杜鵑窩咖啡店 》大直捷運站不限時咖啡店 | CUCKOO’s NEST
Last Updated on 2018-02-11 by Foodelicious
杜鵑窩咖啡店是少數內湖大直營業時間超過半夜12點的咖啡店之一, 也是實踐大學附近咖啡店之一, 免費 Wifi , 不限時 和貓咪是這家店的三大特色.
CUCKOO’s NEST coffee shop is one of the coffee shops that operates pass midnight at Taipei Neihu Area. Free wifi, unlimited dining time, and cats are the three important factors that attract customers
菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article
杜鵑窩咖啡地點交通相當便利, 大直捷運站3號出口出來左轉走兩分鐘就抵達, 在深夜裡, 黯淡月光下, 再三確認 CUCKOO’s NEST 英文招牌就是杜鵑窩咖啡店, 如此獨特的店名讓我想到之前去過的 “溫柔鄉”, 真材實料的懷舊室內裝潢則是讓我想起另一家深夜食堂 “饞食坊”.
The traffic is very convenient. After exiting Number 3 exit, then turn left and walk approx. two minutes to arrive the coffee shop. Under the dim moon light, it is easy to miss its English sign “CUCKOO’s NEST”. Such unique store name reminds me of “The Tender Land” at Taipei City. The old-fashioned indoor design reminds me of a late night dining place named “Zen Food restaurant”.
English Name: Scallion Dumpling
Price: NTD $90
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A
其實有時候去咖啡店, 我會很排斥吃義大利麵跟三明治, 我反而比較期待有一碗中式餐點, 滷肉飯也好, 蔥花水餃我也接受, 可惜那天我已吃飽, 我只品嚐了一粒 杜鵑窩的手工水餃, 內餡並不會像南港區的 ”北大荒“ 飽滿. 我朋友對水餃的標準非常高, 她吃完後跟我說 “比我想像中的好吃”. 以 NTD $90 吃到十粒手工水餃在台北市是佛心價.
Sometimes, I do not want to eat pasta and sandwiches at coffee shops. I would rather have simply Chinese food, such as braised pork rice or dumplings. However, I ate my dinner already. My friend ordered this dish for late night dinner. My friend, who has high demand on dumpling quality, mentioned that their dumplings are quite delicious.
English Name: Latte (Iced)
Price: NTD $130
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
店家跟 “Naked Bistro” 和 “休習日“一樣是用環保不鏽鋼吸管, 拿鐵本身並沒有太濃郁的咖啡風味, 倒是帶有濃郁的奶香和適中甜度, 朋友點了特調咖啡, 外觀看起來跟我的拿鐵一樣, 並沒有較深的顏色.
CUCKOO’s NEST coffee shop uses environment-friendly straw, just like “Naked Bistro” and “Z Day Cafe”. The Latte doesn’t have strong coffee flavor, but with fair amount of sugar the milky flavor. My friend ordered special coffee, but the color appearance is the same.
由於這家咖啡店在實踐大學附近, 顧客以年輕族群為主, 每個人都安靜地聊天, 我跟朋友則是坐在窗邊的沙發區看著車潮稀少的北安路聊天, 很容易就會聊過頭忘記時間.
Because this coffee shop is closed to Shih Chien University. The customer base is young generation. Everyone is chatting quietly. My friend and I sat near the window at the sofa area facing outside. It is a great place to chat with friends.
延伸閱讀: 台北宵夜餐廳 》Taipei Midnight Diner Guide
Restaurant Name 店名: 杜鵑窩咖啡店 CUCKOO’s NEST
Address: No. 52, 41th Alley, 458th Lane, Bei-An Road, Taipei City 台北市中山區北安路458巷41弄52號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CUCKOOSNESTCAFE/
Nearby MRT station: Dazhi MRT station 大直捷運站
電話: 02-2533-0531
營業時間: 1:30pm ~ 12:30 am