Loison Panettone 》義大利聖誕麵包 | IL MERCATO 餐飲通路銷售新計畫
Last Updated on 2018-09-08 by Foodelicious
天母 IL MERCATO 義瑪卡多餐廳 ( 鵬達管理顧問有限公司 ) 開始販售自家進口食材與酒到其他餐飲通路販售, 這次有這個榮幸受邀到鵬達管理策劃的 Loison Panettone 新品發表會.
Tapei IL MERCATO (dP Management Food and Wine Distribution) starts selling their own imported food ingredients and wines to other Restaurants. I have the opportunity to attend their LOISON PANETTONE new product event.
IL MERCATO 義瑪卡多餐廳是自己進口食材, 近期也連開了多家餐酒館, 這次的新策劃是將自家進口的高級食材也販售給其他餐廳, 產品包括義大利麵條, 義大利麵粉, 起司, 調味品, 保存食品和義大利酒, 也海運進口義大利知名品牌 Loison 限量聖誕麵包, 將義大利不一樣風情帶進台灣.
Most people know that IL MERCATO restaurant imported their own food ingredients for quality control and uniqueness. Recently, they opened several bistros. This time, their new plan is to sell those food ingredients (including pasta, cheese, preserved food, and Italian wines) to other restaurants. They also plan to import the famous brand LOISON PANETTONE to Taiwan.
Loison 品牌聖誕麵包產品發表會辦在萬豪飯店IL MERCATO 大直宴會餐廳包廂, 長型桌上擺滿不同口味的Loison Panettone 切塊樣品, 目測大約 10 ~ 12 種, 由於發表會節奏快, 以下只介紹我覺得不錯的Panettone和三支酒, 關於進貨價與規格, 請直接詢問鵬達管理顧問有限公司. 備註: Panettone 結束訂單日期為 2018/8/31.
The LOISON PANETTONE new product event is hosted at the IL MERCATO Cafe private dining room in Taipei Marriott Hotel. There are many different types of LOISON PANETTONE samples. I would only review a few PANETTONE and three wines. Regarding the price and package information, please contact with dP Management Food and Wine Distribution. Remark: PANETTONE order ends at 2018/8/31.
國外節慶麵包或甜點相當多, 例如德國史多倫(Stollen), 就像台灣過年要吃年糕的概念, Panettone 則是每逢聖誕節慶,都會出現在各個義大利家庭聖誕派對, 作為餐後甜點. 後來上網查後, 才知道原來 Panettone 跟義大利酒分級 (DOC, DOCG.. etc) 一樣有法律規定, 必須用發酵至少48小時的老麵與特定比例奶油等特殊條件製作才能稱作Panettone. 這次介紹的Loison品牌升級為發酵72小時的老麵, 難怪是公認義大利前三大Panettone 品牌.
There are many holiday breads or desserts, such as Stollen at Germany. Panettone is also called Christmas bread since it shows up in every family table in Italy during Christmas. After googling, there is a actual regulation law for Panettone, for example, you need to use at least 48 hours fermentation batch. Surprisingly, LOISON brand upgrades its batch to 72 hours fermentation batch. No wonder LOISON is one of the three famous Panettone brand.
Loison Brand Panettone
中文名稱: Loison 品牌潘娜朵尼聖誕麵包
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
Panettone 雖然稱為聖誕麵包, 在發表會看到的少數產品 Size 與8 吋蛋糕一樣大, Loison品牌的Panettone 有圓柱外觀搭配半球膨厚感, 絲毫不受運送過程影響而外觀破損, 外表之紮實程度會把它誤認為圓型磅蛋糕.
Even though Panettone is called Christmas bread, there are still several packages are as large as 8 inch cake. LOISON brand Panettone appearance is not damaged after long distance shipment.
由於產品發表會速度快, 我直接寫我吃到覺得在台灣應該會受歡迎的品項 – 經典糖漬水果乾風味, 巧克力風味和烘烤杏仁風味. 鵝黃色麵包體氣孔相當小, 吃起來如預期紮實帶有些微軟, 口感卻不過乾. 我等不及先將經典糖漬水果乾風味 (圖一) 咬一口, 糖漬水果乾意外地並不會過硬或過小, 因爲台灣人對Panettone 並沒有太多認識, 我會推薦最經典的糖漬水果乾風味. 至於巧克力風味 (圖二), 巧克力內餡比預期中地多, 幾乎每一口都可感受到濃郁巧克力, 愉悅節慶氣氛彷彿在味蕾上停留. 烘烤杏仁 (圖三) 剛好也是台灣人會喜歡的口感與風味, 吃完餐廳的前菜與主餐, 來點不一樣的口感也很合適.
