布夫 歐式私房菜 La Bonne Bouffe 》沒去過瑞士也要在台北吃瑞士美食

Last Updated on 2023-05-27 by Foodelicious

(2023.1 更新 ) 布夫 歐式私房菜 已搬到大安區 , 這家台北瑞士美食餐廳 近期重新開幕成為國父紀念館站美食之一.
(2023. 1 Update)  La Bonne Bouffe Swiss restaurant is one of the Taipei SYS Memorial Hall MRT station restaurants.

新文章 New Article: 二訪搬家後的布夫 La Bonne Bouffe 》綜合瑞士起司盤值得點 (內有菜單)

布夫 La Bonne Bouffe 交通

La Bonne Bouffe Traffic and Information

2020 重新開幕的 布夫 歐式私房菜 La Bonne Bouffe 最靠近忠孝新生站 一號出口, 離華山文創園區大草原只需1 ~ 2 分鐘步行即可看到餐廳招牌, 布夫餐廳位於二樓, 需要進入水水生活店面再上二樓. 餐廳座位寬敞適合家庭聚會, 且有單人座高腳椅可從二樓看車水馬龍的忠孝東路, 聽瑞士籍老闆說, 也有不少情侶們在這裡用餐. 訂位可用 FB 私訊或是打電話, 我個人會建議FB私訊訂位. 布夫餐廳下午沒有休息, 營業時間是中午12 點 ~ 晚上8點, 但是不用擔心, 即使過了八點, 餐廳還有另外一個出口可以離開.
Newly-Reopened La Bonne Bouffe restaurant is near Zhongxiao Xinshen MRT station Exit 1. The restaurant only needs 1 ~ 2 minutes walking distance from the Huashan Creative Park. The restaurant is located at 2F. You would need to enter the store front in order to get to 2F. The restaurant is quite comfortable with fair amount of seats. It is suitable for family gathering and dating. You could reserve seats via Facebook private message or call. I would suggest to reserve via private message. La Bonne Bouffe restaurant stays operating during the afternoon. The operation hour is from noon to 8pm. But no worries, there is another door for exit if pass 8pm.

延伸閱讀: 2020 台北華山文創園區與週邊美食 》Huashan Creative Park Restaurants and Cafes


延伸閱讀: 台北約會餐廳 》Taipei Dating Restaurants


關於 布夫 La Bonne Bouffe

About La Bonne Bouffe

瑞士有分為德義法三種語言區, 造就不同風格美食, 瑞士籍老闆將瑞士美食文化風格注入 布夫 歐式私房菜 La Bonne Bouffe 菜單, 老闆提到店裡有定期預約制瑞士起司鍋饗宴,  一次可享用瑞士開胃小點, 起司鍋基底, 布夫特製香腸拼盤與特色小點 (圖一來源: 布夫 FB Fan Page) , 以後陸續也會有更多瑞士菜餚! 布夫 歐式私房菜 La Bonne Bouffe 也有瑞士 AOP 葛瑞爾乳酪 ( Gruyères ), 這款乳酪有受到瑞士原產地命名控制保護, 半硬質乳酪單吃鹹味溫和, 起司風味偏濃, 很適合當為 Tapas.
The restaurant owner is from Switzerland. He mentioned that Switzerland has three language zones – German, Italian, and French, which build up a remixed food culture on La Bonne Bouffe menu. The restaurant also havs reservation-only Cheese Fondue event. The customer can taste various types of Swiss cuisines along with Cheese Fondue. La Bonne Bouffe restaurant also has AOP Gruyères cheese. The semi-hard texture cheese doesnt have too much of salty taste. But, the cheese flavor is thick with nutty flavor. It is perfect to be a tapas dish.

