深杯子 La Copa Oscura 》不僅有單杯酒也有火腿與甜點 (內有菜單)

Last Updated on 2024-01-04 by Foodelicious

深杯子概念店 La Copa Oscura 是少數台北提供多款單杯酒的店面 , 令人意外的是深杯子菜單巴斯克蛋糕甜點手工現切西班牙熟成火腿.
La Copa Oscura is one of the few stores that offer single glass wines. Surprisingly, La Copa Oscura menu also has Spanish Monte Nevado Aged Serrano sliced Ham and Basque Cheese Cake.

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La Copa Oscura Reservation

深杯子概念店離石牌站大約 10 分鐘路程而已, 如同美國羚羊谷土紅色的店面設計在石牌巷弄內十分顯眼, 店內產品一字排開就像精緻選物店, 不僅有各式各樣的葡萄酒, 也有橄欖油置放於櫃檯. 你可以網站訂位 ( https://web.joymap.tw/store/lacopa ) , 也可以打電話訂位 ( 02-2823-0234 ) , 圖三是平日下午, 我個人建議先訂位會比較好.
La Copa Oscura store is about 10 minutes walking distance from Shipai MRT station. The store design is quite impressive, just like USA Antelope Canyon. There are fair amount of products, and it feels like an elite select shop. There are wines and also Olive Oil on the counter as well. You can go online to reserve online ( https://web.joymap.tw/store/lacopa ) or call to reserve ( 02-2823-0234 ). Picture three is weekday afternoon. I would suggest to reserve in advance.

延伸閱讀: 天母美食推薦懶人包 》Tianmu Restaurant Recommendation

延伸閱讀: 台北單杯酒懶人包 (分區) 》Where to Drink Single Glass Wine in Taipei City?



La Copa Oscura Environment

這裡多數客人為 2 ~ 4 人為主, 也有包廂, 只是我沒拍到. 我個人是建議四人聚會.
There are several seats are that suitable for 2 ~ 4 people. There is also a private dining room. I would suggest to have total 4 people to visit.


深杯子菜單 ⭐

La Copa Oscura Menu

菜單 Menu Link: https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/611622a19e2e237de7e2fd03/633ef3d5f08fe6f60cd10a3c_menu.pdf




La Copa Oscura Single Glass Wine

深杯子銷售西班牙自然酒為主 , 有賣單杯酒也有賣整瓶酒, 菜單上的單杯酒不定期更換, 單杯酒價格接訂在 NTD $200/ NTD $300/ NTD $400 , 也有所謂的精選漫遊套組 NTD $1000/組 ( 4~ 5 杯) . 如果四人聚會, 我個人會建議點套組 ( Set ).
La Copa Oscura focuses more on Spanish Natural Wines. They offer single glass wine and bottle wine. The wine item may vary. The price is NTD $200/ NTD $300/ NTD $400. They also offer a set about 4 ~ 5 glasses for NTD $1000.



La Copa Oscura Dessert


Basque Cheese Cake
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

深杯子概念店有賣巴斯克蛋糕!! 雖然這裡的巴斯克蛋糕沒有 “摸摸桃子洋菓子” 精緻 , 整體來說 , 這款蛋糕不錯吃. 你如果想吃甜點, 可以直接問店員甜點可以搭配哪款單杯酒.
La Copa Oscura also offers Basque Cheese Cake!! Even though the cake is not as delicious as “Gâteau de momochee”, but overall, it is still delicious. If you want to eat dessert, you can ask the staff which wine pairs with which dessert.

延伸閱讀:摸摸桃子洋菓子 Gâteau de momochee 》必點半熟焦香巴斯克起士蛋糕



La Copa Oscura Dish


Spanish Monte Nevado Aged Serrano Ham Sliced by Hand
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

深杯子概念店與 “Jarana Taipei “ 一樣都有現切手切熟成火腿, 差別在於 Jarana 是西班牙伊比利黑豬, 深杯子販售的是西班牙塞拉諾火腿(白豬 ), 肉香沒有伊比利火腿濃郁, 吃起來仍舊想讓人一口接一口, 價格實惠, 並沒有 Over price, 搭配紅酒的最佳下酒菜. 深杯子菜單項目也有台灣產的山胡椒熟成火腿.
Both La Copa Oscura and “Jarana Taipei” has Spanish Aged Ham Sliced by Hand. The difference is that Jarana offers iberico hams (black pig) and La Copa Oscura offers Serrano Ham (white pig). It doesn’t have the strong meaty flavor. But, you can’t stop tasting it since it is quite delicious. The price is standard, which is not over price. It is worth the order if you are looking for a dish to pair with red wines. The menu also has Made in Taiwan peppercorn Aged Ham.

延伸閱讀: Spanish Serrano Ham 》關於西班牙塞拉諾火腿的五個問題

延伸閱讀: Jarana Taipei 》菜單除了西班牙鴨肝麵外還點哪些菜餚




La Copa Oscura Information

店名: 深杯子概念店
地址: 台北市北投區石牌路一段39巷69號 (Map)
捷運站: 石牌捷運站
電話: 02-2823-0234
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lacopaoscura/
Restaurant: La Copa Oscura
Address: No. 69, 39th Lane, 1st Section, Shipai Road, Beitou District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Shipai MRT station.
Tel: 02-2823-0234



