FRASSI 》關於這一家台北大直義大利餐廳的五個重點

Last Updated on 2023-12-14 by Foodelicious

許多饕客都稱 FRASSI 餐廳台北義大利 Fine Dining 餐廳. 文章裡會提到義籍主廚 Iacopo Frassi 準備的套餐菜單, 訂位, 價格, 包廂與評價.
Many foodies considered FRASSI Restaurant is a Taipei Fine Dining Italian Restaurant. The article will include Chef Iacopo Frassi’s set menu, reservation, set price, private dining room and review.


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Frassi 訂位

Frassi Reservation

Frassi 地址為台北市中山區樂群三路299號1樓, 離劍南路捷運站 3 號出口約 5 ~ 8 分鐘路程. Frassi 與 “Taïrroir 態芮” 都在同一棟樓. 星期日與星期一並沒有營業. 晚餐時段則是沒有分時段, Last Order 是 8pm. Frassi 訂位是用 inline (Link ) . 座位區有高腳椅座位區與一般桌面座位區. 以同樣價格, 我個人建議坐高腳椅座位區, 可看到 Frassi 廚師們的團隊工作.
Frassi address is 1F , No. 299 , Lequn 3rd Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City. It is about 5 ~ 8 minutes walk from Jiannan Road Metro Station. It is located at the same building as “Taïrroir Restaurant”. The restaurant is not opened on Sundays and Mondays. The restaurant last order is 8pm. You will need to reserve via inline ( Link). The seating area is separated into two – Counter Seat and Regular Table. Since it is the same set price, I would suggest to sit at the counter seating area to see the Chef’s Team.

延伸閱讀: Taïrroir 態芮 》追求法式料理和唯美擺盤的台北米其林餐廳

延伸閱讀: 其他劍南路捷運站餐廳名單 》 Other Jiannan Road Station Restaurants list


Frassi 包廂

Frassi Private Dining Room

Frassi 包廂屬於半開放式 , 與 “La Vie by Thomas Bühner 睿麗餐廳” 包廂有點類似, 皆是用簾子隔開. 依訂位狀況, 會開放網路inline 訂位.
Frassi Private Dining Room is similar with “La Vie by Thomas Bühner “ private dining room. It is separated by the curtain. The room will be opened for inline reservation depends on the booking situation.



Frassi 菜單

Frassi Menu

Frassi 套餐價格

Frassi Set Price

Set Price : NTD $3680/person
✅ Wine Pairing:
3 Glasses Pairing NTD $1180
6 Glasses Pairing: NTD $1880
✅ Mocktail Pairing: NTD $980



Frassi 評論 ⭐

Frassi Review


Appetizer /Canapé
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

Frassi 服務生將三款開胃小點 ( Canapé ) 與細長義大利麵包棒端上桌. 開胃小點的餐盤與外型設計展現 Fine Dining 架勢. 我最喜歡如同小金杯的鯖魚塔塔 (圖二) , 入口時, 首先感受到到薄脆口感, 冷燻鯖魚賦予的鮮與醃漬梨子的清新互相襯托 , 帶出令人愉悅的平衡美味. 而茄子泥塔以藜麥風味為主. 西西里捲裡的金門酒糟牛菲力塔塔的肉香並不明顯, 也許是被醃黃瓜、酸豆、蛋黃醬覆蓋住. 細長麵包棒的酥脆程度則是令人難忘.
The Frassi restaurant server presents three Canapé and Grissini Bread Stick. The design of the appetizer plate and its presentation showcase Fine Dining style. I enjoy the mackerel tartare served in a small crispy cups, similar with Kueh Pie Tee (Pic 2). Upon the first bite, the thin and crispy texture was notable, with the cold-smoked mackerel providing a fresh and delightful balance alongside the pickled pear. The eggplant puree tart had a predominant quinoa flavor. As for the Cannoli with Kinmen koji marinated beef fillet tartare, the meaty aroma wasn’t very pronounced, perhaps overshadowed by the pickles, sour beans, and sauce. The crispy texture of the Grissini Bread Stick was quite memorable.



