辰壽司割烹 Sushi Kappou 》在海峽會品嚐日式無菜單料理美食

Last Updated on 2023-01-13 by Foodelicious

海峽會辰壽司割烹台北日式無菜單料理餐廳之一 , 此篇文章內容有辰壽司包廂訂位 , 價位, 評價與用餐內容.
CS Club Sushi Kappou is one of the Taipei Omakase Japanese Restaurants. This article includes reservation, price, review and menu content.

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延伸閱讀: (二訪)    辰壽司割烹會席 Sushi Kappou 》二訪吃雙活蟹會席料理




CS Club Sushi Kappou Reservation

海峽會辰壽司割烹地址為台北市松山區敦化北路167號B1 , 離小巨蛋捷運站 1 號出口約 10 分鐘路程. 請記得海峽會的餐廳都需要事先預約 , 辰壽司割烹訂位專線為 02-7707-6666 . 不要擔心, 即使不是海峽會的會員也可以用餐! 這篇文章我就 Focus 在海峽會裡的日料餐廳.

✅ 辰壽司割烹
我跟朋友們是吃辰壽司割烹, 主廚為台灣主廚鍾謦謙.
✅ 辰壽司

CS Club Sushi Kappou address is B1 , No. 167, Dunhua North Road, Songshan District, Taipei City. It is about 10 minutes walking distance from Exit 1 of Taipei Arena MRT station. Please note that you would need to reserve seats in advance. The reservation phone number is 02-7707-6666. No worries, you don’t need to be the CS Club member to dine there. I will focus at the Japanese restaurants at CS Club.

There are two Japanese restaurants at CS Club
✅ CS Club Sushi Kappou
My friends and I dine in Sushi Kappou. Chef Zong is in charge.
✅ CS Club Sushi

台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



About CS Club Parking

海峽會自己有停車場 (如圖一) , 如果停車場客滿, 小巨蛋附近也有停車場 ( 圖二)
CS Club has its own parking lot (Pic 1) . You can also park near the Taipei Arena (Pic 2).

延伸閱讀: 其他小巨蛋餐廳 》 Other Restaurants near Taipei Arena MRT station



CS Club Sushi Kappou Price & Private Dining Room

辰壽司割烹有午餐價位與晚餐價位 , 因為朋友慶生, 朋友們跟我是選擇辰壽司割烹包廂, 大概可坐 8 ~ 10 位 , 有獨立洗手間.

辰壽司割烹網站有寫價格細節 ( http://www.csclub.com.tw/new/dining2.php?c=206 )
✅ 辰壽司割烹午間套餐: NTD $3500/人 , NTD $5500/人
✅ 辰壽司割烹晚間套餐: NTD $4000/人 , NTD $6000/人
我跟朋友是選擇辰壽司割烹包廂: NTD $6000/人

CS Club Sushi Kappou has lunch price and dinner price. Because of my friend’s birthday, we chose Sushi Kappou Private Dining Room.8 ~ 10 people can be seated here. There is independent restroom in the private dining room.

CS Club Sushi Kappou prices are at the website ( http://www.csclub.com.tw/new/dining2.php?c=206)
✅ Lunch Set: NTD $3500/person , NTD $5500/person
✅ Dinner Set: NTD $4000/person , NTD $6000/person
We chose Sushi Kappou Private Dining Room: NTD $6000/person.




CS Club Sushi Kappou Review and Omakase Menu Content

以下是辰壽司割烹無菜單內容, 菜單為當季食材. 辰壽司割烹包廂套餐價位是 NTD $6000/人. 感謝朋友協助紀錄食材名稱.
The following is the omakase menu content. The private dining room price is NTD $6000/person. Thanks to my friend to take notes about the dish name.



Impressive and Delicious Dishes


甜蝦魚子醬塔 / 鮪魚酪梨紫蘇塔

Tart with Shrimp and Caviar / Tart with Tuna and Avocado

第一道 Display 設計頗具歐式優雅美感, 很難想像塔皮是山藥要做的, 原本還以為是像 “Chope Chope Eatery by JL Studio” 的手工金杯粿, 鍾師傅採用法國品牌 Kaviari 魚子醬 , 甜蝦魚子醬塔的鮮味在味蕾爆發 , 鮪魚與酪梨組合常在歐美餐廳吃到, 鍾主廚做的鮪魚泥酪梨吃起來細緻, 兩款都不錯吃.
The display of first dish is quite beautiful. It is difficult to imagine that the tarts are made by Japanese Yam.  I thought the tart is similar with the tart at  “Chope Chope Eatery by JL Studio” . Chef Zong used French Brand Kaviari Caviar. The tastebuds can sense the large amount of umami flavor. Tuna paste and Avocado are always a great combination in Western restaurants. Both are delicious.

延伸閱讀: Chope Chope Eatery by JL Studio 》台北 2020 米其林餐盤餐廳 (內有菜單)




Bering Sea Cockle /Seaweed / Finger Lime

上次在“花蕉 Hanasho ” 吃到象拔貝握壽司 , 這次在辰壽司割烹吃到少見食材 – 石垣貝. 剛開始, 主廚將師傅石垣貝甩在桌上 , 坐在板前可以很清楚看到活體石垣貝自動收縮, 具有視覺感, 這一道石垣貝口感吃起來很脆, 鍾師傅加入福岡生海苔與手指檸檬增加多層次風味.
I had Geoduck nigiri at “Hanasho”. This time at Club CS Club Sushi Kappou , the chef uses the high-end LIVE Bering Sea Cockle based nigiri. Overall, this nigiri tastes quite crisp and delicious. With seaweed and finger lime, there are many layers of flavors.

