海派上海小吃 Hai Pai 》除了煙燻圓鱈也有其他拿手好菜
Last Updated on 2022-02-26 by Foodelicious
海派上海小吃菜單不再是小吃類, 而是晉升台北無菜單料理餐廳之一, 更是饕客心目中的台北桌菜餐廳推薦.
Hai Pai Shanghai Restaurant no longer offers simply Street Food. Instead, Hai Pay restaurant becomes one of the Taipei Omakase Chinese restaurants.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
Hai Pai Reservation
海派上海小吃餐廳離南京復興捷運站 8 號出口與 1 號出口約 5 ~ 8分鐘路程. 餐廳外貼著一張「 本月辦桌, 小吃暫停 」. 進入餐廳, 可看到老闆/主廚正在後面廚房裡準備桌菜, 這裡有大小圓桌, 適合家庭聚餐與朋友聚餐. 餐廳坪數比 “喜相逢”小 , 與 “鄒記食舖” 差不多大, 我們有 10 位, 坐的是大圓桌, 海派上海小吃都需事先訂位, 目前不是熟客制, 皆是採用打電話方式 ( 02-2717-3646 ) , 無法 Walk-In. 我個人是建議 8 ~ 10 人一桌.
Hai Pai Shanghai Restaurant is about 5 ~ 8 minutes walking from Exit 1 or Exit 8 of Nanjing Fuxing MRT station. It no longer offers Shanghai Street Food. Instead, it offers family style Chinese cuisine. This place is suitable for family gathering and also friends’ gathering. It is smaller than “Xi Xiang Feng” restaurant. We have 10 people that sit at large round table. You would need to reserve seats in advance via phone call (02-2717-3646). They do not accept walk-in. I would suggest 8 ~ 10 people to dine here.
延伸閱讀: Xi Xiang Feng 喜相逢麵館 》想再訪餐廳卻訂位不易
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 2022 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
Hai Pai Shanghai Restaurant Parking
我個人是建議坐大眾運輸, 但是若要停車, 我也截圖給各位, 附近上班族多, 停車場雖然多, 但是其實車位沒有預期地多.
I would suggest to take public transportation. If you need to park, here is the parking lot map down below.
Hai Pai Shanghai Restaurant Price
海派上海小吃目前已是台北無菜單料理餐廳之一, 換句話說, 菜單內容不定期更換, 老闆通常是以一桌的桌菜價格來算, 菜單細節請自行溝通. 2022. 2 月我與朋友們 10 人則是均價 NTD $2000/人. 有人問, 這樣的設定算是私廚嗎? 如果”鄒記食舖” 被歸類於台北私廚, 那海派上海小吃應該也算台北私廚.
Hai Pai Shanghai Restaurant is one of the Taipei Omakase Chinese restaurants. In other words, the menu content will change time by time. The customer would need to discuss menu details with the restaurant owner/chef. The price is based on ONE table. However, Feb 2022 my friends and I (total 10 people) are $2000/person.
延伸閱讀: 鄒記食舖 Zou Ji 》關於這家台北私廚的五件事 (內有 500 盤的菜餚)
Hai Pai Shanghai Food Dishes
I would start writing from my favorite dish.
Smoked Cod
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
請務必”事先“ 與老闆溝通這道煙燻圓鱈可不可以在當天菜餚名單裡. 煙燻圓鱈是海派上海小吃的招牌菜餚. 老闆在廚房煙燻, 我們在吃飯時就已經聞到燻香, 圓鱈 Size與厚度令人驚艷, 聽說約兩斤半左右, 滑嫩鬆軟口感, 煙燻香味與海鮮風味並不會抵觸. 在場每位朋友都對此道菜餚讚不絕口, 也是我當天最喜歡的菜餚.
You must discuss with the restaurant owner/chef if this smoked cod can be on your menu. This particular dish is Hai Pay restaurant’s signature dish. The chef smoked the cod at the kitchen. The aroma is quite thick. The cod size is incredibly large. The tender fish meat is tasty and also flavorful. The tastebuds can still sense the seafood flavor. Everyone loves this dish. And it is my favorite dish of the day.
Chicken Broth with Jin-Hwa Ham Soup in a Clay Pot
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
記憶深刻的台北雞湯有 “請客樓” 與 ”玉喜飯店“, 海派餐廳最特別的是這道砂鍋裡除了全雞與干貝外, 也有蹄膀, 用以上食材再加上金華火腿熬煮多時, 湯頭相對香醇微黏口, 這一道適合 10 ~ 12 人, 每人至少都喝了三碗.
The impressive chicken broths are at “The Guest House” and “Yu Hsi” . Surprisedly, there are whole chicken, scallops, pork hock, and Jin-Hwa Ham. The broth is thick and flavorful. This size is suitable for 10 ~ 12 people. Everyone at least drinks 3 bowls of soup.