Bread and Bread Spread
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

Frassi 義式餐廳有 inhouse 專業師傅自製麵包. Frassi 餐廳 serve 黑蒜奶油方式是將打好的奶油抹醬整盤端上桌, 再分到抹醬盤. 這次品嚐到的麵包有全麥酸種鄉村 ,黑麥啤酒與巧巴達.以黑啤酒麵包最為少見. 我個人最喜歡的義式巧巴達, 單吃微脆且帶有麥香. 抹上黑蒜奶油後, 增加另一層風味.
Frassi Italian restaurant has in-house baker who crafts their own breads. Frassi server brings the whole bowl of whipper butter to the customers. Then, portioned into small butter plate. The bread plate includes sourdough bread, Rye beer bread, and ciabatta. The Rye beer bread is particularly special and rare. My personal favorite is the Italian ciabatta, which is slightly crispy and carried a delightful barley aroma. When spread with black garlic butter, it adds another layer of flavor.



白蘆筍, 鮑魚

White Asparagus, Abalone
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

微脆的義大利白蘆筍薄片與嫩滑的南非鮑魚薄片交錯堆疊, 相似顏色與細緻刀功讓人難以分辨. 店員先展示發酵6個月的義大利白蘆筍, 接著將昆布茴香瑤柱醬汁順著薄片邊緣淋上. 主廚運用少許花椒調味, 意想不到的美味, 讓整道菜印象更為深刻. 這是我當天最喜歡的菜餚之一.
Thin slices of Italian white asparagus, offering a subtle crispness, and tender South African abalone slices are artfully layered, making it difficult to distinguish between the similar colors and delicate knife work. The server first showcases the 6-month fermented Italian white asparagus, followed by drizzling kombu, fennel, and dried scallop sauce along the edges of the slices. The chef seasons this dish with a hint of peppercorn, creating an unexpectedly delightful flavor that left a lasting impression. This is one of my favorite dishes of the day.



蛋茄, 鰻魚, 松針

Eggplant, Eel, Pine
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

在台北的義式餐廳裡, 很少見到使用鰻魚這種食材. 我特別詢問主廚 Iacopo Frassi 為何會用鰻魚. 主廚提到以前居住在托斯卡尼, 對海鮮十分了解. 對他而言, 鰻魚是魚類食材, 而不是只侷限於日式料理. 炭烤鰻魚意外地酥脆, 也可感受到適量鹹度. 發酵茄子水泡沫搭配盤底的炭烤燻蛋茄泥展現微酸與微苦的層次.
In Taipei Italian restaurants, it is rare to see the use of eel as an ingredient. I specifically asked Chef Iacopo Frassi why he choose to use eel. He mentioned that having lived in Tuscany, he has a profound understanding of seafood. For him, eel is a type of fish, not limited to Japanese cuisine. The charcoal-grilled eel unexpectedly has a crispy texture, providing just the right amount of saltiness. The fermented eggplant foam, paired with the charcoal-grilled smoked eggplant puree at the bottom of the dish, showcases layers of hints of acidity and bitterness.



義式手工溝紋管麵, 鹿肉, 康堤起司

Garganelli, Venison, Comté
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

在 Frassi 菜單的義大利麵類別裡, 客人可二選一

✅ 義式手工溝紋管麵, 鹿肉, 康堤起司
✅ 義式細直麵, 血蛤, 烏魚子 (需加價 NTD $280)

我是選「⠀義式手工溝紋管麵, 鹿肉, 康堤起司 」.撒上可可粉的手工製作義大利管麵呈現 al dente 口感. 燉紐西蘭鹿肩肉嫩度高. 且肉質不軟爛, 搭配波特酒多蜜醬, 賦予濃郁肉香與適量鹹度. 康堤起司,菊芋泥與菠菜泥一同架構起整道美味的義大利麵.

