La Vie by Thomas Bühner 睿麗餐廳 》品嚐短版菜單
Last Updated on 2023-10-03 by Foodelicious
La Vie by Thomas Bühner 睿麗餐廳 是 台北大直 NOKE 忠泰樂生活餐廳之一 , 也是 米其林入選的台北 Fine Dining 美食 , 這次與朋友品嚐 La Vie 短版菜單.
La Vie by Thomas Bühner is a Taipei Michelin Selected Fine Dining Restaurant , which is located at NOKE Shopping Mall. My friend and I tasted La Vie short version menu.
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La Vie by Thomas Bühner 睿麗餐廳 訂位
La Vie by Thomas Bühner Reservation
La Vie by Thomas Bühner 睿麗餐廳 是 2023 新開幕餐廳 , 位於 台北大直 NOKE 忠泰樂生活 1F, 地址是台北市中山區樂群三路200號 , 離劍南路捷運站 3 號出口只需 3 ~ 5 分鐘路程. 若要停車, 可直接到 NOKE 忠泰樂生活商場停車. 步入 La Vie 睿麗餐廳, 座位區以四人座與兩人座為主, 也可以看到廚房.
✅ 1 ~ 4 人訂位方式為 inline ( )
✅ 若是訂位多於四位或是包廂 , 請 Email
1. 餐廳採全預約制, 無法 Walk-in
2. 短版菜單與長版菜單訂位皆是用 inline. 文章裡會提到如何訂短版菜單的座位
La Vie by Thomas Bühner is a newly opened restaurant in 2023. It is located at 1F, No. 200 , Lequn 3rd Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City. It is a 3-5 minute walk from the Jiannan Road Metro Station Exit 3. If you’re driving, you can park at the NOKE Shopping mall. Most seating areas are for 2 ~ 4 people. You can also see the Kitchen from the seating area as well.
✅ You can reserve via inline for 1 ~ 4 people ( )
✅ If you would like to reserve more than 4 or private dining room, please email to
1. Restaurant only accept reservation instead of Walk-in.
2. Both short menu and long menu can be reserved via inline. The article will mention how to reserve short version menu.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
La Vie 睿麗餐廳 戶外座位區
La Vie Outdoor Seating Area
La Vie 睿麗餐廳雖然官方營業時間是到晚上 10pm , 也有不少客人吃完晚餐後, 到戶外座位區聊天, 建議事先告知餐廳.
La Vie by Thomas Bühner official operation hour is until 10pm. However, there are many guests relax at their outdoor seating area after dinner. I would suggest to inform the restaurant prior.
La Vie 短版菜單訂位
La Vie Short Menu Reservation
雖然 inline 訂位頁面只顯示出 NTD $8988 長版菜單的價格, 訂短版菜單也是直接按時間格 (圖一) , 再按 “下一步 ” 與 “已閱讀同意 ” , 最重要的是要點選 “ Menu $5988 + 10% “ (圖二).
Even though inline reservation page only shows NTD $8988 long version menu price, you still will need to click the Time Section (Pic 1). And then click “Next” and “Agreed”. The most important part would be click the “Menu $5988 +10% “ (Pic 2).
La Vie 睿麗餐廳 菜單 – 長版與短版
La Vie Menu – Long and Short Menu
2023. 10 月完整菜單菜單皆在 inline ( )
✅ 長版菜單價格 NTD $8988 +10 % / 人
✅ 短版菜單價格 NTD $5988 +10% / 人 👉 我與朋友選短版菜單
備註: 同桌需要點相同價位的菜單
2023.October long and short menu are at inline ( )
✅ Long Menu Price NTD $8988 +10 % / person
✅ Short Menu Price NTD $5988 +10% / 人 👉 My friend and I choose short menu
Remark: People at the same table will need to choose the same value set.
La Vie 短版菜單 Review
La Vie Short Menu Review
La Vie by Thomas Bühner 睿麗餐廳短版菜單價格 NTD $5988 +10% / 人. 聽朋友說長版菜單加 Wine Pairing 可能需要吃超過 11pm. 但是我想簡單品嚐 米其林三星主廚 Thomas Bühner 與 行政主廚 Xavier Yeung 楊展浩 設計的 Fine Dining 菜單. 所以選擇短版菜單淺嚐. 當天用餐時, 多數客人還是選擇長版菜單.
The short version of the menu at La Vie by Thomas Bühner restaurant is priced at NTD $5988 +10% / per person. I have heard from friends that the long menu with Wine Pairing might extend beyond 11 pm. I prefer to have a simple taste of the fine dining menu designed by the Michelin three-star chef Thomas Bühner and Executive Chef Xavier Yeung. Then, choosing the short version is a good choice. On the day I dined there, most customers still chose the long version of the menu.
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
開胃小點不定期更換. 其中一款是法國常見的小點心 – 乳酪鹹泡芙 ( gougères au comté ) . La Vie 將泡芙設計成為盤式菜餚. 建議一口吃完. 味蕾可感受到法國康堤乳酪的濃郁起司風味 , 單一風味卻回味無窮. 第二道金杯外型類似我在 “Chope Chope Eatery by JL Studio ” 吃到的小金杯( Kueh Pie Tee ) . La Vie 的金杯偏厚與脆. 此道的清爽感與第一道泡芙的鹹香有著對比感. 開胃小點吃完後, 店員會遞上熱毛巾, 非常貼心的服務.
