Curious Taipei 》套餐制菜單裡的蓮花綻放瞬間令人驚艷
Last Updated on 2024-08-03 by Foodelicious
(8/31/2024 結束營業 )2022 新開幕 Curious 蔬食餐廳 是小小樹食的新品牌, 是台北晶華酒店 B2 美食餐廳之一, 睡蓮造型菜餚是 Curious 菜單最令人難忘的菜餚.
(Closed at 8/31/2024 ) 2022 newly-opened Curious Restaurant is “Little Tree Food “ new brand. It is located at B2 of Regent Hotel. The Water Lilly dish is the most remarkable dish in Curious Menu.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
Curious 訂位
Curious Reservation
台北晶華酒店離中山站四號出口約 15 ~ 20 分鐘路程 , Curious 餐廳與“ COAST “ 都在同一個樓層在晶華酒店B2. 近期台北餐廳設計越來越有趣 , Curious 餐廳招牌不明顯, 很容易錯過, Curious 餐廳入口藏在牆壁後(圖一), 一開門則是酒吧, 只需要與酒吧店員說有餐廳訂位即可, 則會有店員引導進入另一扇門, 開最後一扇門 (圖4) 則是Curious 蔬食餐廳, Curious 餐廳正式開幕日是 2022/2/9, 但是 Curious 訂位連結尚未出來, 目前是用電話訂位 02-2522-1920
Taipei Regent Hotel is about 15-20 minutes walking distance from Exit 4 of Zhongshan MRT station. Curious restaurant and Coast is located at the same floor – Regent Hotel B2. Nowadays, the restaurant design is getting more interesting. Curious restaurant logo is not obvious and easy to miss. After entering the door (pic 1), you would see the bar. You just need to tell the bar staff that you have a restaurant reservation. The staff would guide you through another door (pic 4) . The official opening day is 2022/2/9. However, Curious reservation link is not yet announced. Now, the reservation would be via phone ( 02-2522-1920 ).
延伸閱讀: 台北中山站美食懶人包 》 Zhongshan Station Restaurants Guide
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
Curious 用餐環境
Curious Dining Environment
Curious 餐廳的用餐環境有吧台座位區,寬敞舒適的沙發座位區 , 廚師團隊則是在餐廳中島工作區忙碌著.
The dining environment inlaces bar seats and soft seating area.
Curious 包廂
Curious Private Dining Room
包廂可坐 6-8 人, 也有獨立洗手間.
The private dining room can fit in 6-8 people. It also has independent restroom.
延伸閱讀: 台北飯店餐廳美食懶人包 》Taipei Hotel Restaurant Guide
Curious 菜單 ⭐
Curious Menu
Curious 蔬食餐廳菜單是套餐制, 只有一款素食套餐, 2022. 2 月套餐價格是 NTD $2580.
Curious restaurant offers set menu. However, they only have one set. 2022. Feb set price is NTD $2580.
Amuse Bouche
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
Curious 餐廳店員不僅親切, 也會專業地解說菜餚, 餐前小點看似迷你日式紅豆麻糬, 實際上是外層是醃漬大根切片, 無花果醬內餡吃起來並不會過甜.
Curious restaurant staffs are friendly and professional. The Amuse Bouche looks like Red bean mochi. But instead, it is reddish slice with fig jam texture filling. It is not too sweet.
麵包 & 奶油
Bread & Butter
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
小小樹食的創意與顏色搭配在年輕饕客圈裡非常受歡迎, Curious 主廚也在新品牌菜餚設計也花了不少心思, 佐餐歐式麵包外型有一隻小貓圖案 (圖一) , 咬一口時, 心裡想得是 「 哇, 跟 “RAW 餐廳 “的歐式麵包一樣酥脆好吃. 」. 餐廳自製奶油上的黑貓造型非常可愛討喜, 麵包抹上奶油更是加分美味.
Little Tree Food restaurant is famous for its concept and dish display design. Curious chef also puts lots of works on the dish display. The bread appearance has a cat mark (pic 1). I immediately think of “RAW” bread after the first bite, which is crispy and delicious. The restaurant-made butter has a black cat image, which is cute and remarkable.