Since there are too many samples to taste within such a short time, I would only write the expected popular items in the future for Taiwan. The classic dried fruit Panettone (1st picture) is probably the safest option for restaurants to serve. Most Taiwanese do not have enough knowledge of Panettone, therefore, going for the classic direction would be the best. I tried out the dried fruit filling before taking the picture. The medium sweet dried fruit is not hard nor too small. Another choice would be the Chocolate Panettone (2nd picture). There are large amount of chocolate filling. Every bite can feel the thick chocolate flavor. As for the baked almond (3rd picture), different types of texture and flavor is delightful and suitable for Taiwanese preference.
建議餐飲通路可購買來 Serve 吃餐廳特定聖誕大餐的客人, 值得一提的是在發表會上, 廠商有準備經典Panettone 沾醬- 薩巴雍醬 (Zabaione), 將如起司般濃郁的甜醬用湯匙勺起淋上Panettone, 如此經典吃法讓人感覺一秒到義大利.
I would suggest the restaurants can purchase LOISON Brand PANETTONE for serving their customers during Christmas Season. Also, dP Management Food and Wine Distribution prepared the classic Zabaione for PANETTONE to dip in. This new products offer a full Italian experience.
Villa Sandi Prosecco
ABV: 11%
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
IL MERCATO 義大利酒的平價是眾所皆知, 這款氣泡酒是DOC 等級, 酒標上的 “Millesimato” 的意思此款是用單一年份葡萄製作, 這款則是用 100% Glera 葡萄. 金黃色顏色酒體氣泡不間斷, 濃郁果香與花香是多數台灣人最愛的風味 (尤其是女性), 若是煩惱派對要買哪些酒, 這支是不錯的選擇.
Most people know that IL MERCATO’s Italian wine is price-friendly. This Prosecco is DOC level. The “Millesimato” on the wine label means the manufacture uses the grape in the same year. This Prosecco is 100% Glera. The golden wine body is full of fruity and flora aroma and flavor. Most Taiwanese (especially females) would love this Prosecco. If you are worried what to purchase to a party, this wine might be one of your options.
Nonino Grappa
ABV: 41 %
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
如果平常沒有在喝酒, 應該不會知道 “Grappa”, 也就是義大利白蘭地. Nonino 品牌採用 100 % Chardonney , 最特別的地方是用斷續的間接火源蒸餾, 難怪喝起來沒有 “PATRON SILVER TEQUILA” 如此有衝擊, 但因為酒精濃度高, 整體喝起來有著溫柔之上狂野之下的感覺, 請記得冰鎮後喝會比較適合, 甜度與酒精濃度皆會比較舒緩.
If you don’t drink alcohol, you probably don’t know Grappa, which is Italian Brandy. Nonino uses 100% Chardonnay to distill. The full-bodied body didn’t strike me as “PATRON SILVER TEQUILA”. Since the ABV is high, it tastes a bit in the middle of strong and tender feeling. I would recommend to refrigerate before drinking. Both sweetness and alcohol level might be better for your taste.
義大利白蘭地 (精萃)
Amaro Nonino Grappa Quintessentia
ABV: 35 %
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
橘褐色是台灣人所熟悉的白蘭地顏色, 這支Amaro Nonino Grappa Quintessentia 卻有相當交錯複雜的風味, 入口前會聞到濃郁酒精與香料氣息, 彷彿是在警告平常沒在喝酒或是高濃度酒精的人, 酒體飽滿圍繞著舌尖, 強烈感受到Nonino 加進的香料風味, 草本風味濃郁帶有點苦味, 在木桶熟成後的白蘭地成為沉穩的大人, 建議與威士忌的喝法一樣, 冰喝或是加冰塊會比較順口.
Most Taiwanese only consider orange-brown color as the classic Brandy color. This Amaro Nonino Grappa Quintessentia has different texture of flavors due to aging in the oak cask with other spices. Before drinking, you can sense the high level alcohol and spice aroma. The full-bodied texture surrounds the tastebuds. You can strongly sense the spice flavor with a bit bitterness. I would suggest to drink this brandy with cold temperature of with ice.
台灣總代理: 鵬達管理顧問有限公司
地址: 台北市內湖區瑞湖街158號2樓 (MAP)
Tel: 02-2627-9616
Website: http://dpm.com.tw/zh/home-3/
Taiwan Sole Distributor: dP Management Food and Wine Distribution
Address: No. 158, Reihu Street, Neihu District, Taipei City, Taiwan (Map)
Tel: 02-2627-9616