Hei Mei Lin Restaurant 》黑美林菜單推薦哪些菜餚 ?

Last Updated on 2025-01-06 by Foodelicious

黑美林餐廳台北熱炒推薦餐廳 , 是內湖美食推薦之一. 也是內湖科學園區上班族的西湖捷運站美食.
Hei Mei Lin Delicacies Restaurant is Taipei Stir-Fried Restaurant recommendation. It is also one of the Neihu Restaurants which is near Xihu Metro Station.



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延伸閱讀: 大直內湖美食懶人包 》Taipei Dazhi Neihu Restaurant Guide


黑美林 訂位

Hei Mei Lin Restaurant Reservation

黑美林地址是台北市內湖區內湖路一段231號. 離西湖捷運站一號出口只需 5 – 8 分鐘. 營業時間只有晚餐廳時段 ,營業時間是 5pm – 11pm . 黑美林餐廳生意非常好 , 幾乎每天客滿. 餐廳內有四人座位, 也有大桌. 關於訂位 , 建議試試看 5pm 就打電話訂位 ( 02-2627-2079 ) .
Hei Mei Lin Restaurant address is No. 231, 1st Section, Neihu Road, Neihu District, Taipei City. It only takes 5 ~ 8 minutes walk from Xihu Metro Station Exit 1. Its operation hour is 5 PM- 11PM. They are always full house during dinner time. They have 4 people seats and also large round table seating area. You can try to call to reserve 02-2627-2079.


黑美林 菜單 -排行榜

Hei Mei Lin Restaurant Menu – Dish Rank List


Egg with Sesame Oil
Price: NTD $265
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

很多人到黑美林是點菜脯蛋 . 朋友點的是麻油燒蛋. 台北中式餐廳有許多與蛋相關的料理, 例如“喜相逢” 的魚汁滑蛋 與 “小酌之家” 的 魚香煎蛋. 這次在黑美林吃到的麻油燒蛋, 印象深刻. 不僅麻油風味十足, 味蕾也可以感受到香蔥與花椒賦予的香氣與辛香. 整體的鹹香風味非常適合下飯.
Many people visit Hei Mei Lin Restaurant for their pickled radish omelet, but my friend ordered the sesame oil egg instead. There are many egg-based dishes in Taipei’s Chinese restaurants, such as the fish sauce scrambled eggs from “Xi Xiang Feng ”. The sesame oil pan-fried egg I had this time at Hei Mei Lin left a deep impression. Not only was the sesame oil flavor rich, but the palate was also treated to the aromas and slight spiciness from green onions and Sichuan peppercorn. The overall salty and aromatic flavor profile makes it perfect for pairing with rice.

延伸閱讀: Taipei BIB Gourmand 》小酌之家菜單推薦點哪些菜餚

延伸閱讀: Xi Xiang Feng 喜相逢麵館 》想再訪餐廳卻訂位不易



Goose Meat
Price: Depends on the weight
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

我很少吃台式餐廳的鵝肉料理 , 幾乎都是吃粵菜的鵝肉料理 ( “晶華軒“ 的 潮州滷水鵝 ). 黑美林的鵝肉價格是秤重. 我們這一盤是 NTD $300 的鵝胸肉. 切工細心, 並沒有太多碎骨. 重點是鵝肉微鹹嫩香, 不錯吃. 建議搭配滷肉飯一起吃.
I rarely have goose dishes at Taiwanese restaurants. I usually enjoy goose prepared in Cantonese style (such as the Teochew-style braised goose at “Silks House” ). At Hei Mei Lin Restaurant, the goose is priced by weight. The plate we ordered, featuring goose breast, was NTD $300. The slicing was done with skills, leaving minimal bone fragments. Most importantly, the goose meat was mildly salty, tender, and flavorful—very enjoyable. I recommend pairing it with the braised pork rice for the best experience.