延伸閱讀: RAW TAIPEI 》台北米其林二星餐廳美食 ( ANDRÉ IS BACK 菜單 )
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
上次吃用氮氣方式做成的料理是 “Bottless 非瓶餐酒館” 的氮氣馬鈴薯, 這次在 Curious 蔬食餐廳吃到的是用氮氣料理方式將百合, 杏仁與夏威夷豆打成泥, 菜餚造型像雪酪, 吃起來有堅果風味搭配絲綢般的口感.
Last time I ate nitrogen-skill related dish was “Bottless Bistro” mashed potato. Curious restaurant chef mixes lily, almond, and macadamia with nitrogen. The display looks like sorbet. It also has full nutty flavor along with silky texture.
延伸閱讀: Bottless 非瓶餐酒館 》無庸置疑是南京復興餐酒館推薦 (內含菜單)
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
這道菜餚色彩很飽滿, 紫地瓜脆片中間有紫蘇梅與發酵甜菜根醬, 類似之前在 “逗號洋行私廚” 的玉米夾層脆餅 , 梅子的酸甜風味主導且明顯 , 用桃膠來做裝飾 ( 圖二 ) 讓這份料理具有日式風格.
The color is impressive. The purple yam chip is crispy and thin. In between, it has plum and beetroot. The concept is similar with the corn chip at “Curio Comma Taipei”. The plum flavor brings a bit of acidity and sweetness at the same time. I also like the Japanese style decoration on the side (pic 2) .
延伸閱讀: Curio Comma Taipei 》台北逗號洋行私廚 | 在英式古典氛圍裡享受料理
Green Peony
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
我之前吃的孢子甘藍幾乎都是偏苦 (例如: “AFTERWORK by ACME” ) , Curious 這道外型非常精緻典雅, 讓孢子甘藍葉當作裝飾主角, 可惜千層酥皮非常易碎, 並不是像 “玉喜飯店”的酥皮蛋塔, 要拿起來吃時, 千層酥皮就已經支撐不住適量的野菇與松子內餡, 因為我本來就喜歡吃香菇與松子, 所以我個人還是蠻喜歡這道菜.
When I tasted “AFTERWORK by ACME” Brussels sprout, it is bitter. Curious chef uses Brussels sprout as a main display character. However, the thin crisp is easy to break and cannot held the mushroom and pine nut filling. When I am trying to eat with the crisp, it breaks. I personally like mushroom and pine nuts. So overall, I personally like this dish.
延伸閱讀: AFTERWORK by ACME 》新開幕台北西門站餐酒館也是酒吧
延伸閱讀: 玉喜飯店 Yu Hsi 》玉喜菜單推薦點什麼 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
Curious 蔬食餐廳有很多具有視覺感的菜餚, 例如這道菜餚上桌時, 打開容器時, 煙霧直接飄散於空氣裡, 記得吃的時候需要小心, 因為山藥會黏著碗底的小石頭. 海苔醬存在感明顯, 開心果顆粒口感搭配黏著感十足的山藥是個有趣的搭配.
Curious restaurant has many dishes with great display. When you open up the bowl, the smoke will immediately come out. However, you would need to be careful since the yam is a bit sticky. The tiny rock might get stuck under the yam. The seaweed flavor from paste is obvious. The pistachio crusty texture and yam sticky texture is an interesting combination.
Water Lilly
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
主角終於登場, 睡蓮造型是主廚團隊用娃娃菜製作而成 店員將蔬菜澄清湯注入盤裡, 蓮花逐漸綻放, 高成功度令人驚豔, 微苦的銅錢葉如同睡蓮旁的葉子, 整道菜餚設計就如藝術品, 重點是蔬菜澄清湯不錯喝, 視覺感與美味兼具. 希望Curious 蔬食餐廳將這道成為招牌料理 – 就像 “Logy” 的茶碗蒸.
The water lily pedals are made with baby cabbage. The staff pours in the vegetable consommé, the water lily pedals would open up. I am impressed and amazed by the dish display. The decoration next to the baby cabbage is a bit bitter though. Overall, this dish design is a great artwork. The most important part is that the vegetable consommé tastes quite good. I sincerely hope that this dish can be the signature dish at Curious restaurant (Just like the steamed egg dish at “logy” ).
延伸閱讀: Logy Taipei 》2020 台北米其林二星 logy 餐廳美食
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
切開用白木耳做成的繡球花, 內餡類似溫泉蛋黃, 風乾蛋黃更是增加些許蛋香.