延伸閱讀: The Guest House 》喜來登請客樓菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜)
延伸閱讀: 玉喜飯店 Yu Hsi 》玉喜菜單推薦點什麼 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )
Simmered Noodle with Mackerel and Garlic
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
這次在海派餐廳看到主廚做 “響油” 這個程序有點驚訝, 因為畢竟在台北餐廳很少見, 所謂的響油就是趁熱澆上熱油於鱔魚勾芡菜餚, 再將蒜頭與麵攪拌, 我個人最愛麵的口感與充分醬香風味 鱔魚反倒有點像配角, 整體也美味, 我吃了兩碗.
The chef pours in small amount of boiling hot oil process into the dish. Then, we stirred the garlic, noodle, the mackerel together. I personally like the noodle texture and the sauce flavor. The mackerel didn’t domain this dish. Overall, this dish is delicious. I ate two bowls, which is considered a lot for me.
Vegetarian Appetizer (Cold)
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
海派上海小吃的素三絲是蓮霧, 小黃瓜與素鮑魚刨絲, 蓮霧刨絲是不常見的食材, 吃起來微甜清爽, 我個人還蠻喜歡吃.
This appetizer includes wax apple slice, cucumber slice, vegetable abalone slice. Sliced wax apple in a dish is rare. Overall, this dish has small amount of sweetness. I like this refreshing appetizer.
Braised Rib with Rice Cake
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
海派當然要有上海經典菜餚 -紅燒排骨年糕, 老闆一端上桌時, 聞到撩人紅燒肉香味, 年糕外型方正, 軟糯口感帶著紅燒鹹味入口, 排骨色澤呈現深褐色, 肉有適量的嫩度與鹹度, 這道料理甜鹹風味完全很下飯.
Hai Pai restaurant has classic Shanghai cuisine – Braised rib with Rice Cake. The meaty aroma is great! Both rice cake and ribs are delicious. The meat tastes tender with fair amount of salty and sweetness.
Braised Beef Tendon, Beef Tripe , Beef Brisket
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
牛三寶包括牛筋牛肚與牛腱, 不僅色澤到位, 也滷得很入味, 海派也有提供辣椒沾醬.
This dish includes braised beef tendon, beef tripe , beef brisket. The restaurant also offers hot sauce to pair with.
Cured Meat Assortment
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
這是最先上菜的菜餚, 有臘肉,臘腸與肝腸, 切工工整, 不錯吃.
This is the first dish. It has cured bacon, sausage, and liver sausage. The slices are in shape. Overall, it is quite tasty.
Braised Abalone with Sea Cucumber and Tendons of Pork
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
My friends considered this dish above average.
Spinach with Clams
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
菠菜不會苦, 海瓜子依舊有少許海鮮風味, 芥末香氣讓這道涼菜更有特色.
The spinach is not bitter. The clams still have small amount of seafood flavor. The mustard offers small stimulation.
Bean sprouts with Shrimp
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
看似簡單家常菜, 實際手工剝費時費工, 蝦比預期地清脆, 與豆苗搭配是不錯的選擇.
Shrimps are refreshing. It is quite a good choice pairing with the bean sprouts.
Grilled Mullet Roe
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
吃起來口感微硬, 我個人還是比較喜歡”餵公子吃咖哩” 的溏心烏魚子.
The texture is a bit hard. I personally prefer “Feed the Curry” grilled mullet roe.
延伸閱讀: Taipei Omakase 》餵公子吃咖哩晚上包場成為台北私廚
Steamed Crab
Foodelicious: N/A
這道我沒吃. 餐廳提到是14兩的處女蟳, 同桌朋友們都覺得不錯吃.
I didn’t taste this dish. All people consider that this dish is delicious.
結論 Conclusion ⭐
海派餐廳桌菜整體是非常不錯吃與超值, 只是用餐環境比較不適合宴客, 以下是注意事項
✅ 採電話訂位制, 建議 2 星期前就訂位
✅ 建議 8 ~ 10人一桌, 餐廳目前價格是以一桌菜價格來算
✅ 需要與老闆事先討論菜單, 可詢問有無煙燻圓鱈
✅ 老闆兼主廚一人掌控廚房, 如果是要晚上用餐, 建議訂 6:30pm , 用餐時間大概 9:30pm 結束 , 盡量不要太晚.
Overall, Hai Pai restaurant is pretty delicious and price-worthy. However, the dining environment is not suitable to treat important guests though. Here are a few remarks.
✅ Reservation via phone. I would suggest to reserve 2 weeks prior.
✅ I would suggest 8 ~ 10 people. Now, the price is based on ONE table instead of price/per person.
✅ You need to discuss menu details with the restaurant owner/chef. I would suggest you to ask if you can have Smoked Cod at your menu.
✅ Since the owner is the only chef in the kitchen without any waiter, I would suggest you reserve 6:30pm at dinner time. The dining time might end at 9:30pm.
Hai Pai Shanghai Food Information
店名: 海派上海小吃
地址: 台北市中山區遼寧街185巷7弄16號 (Map)
捷運站: 南京復興捷運站
電話: 02-2717-3646
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/海派上海小吃/1477915339186677
Restaurant: Hai Pai Shanghai Food
Address: No. 16 , 7th alley, 185th Lane, Liaoning Street, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Nanjing Fuxing MRT station
Tel: 02-2717-3646