Canapés may be vary.One of them is a French classic appetizer – Gougères au Comté, which are essentially cheese puffs made with Comté cheese. La Vie serves these Gougères in a plated presentation. I would recommend enjoying them in one bite. Your tastebuds will savor the rich cheese flavor of the Comté cheese. Despite being a single flavor, it leaves a lasting impression. The second canapés reminds me of Kueh Pie Tee, which I have had at “Chope Chope Eatery by JL Studio”. This dish offers a refreshing contrast to the savory richness of the first canapés. After finishing the appetizers, the staff provides a warm towel, which is a thoughtful touch of service.
延伸閱讀: Chope Chope Eatery by JL Studio 》信義新光三越餐廳
生蠔 / 酪奶 / 香檸
Oyster / Ribot Milk / Shikusawa
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
從量身打造的餐盤到餐點 Display 設計, 展現出法式的經典美感與風格. 店員很精準地將由白色粉末灑在生蠔與雪酪之間. 接著解釋粉末是酸奶和辣根用液態氮而製成. 酪奶薄片 (Buttermilk ) 將法國生蠔與小黃瓜包覆住. 建議先切一小口細細品嚐. 生蠔的飽滿多汁與海鮮風味佔據味蕾. 西班牙微藻粉更是讓鮮味與鹹味加強 , 與微甜的醇厚酪奶並存. 這是當天我最喜歡的菜餚. 雪酪以其柔和、甜美的香檸風味和 CAVIAR KRISTAL 晶鑽魚子醬的點綴結尾.
From the custom-made plates to the presentation of the dishes, La Vie by Thomas Bühner truly embodies the classic beauty and style of French cuisine. The staff precisely sprinkles white powder between the oysters and the sorbet. They explain that the powder is made with yogurt and horseradish by using liquid nitrogen. The buttermilk slices envelop the French oysters and cucumbers. I would recommend taking a small, deliberate bite. The oysters’ plump juiciness and seafood flavors dominate the tastebuds. The Spanish microalgae powder enhances the freshness and saltiness while coexisting with the slightly sweet buttermilk. This dish is my favorite of the day. The sorbet, which offers a gentle, sweet lemon flavor and is garnished with CAVIAR KRISTAL crystal caviar.
Seaweed Soft Bread
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
主廚將昆布和海藻融入麵包裡. 不僅賦予小餐包獨特的鹹味, 也延續上一道的海洋主題. 蓬鬆柔軟的小餐包抹上有鹹度的昆布奶油非常有特色.
The chef incorporates kelp and seaweed into the bread. This not only imparts a unique salty flavor to the dinner roll but also continues the maritime theme from the previous course. The fluffy, soft dinner roll spread with salty kelp butter is quite distinctive.
La Vie 招牌麵包
La Vie Signature Sourdough Bread
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
也許有很多人會有疑問 – 這一道麵包不是應該是先上桌嗎? 其實其他家 Fine Dining “RAW” 與 “空盤 Komboi”, 麵包也是在前菜之後. La Vie 字樣的招牌酸種麵包與刻印著餐廳 Logo 的奶油具有儀式感, 香脆外層與柔軟麵包體, 不抹奶油也不錯吃.
Perhaps many people would have a question – shouldn’t bread be served first? In fact, other fine dining restaurants , such as “RAW” and “Komboi,” breads are also served after the appetizer. The sourdough bread with the La Vie logo and the butter imprinted with the restaurant’s logo carry a sense of memory. The crispy exterior and soft bread itself are delicious even without butter.
延伸閱讀: RAW TAIPEI 》台北米其林二星餐廳美食 ( ANDRÉ IS BACK 菜單 )
延伸閱讀: 空盤 Komboi 》在台北法式餐廳吃午餐套餐菜單美食
Kinmedai, Octopus, Red Wine Sauce
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
La Vie 睿麗餐廳的這一道魚料理食材元素頗多 , 有日本金目鯛, 呈現醉紅色的紅酒燉煮章魚, 不僅有菌菇, 也有珍珠洋與烤核桃. 店員將洋蔥高湯噴灑於金目鯛上, 目的是增加烘烤香氣. 切開金目鯛時, 有著立鱗燒賦予的魚鱗酥脆感, 更能襯托出魚肉的細緻度. La Vie 主廚用紅酒燉煮章魚, 再加以炭烤後微焦香, 更是能讓胃口大開. 不錯吃.
The fish dish at La Vie is quite complex in terms of ingredients. It includes Japanese red snapper ( kinmedai), octopus stewed in red wine mushrooms, pearl onions, and roasted walnuts. The server sprays onion consommé onto the kinmedai to enhance the roasting aroma. When the fish is cut, you can sense the crispy scales that contribute to the delicate texture of the fish. The octopus, stewed in red wine and then grilled to a slightly charred fragrance, really opens up the appetite. It is delicious.