The appearance is made with white fungus. The filling is similar with half-boiled egg.
Vegetarian Wellington
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
威靈頓牛排應該是近期台灣最受歡迎的料理之一, Curious 蔬食餐則是做出素食版本的威靈頓, 請注意- 主廚並不是用未來肉 , 而是用西瓜. 店員解說是內餡有風乾西瓜, 蘑菇與存在感頗強的菠菜, 酥脆熱酥皮更加分.
Wellington is probably the most famous cuisine at Taiwan. Curious restaurant creates the vegetarian version of Wellington. Please note that the chef didn’t use the future meat (vegetarian meat). He uses dried watermelon mixed with mushroom and spinach instead. The dish has Interesting flavor combines with the crispy hot pastry.
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
麵食中式風格十足, 松本茸的可愛造型讓人記憶深刻, 12 香帶來的辛香風味讓同桌朋友們拋開澱粉懼怕症 (?!), 我是完食這道麵. 若喜歡更辛辣, 可以加店家自製的番茄辣椒醬.
I am not surprised to see noodle on the set menu though. The mushroom appearance is cute. The 12 spices increases everyone’s appetite. If you like spicy flavor, you can add their tomato spicy sauce.
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
除了葡萄食材外, 店員提到也有青梅酒凍, 整體吃起來還是以葡萄風味為主, 不錯吃, 很適合安排在辛香味濃郁的麵食後.
There are both grapes and green plums at this slush. Overall, the flavor is still dominates with grape flavor. It is suitable to eat this slush after tasting the spicy noodle.
Herbs Tea
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
Curious 蔬食餐廳套餐有附無咖啡因香草茶或是咖啡, 當天的香草茶有薰衣草與鼠尾草, 我是選擇薰衣草.
Curious set menu has non-caffeine tea or coffee. Today’s herb tea has sage and lavender flavor. I selected the lavender tea.
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
燕麥香蕉雪酪 (Sorbet ) 吃起來細緻且有適量香蕉風味, Opera 巧克力蛋糕的巧克力風味頗重,我會建議香蕉雪酪搭巧克力蛋糕一起吃會比較平衡.
The sorbet is full of banana flavor. However, the Opera cake is a bit of heavy and bitter since it is dark chocolate. I would suggest eating sorbet with the opera to balance out.
結論 Conclusion ⭐
適合去 Curious 蔬食餐廳的人如下
✅ 小小樹食餐廳的愛好者
Curious 餐廳是小小樹食的新素食餐廳品牌, 菜餚設計與用的食材皆升級.✅ 可接受 Curious 蔬食套餐價格 NTD $2580 (2022.2月)
Curious Menu 只有一款套餐, 你如果可以接受套餐價格是 NTD $2580 , 內容只有蔬菜沒有肉, Curious 餐廳蠻適合你.✅ 喜歡視覺感& 愛拍照的人
Curious 蔬食餐廳內部設計非常適合拍照 , 先進入酒吧再到餐廳也是一種有趣的經驗. 用娃娃菜做的睡蓮造型則是創意無限, 倒入蔬菜澄清湯, 蓮花就會綻放.這裡的菜餚也都頗具設計巧思.
Here are the people who are suitable for Curious restaurant:
✅ Little Tree Food restaurant lover
Curious restaurant is Little Tree Food restaurant’s new vegetarian restaurant brand. The menu and dish display upgrades.✅ You can accept vegetarian set price NTD $2580 (2022.Feb )
Curious Menu only offers one set. If you can accept the set price NTD $2580 without meats, you might be suitable for this restaurant.✅ Suitable for people who like visual design or people who like taking pictures.
Curious restaurant design is suitable for taking pictures. It is an interesting experience to enter the bar first then the restaurant. The water lily dish is quite creative as well.
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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Curious 短秒影片
Curious Taipei Video
Curious 餐廳 資訊
Curious Information
店名: Curious 餐廳
地址: 台北市中山區中山北路二段39巷3號 Regent Galleria B2 (Map)
捷運站: 中山捷運站
電話: 02-2522-1920
Restaurant: Curious Restaurant
Address: Regent Hotel Galleria B2 (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongshan MRT station
Tel: 02-2522-1920