Le Duet Kitchen and Bar 》台北信義區餐酒館 (內有新菜單)

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

Le Duet Kitchen and Bar台北信義區美食餐廳之一, 也是少數有 Fusion 風格的台北餐酒館, 近期 Le Duet 菜單從單點菜餚改為套餐.
Le Duet Kitchen and Bar is one of the Xinyi District Restaurants. It is a Taipei Fusion Bistro. Recently, Le Duet menu changes to set menu from single dish.

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Le Duet Kitchen and Bar 餐廳訂位

Le Duet Kitchen and Bar Reservation

Le Duet Kitchen and Bar 是松菸附近的美食餐廳, 離市政府捷運站1號出口約 10 ~ 15 分鐘. Le Duet 招牌在巷弄裡十分顯眼, 餐廳佔地比預期地寬敞, 吧台座位區不是像 “侯布雄”的高腳椅, Le Duet 並沒有包廂, 但是有舒適的沙發座位區. Le Duet Kitchen and Bar 餐廳訂位可用 inline ( https://inline.app/booking/-M-jyEOsvgDB0iGW7qDU:inline-live-1/-M-jyESrJa_k1ADTR1g9 ), 目前已經無隔板.
Le Duet Kitchen and Bar is near Songshan Culture Park restaurant. It is about 10 ~ 15 minutes walking from City Hall MRT station Exit 1. The logo is quite obvious. The bar seats are not like the high chairs at “L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei”. Le Duet doesn’t have private dining room. But, it has a comfortable sofa seating area. You can use inline to reserve ( https://inline.app/booking/-M-jyEOsvgDB0iGW7qDU:inline-live-1/-M-jyESrJa_k1ADTR1g9 ). Now, they don’t have Partition

延伸閱讀: L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei 》侯布雄菜單 2021 幾乎全都點

延伸閱讀: 其他台北市政府捷運站美食 》Other Restaurants near Taipei City Hall MRT station


Le Duet 開瓶費

Le Duet Taipei Corkage Fee

餐廳有販售調酒與瓶裝酒, Le Duet 只有洗杯費, 沒有開瓶費. 2021 年 Le Duet 洗杯費為 NTD $150/杯
The restaurant offers cocktail and bottle wine. 2021 Le Duet wine glass washing fee is NTD $150/glass.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


Le Duet 套餐菜單 ⭐

Le Duet Kitchen and Bar Set Menu

Le Duet 是法文, 中文翻譯是“雙重奏” , Le Duet Kitchen and Bar 餐廳與其他歐式餐酒館不同, Le Duet 菜餚結合少許日式與法式風格, Le Duet 提供的是 Chef’s Tasting Menu, 換句話說, 這次我寫的內容也許會跟你去用餐的內容不一樣, 主廚會依舊當天食材來決定當天的菜單.      這次 2021 秋冬套餐菜色則是有加入台灣在地元素, 升級為三重奏.

Tasting Menu 套餐有兩款價格
✅ NTD $1580 套餐: 6 道菜餚
✅ NTD $2480 套餐: 7 道菜餚

Le Duet is French, which means duo. Different from other Taipei Bistros, Le Duet is fusion with Japanese and French Style. Le Duet restaurant offers Chef’s Tasting Menu. In other words, chef will decide what dish to serve based on their present ingredients. The dishes that I wrote as following might not be the same on your Tasting Menu.    2021 Fall & Winter menu also has Taiwanese styles. Overall, it upgrades to trio style.

Tasting Menu Set Price
✅ NTD $1580 Set: 6 Dishes
✅ NTD $2480 Set: 7 Dishes

Le Duet Chef’s Tasting Menu

Price: NTD $2480


Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

置放菜餚的餐盤具有少許日式懷石風格. 剛端上桌時, 店員親切地介紹料理且告知建議吃的順序 – 從右至左.第三道北海道干貝 & 松露醬與第四道芝麻葉較為常見. 最右邊以北非小米與藜麥為底部, 堆疊鮪魚泥與少許腐乳醬, 再以鮭魚卵與蒔蘿作為裝飾, 藜麥與北非小米賦予顆粒感, 重點是腐乳醬並不會蓋住海鮮風味.
The display has Japanese Kaiseki style. The staff instructed to eat from right to left. The third dish (Scallop & truffle sauce) and fourth dish arugula taste average. The first dish’s base is couscous with quinoa, which offers the grainy texture. The tuna paste and fermented bean curd sauce are placed on the appearance. The tuna and dill are the final touch. The most important part would be the bean curd sauce doesn’t cover the seafood flavor from the tuna paste.