紐西蘭小羔羊 / 花椰菜 / 綠咖哩
Lumina lamb, broccoli, green curry
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
當初看到菜單上寫的綠咖哩與羊肉, 不禁連想到像類似 “Saffron 46 “ 的印度料理. La Vie 的菜餚呈現則是偏西式且綠咖哩只佔一小部分. 近期許多台灣人對西式料理羊排的接受度有變高. La Vie 主廚採用世界知名的紐西蘭 Lumina 品牌小羔羊. 兩種不同部位, 運用兩種不同方式料理, 炭烤去骨羊鞍與油封羊腩, 羊肉軟嫩程度高. 綠咖哩與花椰菜泥融合, 再搭配醃漬長茄, 也可搭配北非小米 cous cous. 整體口感與風味不違和, 非常適合搭配紅酒一起享用.
When I first saw “green curry with lamb” on the menu, I couldn’t help but think of Indian cuisine, similar to places like “Saffron 46“. However, La Vie’s presentation leans more towards Western cuisine, and the green curry is only a small part of the dish. La Vie’s chef uses lamb from the world-renowned New Zealand brand, Lumina. Two different cuts, prepared in two different ways – charcoal-grilled boneless lamb saddle and confit of lamb brisket, result in tender lamb. The integration of green curry with cauliflower puree, along with pickled long eggplant and North African couscous, creates a well-balanced and harmonious overall taste and flavor. It pairs wonderfully with red wine.
延伸閱讀: Saffron 46 Taipei 》這家台北印度料理餐廳除了美食也有高水準調酒
水梨 / 147 號米/ 酒粕
Nashi Pear / 147 Rice , Sake Lees
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
上次吃到水梨薄片入甜點是在 “HUGH Dessert Dining “ . La Vie 截然不同的擺盤風格已留下深刻印象. 聽到食材部分更是讓人迫不及待. La Vie 運用台灣台東147號米, 清酒粕與日本鮮奶油製作出細緻日式米布丁, 並不會像 “Saturn Landing”土耳其米布丁有顆粒感. 這一道甜點也有清酒粕製成的冰淇淋與慕斯, 加上酒粕蛋白霜與小甘菊芽加以點綴, 一人一盤甜點, 非常地美味且不會過甜.
The last time I had pear slices incorporated into a dessert was at “HUGH Dessert Dining.” La Vie’s completely different plating style has left a profound impression. Hearing about the ingredients used was even more intriguing. La Vie creates a delicate Japanese-style rice pudding by using Taiwan’s Taitung No. 147 rice, sake lees, and Japanese fresh cream. It doesn’t have the grainy texture you might find in “Saturn Landing” Turkish rice pudding. This dessert also features ice cream and mousse made from sake lees, with sake lees meringue and small chamomile sprouts as embellishments. Each person gets their own plate of dessert. It is incredibly delicious without being overly sweet.
延伸閱讀: HUGH LAB 》台北預約制甜點私廚也許是未來的飲食新潮流
延伸閱讀: Saturn Landing Turkish Coffee 》 台北土耳其咖啡店
二重奏 & 飲料
Petits Fours & Drink
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
Petits Fours 不定期更換. 當天吃到的是瑪德蓮與玫瑰荔枝夾心軟糖 , 建議搭配他們的佐餐飲料- 可選咖啡或是茶. 我們則是選擇無酒精的蕎麥茶.
Petits fours can be vary On the day I dined, I had madeleines and rose lychee-filled marshmallows. I recommend pairing them with one of their beverages – you can choose between coffee or tea. We choose non-alcoholic buckwheat tea.
Wine &Tea Pairing
La Vie 有長短版菜單, 也有長短版 Wine Pairing. La Vie by Thomas Bühner 睿麗餐廳也有 Prestige Wine Pairing, 換句話說, La Vie 有提供更高級的 Wine Pairing. 酒杯是獨家引進的NUDE Glass 手工杯. Tea Pairing 部分則是與知名的 ”冉冉茶事 ( ZEN ZEN THÉ ) ” 合作 . 價格請直接參考菜單.
La Vie offers both long and short menus, as well as long and short Wine Pairing options. Additionally, they have a Prestige Wine Pairing option, which means they provide a more premium wine pairing experience. The wine glasses used are exclusively imported NUDE Glass handcrafted glasses. For Tea Pairing, La Vie collaborates with the renowned “ZEN ZEN THÉ” . Please refer to the menu for pricing details.
Short Wine Pairing (3 Glasses)
Price: NTD $2200
Short Tea Pairing (3 Glasses)
Price: NTD $1200
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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La Vie by Thomas Bühner睿麗餐廳資訊
La Vie by Thomas Bühner Information
店名: La Vie by Thomas Bühner 睿麗餐廳
地址: 台北市中山區樂群三路200號1F [NOKE 忠泰樂生活 1F] (Map)
捷運站: 劍南路捷運站(BR15)
電話: 0937-857-869
Website (English):
Restaurant: La Vie by Thomas Bühner
Address: No. 299, Lequn 3rd Rd., Zhongshan District, Taipei City [NOKE Mall 1F] (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: Jiannan Road Metro Station (BR15 )
Tel: 0937-857-869