廣東正龍城烤鴨》永和烤鴨美食 | Cantonese Roasted Duck Restaurant

Last Updated on 2019-01-29 by Foodelicious

廣東正龍城烤鴨新北市永和烤鴨美食代表之一, 可惜的是這家排隊名店離永安市場捷運站有點遠.
Guangdong Zheng Long Roasted Duck Restaurant is one of the Yonghe district best roasted duck restaurants. However, the restaurant location is a bit far from Yongan Market MRT station.

店家共有兩層樓, 往來的車子都可以看到“廣東正龍城烤鴨”的紅色招牌, 坐下時, 外面還有一群人在排內用與外帶.
The restaurant has two floors, but there are still people waiting outside for dining in and take-out.

*這篇文章只有兩頁菜單照片…. 因為菜單洋洋灑灑太厚了*
*Sorry, there will only be two pages of  menu cuz there are too many items*


柱侯燒鴨 (中)

English Name: Roasted Duck (Medium)
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

柱侯其實是一種又鹹又甜的醬, 為廣東佛山特產, 部份食材有黃豆, 鹽, 糖, 芝麻與老抽. 廣東正龍城烤鴨台北東區老友記一樣都是採用柱侯醬來製作燒鴨. 廣東正龍城的烤鴨外皮顏色均勻, 脆皮泛著油光, 鴨腿肉通常是我的首選, 咬下一口時, 外皮酥脆又帶有甜味, 肉汁連帶著醬汁入口, 每一口都是滿足的鴨肉香味. 很多客人在網路上評論鴨肉偏油與鹹, 但是那就是廣東燒鴨的精髓啊!
The chef uses a kind of sauce that combines with soya, salt, sugar, sesame, and soy sauce. Most Cantonese restaurants use this kind of sauce to roast ducks. The brown color spreads evenly on the bright and oily skin surface. The duck leg skin is crispy as expected with hints of sweetness. The meaty flavor along with the juicy sauce fulfill the mouth. Many customers mentioned on the interest mentioning their meat is way over salty and oily level. However, isn’t it the selling points of Cantonese style roasted ducks?



English Name: Rice with scrambled egg and beef
Price: NTD $95
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

其實在美國時常去“三和餐廳”外帶滑蛋牛肉飯或是其它港式料理, 最大的不同是”三和餐廳“採用美國牛肉, 所以肉香較為濃郁, 台北公館的鳳城與永和廣東正龍城皆採用紐澳牛肉, 雖然不及美國, 但在台北已算是中上等級, 且價格是一百元有找.
I had been to USA “Samwoo restaurant” many times for take out the rice with scrambled egg and beef. But Samwoo restaurants uses US beef, which has more meaty flavor. But in Taipei, most Cantonese restaurants use New Zealand/ Australia Beef. However, this dish is above average among other Taipei Cantonese restaurants.




English Name: Stir-Fried Noodle with Seafood
Price: NTD $95
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A
I didn’t order this.

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Restaurant Name店名: Zheng Long Roasted Duck Restaurant 廣東正龍城烤鴨
Address: No. 101, De He Road, Yonghe District, New Taipei City 新北市永和區得和路101號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/廣東正龍城烤鴨/185448264808724
Nearby MRT station: Yongan Market MRT station 永安市場捷運站
營業時間: 11am ~ 2pm ; 4:50pm ~ 8:30pm