延伸閱讀: Silks House Taipei 》N訪後的晶華軒菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點)



滷肉飯 (大)

Braised Pork Rice (Large)
Price: NTD $50
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

黑美林餐廳招牌全名是黑美林傳統台南小吃. 滷肉飯是經典的南部滷肉飯, 切丁五花肉,鹹香微甜 , 適量滷汁與脆筍絲都為這一碗滷肉飯加分.
Hei Mei Lin Delicacies Restaurant’s sign stated “Traditional Tainan Foods “ . The Braise Pork rice is the typical and classic Southern Taiwanese style. The braised pork belly carries savory flavor and hints of sweetness. The braised sauce and crisp bamboo slices makes this dish special and unique.



Goose Intestines with Salted Vegetable and Celery
Price: NTD $190
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

此道是黑美林的招牌料理. 我很少吃內臟類. 這是我第一次吃鵝腸. 脆口感是入口的第一印象. 鹹菜賦予鹹度, 辣椒帶給味蕾辛香. 如果不排斥吃內臟類, 我會推薦點來配飯.
This dish is one of Hei Mei Lin’s signature dishes. I rarely eat intestines and this was my first time trying goose intestines. The initial impression is the crisp texture. The salted vegetables add a savory note, while the chili brings a touch of spiciness to the palate. If you’re not averse to organ meats, I would recommend ordering this to pair with rice.


蒸魚 (黑喉魚)

Steamed Fish ( Blackthroat Seaperch )
Price: Price may vary
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

魚 是用時價. 這次的 黑喉魚時價是 NTD $615. 快炒餐廳賣的通常是煎魚, 很少會有蒸魚菜餚. 魚肉嫩鮮不錯吃.
The price of the fish may be vary. We had Blackthroat Seaperch, which overall is NTD $615. Most stir-fried restaurant only offers pan-fried fish. Not much restaurants offer steamed fish. This particular steamed fish is tender and delicious.




Squid with Salt, Pepper, Salted Egg Powder
Price: NTD $220 + NTD $30 = NTD $250
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

餐廳販售的椒鹽花枝是 NTD $220. 如果加上鹹蛋黃粉 , 則是加 NTD $30. 花枝偏硬, 比較可惜.
The menu stated Squid with salt and pepper is NTD $220. If added salted egg powder, you will need to pay extra NTD $30. The squid is a bit hard, which is quite a disappointment.



Kao Po Style Stir-Fried Cabbage
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

The cabbage has crisp texture and full of spicy stimulation.



Braised Bamboo Slice
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

The savory and crisp texture of the bamboo slice is suitable for pairing with alcohols.



Braised Egg
Price: NTD $15 x 3
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

You can order the egg to pair with braised pork rice.



Who are the most suitable customers of Hei Mei Lin Restaurant


✅ 內湖科學園區的上班族
餐廳晚上開到 11pm , 加班的人還是有餐廳可以吃晚餐或宵夜.

不用再帶去萬豪或是春大直, 直接到黑美林享受台式快炒.

✅ 附近餐廳的廚師與店員
因為開到 11pm , 還是有時間可以在黑美林吃完飯再回家.

Local residents and fans of Taiwanese stir-fry don’t really need to be included in the conclusion.

✅ Office workers in the Neihu Science Park
The restaurant stays open until 11 PM, so even those working overtime have a place to enjoy dinner or a late-night meal.

✅ Foreign clients or representatives from international companies
There’s no need to take them to Marriott or Spring Dazhi anymore—just head to Hei Mei Lin to enjoy authentic Taiwanese stir-fry.

✅ Chefs and staff from nearby restaurants
Since it’s open until 11 PM, there’s still time for them to grab a meal at Hei Mei Lin before heading home.

延伸閱讀: 大直內湖美食懶人包 》Taipei Dazhi Neihu Restaurant Guide




黑美林 資訊

Hei Mei Lin Restaurant Information

店名: 黑美林
地址: 台北市內湖區內湖路一段231號 (Map)
捷運站: 西湖捷運站
電話: 02-2627-2079
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063903486538
Restaurant: Hei Mei Lin Restaurant
Address: No. 231, 1st Section, Neihu Road, Neihu District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Xihu MRT station.
Tel: 02-2627-2079

黑美林 菜單 Menu