第二道看似單純的馬祖淡菜, 孰不知主廚將鱈魚肝臟隱藏在淡菜內, 以番茄醬與酸豆為底的鮮紅煙花女 Salsa 搭配少許鹹蛋黃粉末 ,平衡了內臟的經典風味, 讓更多層次的鮮味蔓延至味蕾.
The 2nd dish seemed to be just simply mussel. Surprisedly, the chef puts the cod liver inside the mussel. The salsa base is tomato and capers along with salty egg powder. Overall, it balances out the classic liver flavor. The mussel is juicy and brings out more seafood flavor than expected.




Pig Blood Cake/Chicken Liver Pate / Iberico Ham /Micro Coriander
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

此道料理是 Le Duet Kitchen and Bar 的招牌料理 . 以台式在地菜餚豬血糕為主題, 一份有兩個, 先用柴魚湯燉煮豬血糕, 類似關東煮方式, 餐廳自製雞肝醬則是低溫烹調, 再以威士忌與蜂蜜稍作調味, 平衡經典內臟風味, 創造出如同慕斯的口感, 偏重的內臟口味皆被中和. 香菜苗吃起來如生菜般偏細緻, 並不是偏嗆的香菜 , 炙烤伊比利火腿增加脆口感, 置放於一旁的是金鑽鳳梨 Salsa , 果香十足. 整道菜餚有台灣元素與異國烹調方式, 適合喜歡品嚐 Fusion 混搭料理的人.
This dish is Le Duet Kitchen and Bar Signature dish. The theme is obviously Taiwanese street food – Pig blood cake. The pig blood cake is cooked with Japanese oden cooking method. The liver pate is cooked with low temperature along with whiskey and honey. It becomes like mousse texture. The grilled Iberico Ham offers the crispy texture. The sauce on the side is pineapple salsa, which is full of fruity aroma. This particular dish is suitable for people who like fusion style.




Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

店員指導喝這道湯品要像日式奉茶方式 (圖2), 頗具儀式感, 不需要用到湯匙, 營造不同氛圍. 湯品裡有福菜雞肉丸, 柳針菇 ,蛤蜊與芥藍, 再點上些許白松露油. 店家將客家食材- 福菜與雞肉丸結合, 網路上提到福菜是新鮮芥菜經過醃製與發酵, 福菜的酸度溫和且風味不會太過重, 可惜湯品喝起來以松露風味為主, 我個人反而比較希望是以蛤蜊的鮮甜味為主.
The staff instructed that you would need to held the soup bowl like the tea cup (Picture 2). The soup has mushroom, clam, bok choy, and mixed chicken pickled vegetable meatball, which is more toward the Hakka style. The acidity from the pickled vegetable is not too strong. I would wish the soup tastes toward the clams seafood flavor. But, the soup is dominates by truffle flavor.



Steamed Red Grouper
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

菜餚一端上頗具美感, 從上至下為牛蒡絲, 魚高湯泡泡, 毛豆仁豆豉醬與清蒸紅鰷石斑魚, 雖然魚食材先用香料浸泡鹽水一天, 可惜微濃郁的毛豆仁豆豉醬風味覆蓋住清蒸魚的清爽鮮味.
From top to bottom is burdock, fish foam, edamame sauce and steamed grouper. Even though the grouper is seasoned with spices/herbs for a day, the edamame thick sauce still covers the fresh seafood flavor from the steamed fish.