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If interested in cooperation, please Email to globalfoodelicious@gmail.com


老闆在南港有一個 Workshop 自製瑞士各地特色香腸, 經典白蘭地肝醬與白金干貝慕斯,客戶不外乎台北知名異國料理餐廳 (例如” Bar Weekend”) .紅色罐裝的經典白蘭地肝醬並不會像市面上的進口雞肝醬如此鹹, 也不會有鵝肝獨特重口味, 瑞士籍老闆在台灣自製有降低些鹹度, 讓白蘭地肝醬可以像 Tapas 一口享用. 單吃白金干貝慕斯海鮮味偏重, 松露蘑菇味與蒜香為輔, 倒是可以發揮創意融入家庭菜餚裡, 我個人比較推薦經典白蘭地肝醬, 除了不錯吃外, 也可將肝醬抹在三明治, Tapas, 單吃皆可.
The owner has a workshop at Nangang, which makes various sausage, Mousse De Foie De Volaille (Chicken Liver Sauce) and Mousse De Noix De St-Jacoues (Scallop Sauce). The products are sold to several famous restaurants (For example,  “Bar Weekend” ). The chicken liver sauce is not as salty as the classic duck liver sauce. Instead, the owner lowered down the salty level in order for the customers to enjoy like tapas. Eating the scallop sauce alone, the seafood flavor is quite strong along with minor truffle and garlic flavor. It is easy to add the sauce as parts of creative cuisines. I personally would recommend the liver sauce since it is more delicious and you can add the into sandwiches or even tapas.

Purchase Link 罐裝醬料購買連結: https://www.bonnebouffe.tw


關於 布夫 菜單內容

招牌瑞士提契諾漢堡 + 太陽蛋

Signature Luganighetta Burger + Egg
Price: NTD $320 + NTD $30 = NTD $350
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

單點招牌瑞士提契諾漢堡是 NTD $320 , 加太陽蛋則是加價 NTD $30. 我必須承認剛開始我對漢堡菜餚並不是很感興趣, 後來聽老闆解釋食材, 好奇心讓我想要嘗試. 首先, 漢堡麵包是店家自製, 而且是一種瑞士烘焙特產名為 “Silserili”, 比 “Lay Back Burger” 的布里歐更具有特色. 在瑞士看到通常是以小餐包形狀 對我來說, Silserili 就是軟版德國 Pretezel, 別擔心, 單吃微鹹不會硬.
If order the burger alone, the price would be NTD$320. With the egg, there will be extra NTD $30. I must say that I wasn’t interested before the owner explained each ingredient. First of all, burger bun is actually Silserili, which is the soft version of German Pretzel Rolls. It tastes only a bit salty but not hard at all.

延伸閱讀: 信義安和站美食推薦 》 Lay Back 餐廳的花生醬培根牛肉漢堡不錯吃


起司則是採用 AOP 葛瑞爾乳酪 ( Gruyères ), 肉排是這款漢堡最特別的地方, 肉品是採用台灣豬肉, 而是用做 Luganighetta 香腸香料配方與作法, 做成像漢堡肉排的外型, 實際上, 漢堡肉排的口感與香腸扎實度一樣, 與一般微鬆絞肉口感完全不同, 漢堡入口時, 味蕾最先感受到的是焦化洋蔥, 再來才是濃郁肉味與香料, 我個人覺得吃起來很特別, 很適合對不同飲食文化的饕客. 視覺上這款漢堡與 “Le Sage 餐酒館“ 的漢堡一樣是大 Size, 我會建議請店家切一半, 你才能跟朋友分享.
The restaurant uses Gruyères Cheese. The patty is made with Taiwanese pork by using Luganighetta Sausages method and spices. Unlike regular burger patty, the density of this particular patty is actually as dense as the sausage. The tastebuds would sense the sweet caramelized onion first. As following, the meaty flavor and spice would appear. I personally think that the taste is quite special. This dish is suitable for people who are willing to try different types of foods. The size of the gourmet burger is as large as the burger at “Le Sage Bistro”. I would suggest to let the restaurants to cut the burger for you to share with friends.

延伸閱讀: LE SAGE 茱莉金牛排餐館 》有著唯美裝潢的台北平價餐酒館




Ayinger brau-weisse beer
Price: NTD $230
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

菜單上陸續會增加酒款, 單點 500ml 艾英格小麥啤酒價格是 NTD $230. 搭配招牌瑞士提契諾漢堡 ( NTD $320 ) 則是 NTD $500 優惠價格. 艾英格小麥啤酒在台灣很常見, 很多人都蠻喜歡這款啤酒因為沒有濃苦啤酒風味, 酒帽泡沫澎鬆且容易消失, 有香蕉風味與微苦. 搭配招牌瑞士提契諾漢堡並不會喧賓奪主. 我會推薦給初次喝啤酒的人.
If ordering only 500ml Ayinger Brau-Weisse beer, the price would be NTD $230. If ordering with Signature Luganighetta Burger, the price would be NTD $500. It is common to see Ayinger brau-weisse beer in Taiwan retail market. Many people like this type of beer because it doesnt have the over-the-top bitterness nor thick beer flavor. The foam is easy to evaporate. There are fair amount of banana flavor and small amount of bitter. It pairs well with the Signature Luganighetta Burger. I would recommend for people who are probably the first-time beer drinkers.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


