Desert Land 莫漠 》關於這一家信義安和下午茶甜點店的五個問題
Last Updated on 2025-01-14 by Foodelicious
Desert Land 莫漠是一家少見的沾醬甜點專門店 , 也是可內用的信義安和站甜點美食之一. 人氣最高的內用甜點則是帕妃杯.
Desert Land is a store that offers dessert and dip sauce. You can also dine in this dessert shop near Xinyi Anhe metro station. The most popular item is Parfait.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
Desert Land 可內用?
Desert Land: Dine In ? Menu ?
Desert Land 品牌名稱裡的 Desert 是沙漠. Dessert 則是甜點, 多了一個字母 “S”, 也多了與別人分享的心意. Desert Land 的地址為台北市大安區光復南路676巷12號. 離信義安和捷運站約 8 -10 分鐘. 店面裝潢在巷弄內非常亮眼. 內用座位不多. 一進門可看到甜點, 餅乾與帕妃杯的櫃檯. 所有的餅乾,甜點與飲料皆是在店面製作.
Dessert is like a oasis in the desert. The “S” means sharing with others. Desert Land address is No. 12, 676th Lane, Guangfu South Road, Da’an Disttict, Taipei City Taiwan. It is about 8 ~ 10 minutes walking from Xinyi Anhe Metro station. The store decoration is quite attractive in the alley. There aren’t much of seatings. While entering, you can see the Parfait , cookie, and dessert counter. The chefs make all the cookies, desserts and drinks at store site.
Seating Area
Desert Land 內用評價
Desert Land: Dine In Review
✅ 每日出爐餅乾6款 與 Gelly 經典醬 (自選一款) NTD $230
✅ 每日出爐餅乾6款 與 Gelly Deluxe 醬 (自選一款) NTD $260
Desert Land 品牌有分鹹餅乾與甜餅乾.我個人會建議兩人同行去享用, 各點不一樣的餅乾組合. 店內也有飲料 , 我推薦點冰的西西里開心果奶蓋椰汁.椰汁風味並不明顯. 我喜歡的是開心果的堅果香氣搭配奶蓋的經典搭配.
While dine in, there are two options of cookies set
✅ 6 units of daily cookies with classic Gelly Sauce NTD $230
✅ 6 units of daily cookies with deluxe Gelly Sauce NTD $260
Desert Land has salty cookies and sweet cookies. I would suggest two people can visit together and order different combination of cookie set. They also offer drinks. I would recommend Ice Pistachio Milk Cap Coconut Juice. The coconut juice flavor is not obvious. I like the classic combination of pistachio nutty flavor and milk.
Desert Land 菜單
Desert Land Menu
Desert Land 帕妃杯評價 ?
Desert Land Parfait Review
2025 年 2 月的主打甜品是「草莓帕妃杯」(NTD $260). 甜點主廚巧妙運用新鮮的台灣大湖草莓,帕妃杯內層次豐富,包含店家自製的餅乾、瑪德蓮以及濃郁的草莓果醬。餅乾上抹的奶油質地絲滑,香甜不膩
Desert Land 的帕妃杯與其他甜點店略有不同,亮點如下:
✅ 使用低腳杯 低腳杯的設計方便分享,品嚐時可以享用更大口的份量,而不只是輕嚐小口,增添了用餐的愉悅感。
✅ 專注單一風味 Desert Land 的帕妃杯以單一草莓風味呈現. 對比其他甜點店常見的兩款風味混搭,這種經典的草莓單風味格外純粹,特別適合愛好草莓的甜品愛好者。
The display case in the store showcases a variety of parfait cups. The featured dessert for February 2025 is the “Strawberry Parfait Cup” (NTD $260). The pastry chef masterfully incorporates fresh strawberries from Dahu, Taiwan, crafting a parfait with rich layers that include house-made cookies, madeleine, and luscious strawberry jam. The cookies are topped with smooth, creamy butter that is perfectly balanced—sweet but not cloying.
Desert Land’s parfait cups stand out from those of other dessert shops for the following reasons:
✅ Served in a low-stem glass The low-stem glass design makes the dessert easier to share and allows for generous bites, rather than dainty nibbles, enhancing the overall dining experience.
✅ Focus on a single flavor Unlike other dessert shops that often mix two flavors, Desert Land’s parfait is dedicated to a single strawberry flavor. This classic, unadulterated strawberry focus is pure and refreshing, making it an excellent choice for strawberry dessert enthusiasts.
Desert Land 的 Gelly 醬是什麼?
What is Gelly Sauce? Which Sauce do I like the most?
Gelly 醬是店家自創的名詞. Gelly 是 Gelato 與 Jam/Jelly 的組合. Gelly 醬的口感滑順, 如同義式冰淇淋 Gelato. Gelly 醬不僅可以抹在餅乾或是作為餅乾沾醬, 也可以抹在費南雪或是其他甜點. 品牌負責人特別跟我說 – 醬與甜點一起享用是近期年輕人流行的品嚐甜點方式. 當然你也可以像我一樣 old school 抹在吐司.
Gelly Sauce is a term uniquely coined by the store, combining “Gelato” and “Jam/Jelly.” The texture of Gelly Sauce is smooth and creamy, much like Italian gelato. It can be spread on cookies, used as a dipping sauce for cookies, or paired with financiers and other desserts.The brand’s owner shared with me that combining sauces with desserts has become a trendy way for younger generations to enjoy sweets. Of course, you can also go the old-school route like I did and simply spread it on toast.
我喜歡的 Top 3 Gelly 醬
What are the Top 3 Gelly Sauce that I like?
