檀島香港茶餐廳 Honolulu Cafe 》信義新光三越A11 | Cantonese Restaurant
Last Updated on 2018-02-11 by Foodelicious
國外餐廳紛紛到台北信義區開餐廳, 檀島香港茶餐廳跟Jamie’s Italian 一樣選擇加入台北信義區美食行列.
Oversea restaurants kept opening up at Taipei City. Honolulu Cafe and Jamie’s Italian both chose A11 Department store to locate their oversea branch.
位於百貨公司內的B1, 以類似鼎泰豐半開式廚房讓排隊的客人看師傅工作, 室內裝潢加入了香港都市元素. 點菜的方式則是店員會遞給客人一個平板自行點菜. 檀島香港茶餐廳賣的餐點跟台北車站附近的了凡港式餐廳相似, 但是多了蛋塔, 絲襪奶茶和菠蘿油麵包.
Locating at the department store B1, you can see how the chefs work from outside. The staff would let the customers to order from the tablet. Most dishes at Honolulu Cafe is similar with “Hawker Chan Restaurant” near Taipei Main station but with more special dishes- such as egg tart, Cantonese Milk Tea and Pineapple Bun.
*菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article
English Name: Egg Tart
Price: NTD $35
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍
號稱192層酥皮的經典蛋塔價格只有NTD $35, 當時是帶著嚐鮮冒險的心態點菜. 蛋塔外層看起來並不像安德斯葡式蛋塔如此酥脆, 由於外皮有192層, 外層比台灣賣的蛋塔厚實. 咬下一口時, 蛋塔不如預期的脆, 反而有點偏軟, 我只吃過在美國賣的香港蛋塔, 吃起來的外層頗為相似. 內餡紮實且蛋味不重. 基本上, 我應該下次不會點此款點心, 我個人是比較喜歡脆的口感, 而非紮實.
The news stated that Honolulu cafe’s egg tart has 192 layers at the egg tart appearance. The appearance doesn’t look crispy like Anders Portuguese Egg Tart. When taking the first bite, the appearance is not crispy as expected. Instead, it is a bit soft. The filling texture is creamy and dense as well.
English Name: Cantonese Pineapple Bun
Price: NTD $50
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍
很多年前, 港式冰火菠蘿油麵包在台灣已經非常有名. 檀島菠蘿油麵包則是原味菠蘿包夾入一片特製奶油, 送上來的溫度是溫熱, 奶油已融化了一半. 外表酥脆類似丹麥菠蘿, 奶油帶給麵包更多鹹味, 跟台灣甜菠蘿麵包大不相同. 若是把此款料理當作午餐的部分, 一定吃不飽, 下次應該不會點此款料理.
Many years ago, Cantonese pineapple bun is already famous in Taiwan. Honolulu Cafe’s Cantonese pineapple bun has one slice of melted butter inside the bun. The appearance is crispy just like Danish pineapple bun. The butter brings salty flavor to the bun. It is nothing like the sweet pineapple bun from Taiwan. I wouldn’t order only this dish for lunch since the size of this dish is quite small.
English Name: Hot Cantonese Milk Tea
Price: $90
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍
在美國的港式餐廳, 港式奶茶是加奶精, 檀島香港茶餐廳則是加了黑白淡奶, 黑白淡奶其實是荷蘭商菲仕蘭公司特別為香港市場創造的產品, 奶脂和奶固體含量更高, 質感更濃稠.如同絲襪顏色般的茶, 聞起來有濃厚的奶茶味, 已經接近鴛鴦奶茶般風味, 跟台灣奶茶比較來更有特色, 更甜且更濃. “道地”會是我用來形容此款茶飲. 整體來說, 檀島香港茶餐廳其實有進步的空間,
In USA Cantonese restaurants, Cantonese Milk Tea is added with cream powder. However, in Honolulu Cafe, they use higher cost “Black & White Evaporated Milk” from Holland. The texture of the milk tea is more creamy and dense, which is similar with Thai Tea. The milk tea flavor is more much heavier and sweeter than Taiwanese Milk Tea. “Original” would be the best adj. to describe this item. Generally speaking, Honolulu Cafe has potentials to improve.
延伸閱讀: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北市政府捷運站附近餐廳&咖啡店 & Bar
Restaurant Name店名: Honolulu Cafe 檀島香港茶餐廳
Address: B1, No. 11, Song Shou Road, Taipei City 台北市信義區松壽路11號 B1 (新光三越 A11) (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/檀島香港茶餐廳Honolulu-Cafe-1906097119644131/
Nearby MRT station: City Hall MRT station 市政府捷運站
電話:02 6613 1013
營業時間: 11am ~ 3pm ; 5pm ~ 9:30pm (Sunday ~ Thursday)
11 am ~ 3pm ; 5pm ~ 10pm (Friday & Saturday)