Overnight Rib
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

牛小排是採用USDA Black Angus Prime 等級 , 灑鹽出水, 風乾一夜, 一夜干過程讓肉香更加濃郁,  微辛香的阿根廷青醬堆疊出更多風味, 五分熟牛小排吃起來頗為軟嫩, 搭配起來不錯吃. 置放於一旁的鴨油炙烤季節時蔬與烤蔥更突顯出主廚想強調的野味主題.
The chef uses USDA Black Angus Prime rib. It was seasoned with salt and dried out for one night, which is a Japanese marinated method. The Chimichurri sauce on the steak brings out more flavors. The medium rib tastes quite tender and delicious. The grilled seasonal vegetables and grilled green onions match the wild harvest dish theme.



Sushi Rice / Sea Urchin
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

一份為兩個, 這一道也是 Le Duet Kitchen and Bar 的招牌料理, 若是不注意看, 其實不會注意到, 除了北海道海膽, 還有店家特製腐乳醬致放在烤壽司上方, 炙烤過的飯吃起來顆粒感十足, 北海道海膽風味因為腐乳醬有稍微減弱, 很適合喜歡 Fusion 飲食風格的人.
There are two units in one dish. This is also Le Duet’s signature dish as well. The rice is grilled, which brings the grainy texture. The seafood flavor from the uni decreases a bit because of the bean curd sauce. This dish is suitable for people who prefer fusion style.


費南雪/ 酒粕冰淇淋

Financier / Sake Kasu Ice Cream
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

Le Duet Kitchen and Bar 有自己的甜點師傅,可食用的紫蘇花點綴讓整體甜點設計頗具 Fine Dining 架勢. 最特別的莫過於奶油乳酪隱藏在費南雪裡, 就像磅蛋糕奶香十足, 酒粕冰淇淋裡的醃製葡萄乾平衡充滿奶油香味的舌尖.
Le Duet Kitchen and Bar has its own dessert chef. The purple edible flower design upgrades the dessert to the Fine Dining image. The most special part would be the cream cheese hidden inside the Financier. The taste is more buttery, just like pound cake. The raisin inside the ice cream balanced out the buttery flavor on the tastebuds.


Le Duet 調酒菜單⭐

Le Duet Kitchen and Bar Cocktail Menu


No. 1 調酒

No. 1 Cocktail
Price: NTD $350
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

Le Duet Kitchen and Bar 的調酒菜單是知名 Bar Weekend 設計, 連菜單都特別細心設計, 從風味細緻到風味飽滿. No. 1 調酒是屬於風味細緻類型, 基酒伏特加不會過濃, 有喝到隱約的四季春茶風味, 萊姆賦予細緻清爽, 適合不常喝調酒的人.
Le Duet Kitchen and Bar cocktail menu is designed by famous Bar Weekend. The cocktail menu is also design from light flavor cocktail to strong flavor cocktail. No. 1 cocktail is light and elegant flavor. The vodka base is not too strong. I can still sense the green tea flavor. The lime offers the refreshing touch on the cocktail. It is suitable for people who don’t drink cocktail much.


No. 9 調酒

No. Cocktail
Price: NTD $400
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

No. 9 調酒是屬於風味飽滿類型, 法國蜜李酒的甜度比預期地溫和, 酒的濃度沒有過高, 琴酒與蜜香紅茶依舊有存在感, 相較之下, 我個人是比較喜歡 No. 1 調酒.
No. 9 is categorized as heavy flavor cocktail. The Prucia sweet level is medium and mild. I can still sense the gin and black tea. I would prefer no. 1 cocktail though.


Le Duet 葡萄酒菜單⭐

Le Duet Wine Menu


Le Duet 短秒影片

Le Duet Kitchen and Bar Short Video


♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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Le Duet Kitchen and Bar 資訊

Le Duet Kitchen and Bar Information

店名: Le Duet Kitchen and Bar
地址: 台北市信義區忠孝東路四段553巷16弄9號 (Map)
捷運站: 市政府捷運站
電話: 02-3762-1570
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leduet.tw/
Restaurant: Le Duet Kitchen and Bar
Address: No. 9, 16th Alley, 553 Lane, 4th Section, Zongxiao East Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: City Hall MRT station
Tel: 0 02-3762-1570






