Fly’s Kitchen 》台北肉桂捲排隊名店 | Taipei Cinnamon Rolls
Last Updated on 2018-03-18 by Foodelicious
Fly’s Kitchen 肉桂捲是台北的傳說甜點之一, 也是少數忠孝復興捷運站不限時咖啡店.
Fly’s Kitchen Cinnamon Rolls is one of the legendary dessert in Taipei City. it is also one of a few cafes with unlimited dining time policy near Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station.
菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article
當天用餐是早上11: 10 am, 也是營業時間11點才過十分鐘, 室內小而美, 座位已差不多滿座, 烤箱與料理台為開放式, 一踏進門會聞到麵包和咖啡混搭香氣, 看著菜單, 除了限量肉桂捲外, 也有販售貝果和司康, 聽說 Fly’s Kithchen的鮪魚三明治也很有名, 最可惜的是肉桂捲無法外帶, 而且在下午一點左右聽說就會賣完, 若預訂, 跟 “門前隱味牛肉麵”一樣要等三個月以上.
I arrived at 11:10am, which only passed 10 minutes of their opening time. However, almost all seats are occupied. The oven is placed at the center of the cafe. When stepping in, the customer would smell the mixed of bread and coffee aroma. Besides cinnamon roll, they also offer bagels and scones. Sadly, their cinnamon roll is not allowed for to-go since it is limited quantity. If reserved prior, the customer would need to wait 3 months, just like “Hidden Beef Noodle Restaurant”
English Name: Cinnamon Rolls
Price: NTD $120
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
Fly’s Kitchen 肉桂捲Size比其他麵包店的大一些, 肉桂焦糖漿如同時間靜止停留在肉桂捲上方, 不吝嗇地撒上核桃, 成就了饕客眼中的極品, 摺痕佈滿肉桂內餡, 口感並不酥脆, 是鬆軟口感, 肉桂香氣稍微弱, 但已經比 “Coppii Lumii Living Coffee”濃且甜, 在甜點麵包店林立的台北市算是相當不錯, 我會推薦給不怕甜的人品嚐.
Fly’s Kitchen Cinnamon rolls is larger than other bakeries. The cinnamon caramel paste/sauce along with baked walnuts cover the roll appearance. There are fair amount of cinnamon filling. The texture is not crispy, only moist and soft. The cinnamon flavor is not very strong. But it is already more delicious than “Coppii Lumii Living Coffee”. I would recommend to the people who aren’t afraid of sweets.
西西里冰咖啡 (L)
English Name: Sisley Iced Coffee
Price: NTD $160
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
耳邊傳來類似冰塊與調酒杯撞擊的聲音, 原來店員正在做西西里冰咖啡, 最後用萊姆碎末作為裝飾, 看似黑咖啡, 因為冰塊的關係降低不少咖啡濃度, 整體風味也不會過酸, 喝的時候會是愉悅, 是每個人都可以接受的酸度, 點來搭配香甜肉桂捲相當不錯.
The sound of cocktail shake appeared. I realized that the staff was making Sisley Iced Coffee with lime zest garnish. The caffeine is not strong due to the ice. Generally speaking, the acidity is only medium and more like lemon juice. I am sure that everyone could accept this cup of coffee. It can also balance the sweet cinnamon rolls.
Restaurant Name 店名: Fly’s Kitchen
Address: No. 4 , 16th Lane, 1st Section, Da’an Road, Taipei 台北市大安區大安路一段16巷4號 (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station 忠孝復興捷運站
營業時間: 11am ~ 8pm (Monday Off)