At Frassi Restaurant menu Italian Pasta Category, the customer can choose one between two options.

✅ Garganelli, Venison, Comté
✅ Spaghetti, Blood Clam, Bottarga (Extra Charge NTD $280)

I selected「⠀Garganelli, Venison, Comté 」. The handmade Italian Garganelli, dusted with cocoa powder, presents an al dente texture. The slow-cooked New Zealand venison shoulder exhibits a high level of tenderness, and the meat maintains a firm texture. The meat is complemented by the richness of port wine demi glace , adding a profound meaty flavor with just the right amount of saltiness. The dish is artfully constructed with Comté cheese, artichoke puree, and spinach puree, creating a delightful harmony in this delicious Italian pasta.



Pumpkin Ravioli
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

This one is extra free dish to treat every guest.



石首魚, 章魚, 茴香

Ombrina, Octopus, Fennel
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

主廚 Iacopo Frassi 在Instagram上分享親自出海捕魚的動態,這也解釋了為何菜單中會有豐富的魚類料理. 這一道菜以澄清湯為基底, 先將章魚澄清湯注入盤裡. 石首魚經過低溫烹調後, 更加嫩香. 搭配章魚片與澄清湯增加鮮味. 茴香與海藻油推疊出更多層風味. 金蓮花和炸南瓜花的裝飾更添增品嚐時的趣味.
Chef Iacopo Frassi shares his personal fishing experiences on Instagram, explaining the presence of a variety of seafood dishes on the menu. The octopus consommé is first poured into the plate. The Ombrina, cooked at a low temperature, becomes even more tender and full of seafood flavor. Octopus slices and the consommé enhance the umami flavor of the dish. Fennel and seaweed oil adds additional flavors. The decoration with marigold flowers and fried pumpkin flowers add an extra element of enjoyment during the tasting.



Duck, Whiskey Berry, Endive
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

整隻鴨的展示方式如同 “Ad Astra 餐廳” 展示羊排的方式 ,  FRASSI的鳥巢展示更為美麗. Frassi 主廚選用彰化玫瑰玉露鴨, 經過 20 天熟成, 肉質更加軟嫩, 單吃已經有足夠的香濃肉香. 油脂豐富的焦香鴨皮襯托出鴨胸肉的嫩 , 再搭配鴨肉醬汁 ( Duck Jus) 帶出更加迷人的鴨肉風味. 些許莓果醬汁賦予味蕾些許酸甜度. 整道美味且不失濃香肉味.
The presentation of the whole duck is reminiscent of the way “Ad Astra restaurant” showcases lamb chops, but the nest display at FRASSI is even more beautiful. Chef Frassi has chosen duck from Changhua , aged for 20 days, making the duck meat even more tender. The richness of the crispy duck skin complements the tenderness of the duck breast. The duck jus enhances the delightful duck meaty flavor. A touch of berry sauce adds a hint of sweetness and tartness. Overall, this dish is delicious with thick meaty flavor.

延伸閱讀: Ad Astra Taipiei 》關於這一家台北米其林一星餐廳的五個重點


義大利苦艾酒, 柚子, 淡愛爾啤酒

Vermouth, Yuzu, Pale Ale
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

Frassi 餐廳是雙甜點. 苦艾酒義式冰淇淋帶有微苦的風味 , 建議搭配盤底日本柚子汁與淡愛爾啤酒.
Frassi restaurant offers two desserts. The vermouth gelato has a subtle bitterness. It is recommended to pair it with Japanese yuzu juice and pale ale beer served at  the plate.