套餐 (湯與沙拉)

Set Side Dish (Soup & Salad)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

油醋綠沙拉 + 主廚湯品+ 飲品加價 NTD $180. 目前主廚湯品是番茄湯, 並不會像羅宋湯稀釋, 番茄微酸不錯喝, 沙拉 Size 比想像地多, 生菜清脆, 巴薩米克醋也給得很有誠意, 飲品若要換成酒精類則需要補差價即可.
You only need to pay extra NTD $180 to upgrade the set, which includes the salad, soup, and drink. The tomato soup is decent with small amount of acidity. The salad size is larger than expected with fair amount of balsamic sauce. If you want to change the drink to alcohol, you would only need to pay the price difference.



*含沙拉, 義大利玉米餅或薯條
St. Galler Veal Sausage
*Includes Salad, Polenta or Fries
Price: NTD $320
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

台灣人所熟悉的辛香法式北非香腸在許多台北餐廳可以吃到 (例如: “Buttermilk Taipei“ ), 但是這款瑞士奧爾瑪小牛香腸倒是不常見. 這款香腸用的肉品有高成本小牛肉混合豬肉製成, 布夫 歐式私房菜 La Bonne Bouffe 老闆解釋白色顏色是來自其中牛奶成份, 這款香腸並沒有濃郁肉香, 反而有著適量奶香, 肉香則是沾了一旁的自家製作紅酒洋蔥醬才會比較明顯. 置放於一旁的義大利玉米餅在瑞士也很常見, 但在台灣我倒是第一次吃到, 小米般的口味與奶香蠻適合搭這款瑞士奧爾瑪小牛香腸.
Most Taiwanese are only familiar with Merguez, which is a North African lamb/beef sausage. St. Galler Veal Sausage is uncommon in Taipei restaurants. This sausage is mixed with high-cost veal and pork. The white color is from one of the ingredients – milk. The sausage doesn’t have thick meaty flavor, instead, it has milky flavor. The meaty flavor would appear after dipping into the red wine onion sauce on the side. Also, It is also my first time tasting the Polenta. The buttery flavor of the Polenta matches the sausage dish.

延伸閱讀: Buttermilk Taipei 》Buttermilk 炸雞確實令人難忘


布夫 歐式私房菜 適合哪些人

Which type of person is suitable for La Bonne Bouffe

布夫 歐式私房菜適合對歐洲與瑞士美食文化有興趣的人, 在布夫 歐式私房菜餐廳可以吃到連台北都很少見的瑞士美食, 不用旅行到瑞士就可以吃到, 重點是不會重鹹! 目前這家餐廳每人低消為 NTD $150 , 若是不確定自己會不會喜歡, 建議與朋友分享, 或是直接參加餐廳不定期舉辦的瑞士起司鍋饗宴.
La Bonne Bouffe restaurant is suitable for people who are interested in European and Switzerland food culture. In La Bonne Bouffe restaurant, you can taste Swiss cuisine, which is uncommon at Taipei restaurants. You don’t need to travel to Switzerland to try it. The most important is that it isn’t in high salty level. Nowadays, the minimum cost per person is NTD $150. So, if you are not sure about Swiss Food, you can share with your friends. Or you can attended the Cheese Fondue events that are hosted by La Bonne Bouffe restaurant.

台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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餐廳: 布夫 歐式私房菜 La Bonne Bouffe
地址: 台北市大安區仁愛路四段408巷13號 (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站
電話: 02-3322-1120
營業時間: 看 Facebook
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bouffetw/
Website: https://www.bonnebouffe.tw
Restaurant: La Bonne Bouffe
Address: No. 13, 408th Lane,  4th Section, Renai Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongxiao Xinshen or Shandao Temple Station
Tel: 02-3322-1120
Operation Hour: Check Facebook


布夫 歐式私房菜 菜單 》 La Bonne Bouffe Menu



