 02-2559-4019