Pear, Chocolate, Campari
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍


✅ 梨子、巧克力、金巴利香甜酒
✅ 甜菜根、蛋白脆餅、𦮗陳蒿
✅ 起司、果醬、盧卡果乾麵包 (加價 NTD $200 )

店員給的建議是, 如果想試 inhouse 師傅創新甜點, 可選擇甜菜根甜點. 我個人是偏好傳統甜點, 所以選擇「梨子、巧克力、金巴利香甜酒 」. 甜點擺盤設計猶如藝術品.白巧克力甘納許球比一般的 Bon Bon 大, 搭配梨子鮮奶油與果泥讓這道甜點不會只有單一甜度, 而是有果香風味, 比預期地美味.

The guest would need to select one dessert out of three.

✅ Pear, Chocolate, Campari
✅ Beetroot, Meringata, Tarragon
✅ Cheese, Marmalade, Buccellato (Extra + NTD $200 )

The server suggested that if one wants to try an innovative dessert crafted by the in-house chef, the guest could opt for the beetroot dessert. However, I prefer traditional dessert, so I chose the “Pear, Chocolate, Campari”. The dessert presentation resembles a work of art. The white chocolate ganache is larger than typical bonbons. Paired with pear cream and puree, this dessert offers not only a singular sweetness but also a delightful fruity flavor, making it tastier than expected.





Tea or Coffee
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

Frassi 菜單有不含咖啡因的洋甘菊茶的選項, 很適合在晚餐時段喝. 茶點則是有巧克力 Bon Bon 與 開心果小泡芙.
Frassi menu includes caffeine-free chamomile tea options, perfect for enjoying during the dinner hours. For tea pairings, there are chocolate bonbons and pistachio profiteroles. .


Wine Pairing

FRASSI 餐廳有 inhouse 侍酒師. Pairing 價格有

✅ 3 杯Pairing: NTD $ 1180
✅ 6 杯 Pairing: NTD $1880
✅ 無酒精 : NTD $980

FRASSI Restaurant has inhouse sommelier. Pairing price include

✅ 3 glasses Pairing: NTD $ 1180
✅ 6 glasses Pairing: NTD $1880
✅ Non-alcohol Pairingl: NTD $980
The single class wine quantity is more than other restaurants.



結論 Conclusion ⭐


✅ 義籍主廚 Iacopo Frassi 解釋 FRASSI 餐廳是當代義大利料理 ( Contemporary Italian Cuisine ) , 而非侷限於 Fine Dining 或是傳統義大利家庭式料理.

✅  NTD $3680 套餐菜單出現鮑魚, 白蘆筍, 鹿肉等食材, 也有中式辛香料 – 花椒. 海鮮部分則是鰻魚與石首魚展現出主廚的個人特色.

✅ 每道菜餚份量足夠 , 多數客人都可以吃得飽

✅ 澱粉類很出色. 剛開始的三款麵包比預期地多 , 可以慢慢吃. 整道義大利麵做得非常不錯且好吃.

✅ Wine Pairing 的單杯份量比一般餐廳的 Wine Pairing 多一些.

I have summarized a few key points:

✅ Italian chef Iacopo Frassi explains that FRASSI restaurant offers contemporary Italian cuisine, not confined to fine dining or traditional Italian family-style dishes.

✅ The NTD $3680 set menu features ingredients such as abalone, white asparagus, Venison, and even Asian spices peppercorn. The seafood section showcases the chef’s personal touch with eel and Ombrina.

✅ Each dish has sufficient portions.  Most customers can eat to their satisfaction.

✅ The pasta categories are outstanding. There are initially three types of bread, more than expected, allowing for a leisurely enjoyment. The Italian pasta is excellently prepared and delicious.

✅ The wine pairing offers larger individual servings compared to the standard wine pairings at other restaurants.



♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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FRASSI Restaurant Information

店名: FRASSI 餐廳
地址: 台北市中山區樂群三路299號1樓 (Map)
捷運站: 劍南路捷運站(BR15)
電話: 02-8502-6383


Restaurant: FRASSI Restaurant
Address: 1F , No. 299 , Lequn 3rd Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City
Nearby Metro Station: Jiannan Road Metro Station (BR15)
Tel: 02-8502-6383


