台北信義區甜點下午茶 》HERZMOMENT 笛瑟甜點工坊 | Taipei Coffee

Last Updated on 2024-05-02 by Foodelicious

(Closed Down) 2017新開幕HERZMOMENT 笛瑟甜點工坊是永春捷運站下午茶甜點咖啡店.
(Closed Down) Newly-opened Henrzmoment Sweets Factory is one of the pastry shops near Yongchun MRT station.


*菜單放文末 Menu is at the end of Article *

HERZMOMENT其實不是法文也不是西班牙文, 而是分為兩個部份, HERZ是德文“心”的意思, MOMENT則是英文的“時刻”意思. 走進位於住宅區的笛瑟甜點工坊裡, 眼前呈現簡約文青的木色系裝潢, 深淺藍色抱枕的小巧思讓甜點店多添增了舒適的感覺, 跟Tori Coffee一樣有一種家的感覺
Herzmoment is not French nor Spanish. It is separated in two parts- “Herz” means heart in German, and Moment means time in English. The wooden floor pairs well with wooden furnitures. Free wifi and wall socket are provided with unlimited time usage as well. People can chat as long as they want.



甜點主廚們在半透明的廚房專心且細心地作出每個甜點, 蛋糕展示櫃裡的甜點有基本款的生乳卷, 台灣人最愛的檸檬塔, 還有不定期的驚喜甜點. 桌邊的插座再加上免費Wifi.
Pastry chefs works at the other side of glass in the kitchen. They make fresh desserts, including custard roll, lemon tarts, and seasonal and limited desserts from time to time.



笛寶 – 馬達加斯加香草莢

English Name: Saint Honore
Original Price: $170
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

很多人不知道香草奶油裡的小黑點其實是珍貴的香草籽,是僅次於番紅花的昂貴香料,目前印尼和馬達加斯加是全球香草莢的生產國, 差別在於馬達加斯加香草莢風味較為濃郁, 因此較為昂貴.
Most people don’t know that the little black dots is the precious vanilla seeds. It is the 2nd expensive spices next to saffron. Most vanillas are both exported from Indonesia and Madagascar. The only difference is that the Madagascar vanilla has thicker aroma, therefore, is more expensive.



金箔點綴著每一顆如鏡面般的焦糖小泡芙, 濃厚焦糖並沒有讓泡芙表面變得鬆軟, 有著意想不到的脆度, 焦糖香味也在口中散開, 泡芙卡士達裡的獨特蜂蜜香草風味在滿滿焦糖風味裡特別突出, 酥脆的千層派皮與泡芙中間的奶油有著適量的香草籽, 讓此款甜點更加迷人.
The golden foil is placed at each caramel coated puffs. The thick caramel didn’t soften the cream puff appearance. Instead, it is crisp with fair amount of caramel flavor sweetness.The custard inside has unique honey-like vanilla aroma. Between the puffs and crisp pie crust, the cream has fair amount of vanilla seeds. Generally speaking, this cake has great texture and delicious as well.



榛果拿鐵 (冰)

English Name: Ice Hazelnut Latte
Original Price: $170
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

抵擋不住Menu上寫的“自製純榛果醬”, 平常在其他咖啡店喝到的榛果咖啡幾乎都是咖啡蓋住榛果糖漿的風味, 但 HERZMOMENT 笛瑟甜點工坊的榛果拿鐵反而是榛果香味與咖啡風味平行, 榛果風味並不會因為慢慢酌飲而消失. 但是我仍舊建議台北民生社區GABEE的榛果拿鐵
After seeing the Hazelnut is custom-made by themselves, I didn’t hesitate to order. Most coffee shop’s hazelnut coffees are dominated by coffee flavor. But Herzmoment Sweets Factory’s hazelnut coffee has both flavors- Nutty flavor and coffee flavor. The nutty flavor stays strong after a period of time.  However, I would suggest GABEE coffee shop’s Hazelnut Latte.



延伸閱讀: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide






Restaurant Name 店名: HERZMOMENT 笛瑟甜點工坊 Herzmoment Sweets Factory
Address: No. 66 , 202nd Ale, Hulin Street, Taipei City 台北市信義區虎林街202巷66號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/herzmomentsweetsfactory2017/
Wifi: Yes
Wall Socket: Yes
Nearby MRT station: Yongchun MRT station 永春捷運站
Tel: 02-2726-1310
Operation Hour : Depends on the Facebook Notification