我喜歡的 Top 3 醬分別是
✅ 大地開心果醬
西西里開心果賦予濃郁堅果香氣, 與之前我在 “PAI PAI Cannoli” 吃到的開心果卡諾里卷內餡更有濃稠口感.
✅ 荒漠黑巧醬
店家採用的是法國品牌歌劇巧克力 ( L’ Opera ). 這次我將荒漠黑巧沾醬抹在荒漠黑巧餅乾. 巧克力餅乾本身有些許蘭姆酒味. 荒漠黑巧沾醬則是有濃郁微苦巧克力風味. 一起入口是巧克力愛好者的天堂
✅ 綠風抹茶檸檬醬
我其實沒有想到我會喜歡這一款綠風抹茶檸檬醬. 日式抹茶風味搭配清甜檸檬風味很特別.抹在費南雪一起入口是不錯與特別的品嚐經驗
Here are my top 3 favorite sauces:
✅ Pistachio Sauce
The Sicilian pistachios impart a rich, nutty aroma. The texture is even creamier than the pistachio filling I had in the cannoli at “PAI PAI Cannoli.”
✅ Chocolate Dune Sauce
The store uses the French chocolate brand L’Opera. This time, I paired the Desert Dark Chocolate Sauce with their Desert Dark Chocolate Cookies. The cookies themselves have a subtle hint of rum, while the sauce offers a rich, slightly bitter chocolate flavor. Together, they create a heavenly experience for chocolate lovers.
✅ Matcha Lemon Sauce
I didn’t expect to enjoy the Matcha Lemon Sauce as much as I did. The combination of Japanese matcha with a light, sweet lemon flavor is truly unique. Spreading it on a financier and enjoying it together was a delightful and memorable tasting experience.
延伸閱讀: PAI PAI Cannoli 2021 》二訪重新開幕的 Pai Pai Cannoli 菜單推薦排行榜
我喜歡的 Top 3 餅乾?
What are the Top 3 cookie that I like? Can I purchase individually?
Desert Land 的餅乾有分兩種 – 鹹餅乾口味 (長方形) 與甜餅乾 (圓型). 單一風味包裝的價格皆是 NTD $155. 我特別問過老闆可不可以不同餅乾組裝成一包買. 她的建議是同一形狀會比較好包裝. 換句話說, 長方形鹹餅乾包裝在一起會比較適合. 店家將餅乾細心包裝, 防止散開.
Desert Land offers two types of cookies: savory (rectangular) and sweet (round). Each single-flavor pack is priced at NTD $155. I specifically asked the owner if it’s possible to mix different types of cookies in one package. Her suggestion was that it’s better to package cookies of the same shape together, as rectangular savory cookies are easier to pack uniformly. The cookies are carefully packaged by the store to prevent them from breaking apart.
我喜歡的 Top 3 餅乾
✅ 午後伯爵茶餅乾
品嚐此款餅乾時 , 唐寧皇家伯爵茶風味製作出的餅乾果然茶的香氣十足. 並不會像一般餅乾奶油香氣多於茶的香氣
✅ 鹽脈起司餅乾
原本以為是用起司粉. 後來主廚提到用的起司是雙色起司條, 並沒有抹成粉. 品嚐時, 有明顯有鹹起司風味. 我會選擇單吃,不搭配其他沾醬
✅ 沙丘黑巧餅乾
店家採用的是法國品牌歌劇巧克力 ( L’ Opera ) 與蘭姆酒. 微酒味頗為迷人.
Here are my top 3 favorite cookies:
✅ Afternoon Earl Grey Cookies
Made with Twinings Royal Earl Grey tea, these cookies have a strong and authentic tea aroma that stands out. Unlike typical cookies where the buttery flavor often overpowers the tea notes, this one stays true to its tea-forward profile.
✅ Mountain Salt Cheese Cookies
Initially, I thought these were made with powdered cheese, but the chef clarified they use dual cheese sticks without grinding them into powder. The result is a cookie with a distinct savory cheese flavor. I prefer eating these on their own rather than pairing them with any dip sauce.
✅ Chocolate Dune Cookies
The store uses premium French L’Opera chocolate and adds a touch of rum. The subtle hint of alcohol is captivating and elevates the dark chocolate flavor, making it an irresistible choice.
我選哪些餅乾與醬組裝成禮盒? 價格?
Which cookies and Gelly sauce that I would put in the gift box? Price?
Desert Land 店家有禮盒與手提袋. 客人可以自己選擇餅乾與醬組裝成客製化禮盒.
✅ 午後伯爵茶餅乾 NTD $155
✅ 鹽脈起司餅乾 NTD $155
✅ 沙丘黑巧餅乾 NTD $155
✅ 大地開心果醬 NTD$120
✅ 荒漠黑巧醬 NTD $85
✅ 綠風抹茶檸檬醬 NTD $85
原價 NTD $755 ; 搭配成禮盒則是 NTD $690
Desert Land store has gift box package and bag. The customers can select their own cookies and sauces to put into the gift box.
My Gift Box Content includes
✅ Afternoon Earl Grey Cookies NTD $155
✅ Mountain Salt Cheese Cookies NTD $155
✅ Chocolate Dune Cookies NTD $155
✅ Pistachio Sauce NTD$120
✅ Chocolate Dune Sauce NTD $85
✅ Matcha Lemon Sauce NTD $85
Original price is NTD $755. The Gift Box is NTD $690.
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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Desert Land 莫漠 資訊
Desert Land Information
店名: Desert Land 莫漠
地址: 台北市大安區光復南路676巷12號 (Map)
捷運站: 信義安和捷運站
電話: N/A
Restaurant: Desert Land
Address: No. 12, 676th Lane, Guangfu South Road, Da’an Disttict, Taipei City Taiwan (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Xinyi Anhe Metro station.
Tel: N/A