延伸閱讀: 花蕉 Hanasho 》關於這家 台北 omakase 日料餐廳的五件事



Fried Ginkgo / Mullet Roe / Seaweed

烏魚子在台灣很常見, 通常都是像在 “請客樓”吃到的烏魚子 或是 像 ”餵公子吃咖哩“ 的溏心烏魚子 , 鍾師傅則是將炸銀杏年糕與野生烏魚子組合成這一道令人印象深刻且好吃的菜餚.
Mullet Roe is quite common in Taiwan. Usually, the mullet roe display is like at “The Guest House” and “Feed the Curry”. In this restaurant, the chef combines fried ginkgo and mullet roe together and it tastes quite impressive.

延伸閱讀: The Guest House 》喜來登請客樓菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜)

延伸閱讀: Taipei Omakase 》餵公子吃咖哩晚上包場成為台北私廚



Nigiri – Pacific Saury

秋刀魚的亮澤讓這一道成為整場的亮點, 因為是饕客們今年第一道秋刀魚握壽司.
Everyone likes this nigiri since it is foodie’s first pacific saucy nigiri.



Fig / Queen Crab Meat Paste / Queen Crab Leg Tempura

坐在板前看到鍾師傅切無花果時, 我還在想是哪一道的食材, 原來是搭配松葉蟹腿天婦羅卷與蟹肉, 我個人喜歡這一道的細緻與美味
It is impressive to see that Japanese chef uses fig in Japanese restaurant. With large of crab seafood flavors, this dish is delicate and delicious.



Nigiri – Aged 10 days Japanese Maguro (Tuna)

This simple nigiri is quite delicious.



Gunkan- Maki – Hokkaido Sapporo Uni

多數人都很愛海膽軍艦, 這次吃的份量蠻多, 滿足與滿意!
Many people love Gunkan- Maki. I am quite satisfied with the fair amount.




Other Delicious Dishes


Nigiri – Flounder ( Halibut )

這一款比目魚鰭邊肉比預期地厚與油脂豐富, 沒有炙燒也不錯吃.
Even though it is not grilled, the halibut is quite delicious.



Nigiri – Squid

槍烏賊亮澤非常迷人, 吃起來柔和.
Squid appearance is bright and the texture is tender.



Nigiri – Japanese Kumamoto Prawn



Nigiri – Kagoshima White Croaker


黑松露/鮟鱇魚肝 / 法式澄清雞湯

Black Truffle / Monkfish Liver /Consommé

高麗菜包覆著鮟鱇魚肝 , 刨上幾片黑松露 , 再注入法式澄清雞湯 , 將 Old Fashion 的 鮟鱇魚肝 (例如: “樂魚料亭” ) 改造. 我在 “ Ukai 割烹” 都沒有品嚐過這種創新的料理, 法式澄清雞湯與黑松露為主要風味 , 高麗菜的清脆將適量鮟鱇魚肝風味隱藏地很好.
The cabbage wrapped up the Monkfish Liver. The chef displays a few slice of Black Truffle and pours in Consommé. It basically changes the old-fashion monkfish liver (For example: at “Leyu Ryotei” ). I didn’t even taste this type of creative cuisine at “Ukai Taipei”. The Consommé and black truffle dominate the flavor. The crisp of cabbage covers fair amount monkfish liver flavor.

延伸閱讀: 樂魚料亭 Leyu Ryotei 》關於這家中壢日式無菜單料理的四個重點

延伸閱讀: The Ukai Taipei 》在微風南山 46 樓美食餐廳品嚐日式割烹料理



Nigiri – Aged Japanese Maguro (Tuna) with soy sauce

鮪魚已經過數天熟成, 醬油漬的鮪魚赤身有著濃郁鮮味.
Japanese Maguro (Tuna) is already aged a few days. The soy sauce brings out more umami flavors.


白燒鰻魚/ 芝麻葉 / 陳年巴薩米克醋

Eel / Arugula / Balsamic Sauce

本來以為是單純的雲林白燒鰻魚握壽司, 芝麻葉與 25 年紅酒陳年巴薩米克醋將這一道料理升級為 Fusion 料理.
I thought that it was eel nigiri. It turns out to be a fusion dish with arugula and Balsamic Sauce.



Rice with Salmon Roe

I would like to have another one.



Halibut Broth / Straw Mushroom / Seaweed






Grape/ Grape Ice Cream / Lemon EVOO

The refreshing dessert is always a good ending.


辰壽司割烹適合誰去? ⭐

Who are suitable to dine at CS Club Sushi Kappou?

辰壽司割烹的無花果天婦羅被葉怡蘭選為 500 盤之一. 辰壽司割烹不用海峽會的會員就可以訂位與用餐, 很多人最關心的一個話題就是 “NTD $6000/人套餐有吃飽嗎? “ , 我的答案是 “ 我有吃飽, 而且跟預期一樣不錯吃“

✅ 想要生日慶生或宴客的人
✅ 喜歡品嚐高級日料食材的人
辰壽司割烹採用的多數食材皆是高價位進口食材, 因此價格偏高
✅ 可接受日本料理融入歐式料理的人
辰壽司割烹有 Fusion 料理菜餚

Figs Tempura is selected as one of the Taiwan 500 plates. You dont need to be CS Club member to dine at CS Club Sushi Kappou. Many people are wondering the topic: “Can NTD $6000 fulfill the appetite?”. The answer is “Yes, I am full and taste good as expected.”

Who are suitable to dine at CS Club Sushi Kappou?
✅ People who like to celebrate birthday or treat guests
I would suggest to book the private room for birthday.
✅ People who like high-end ingredients for Japanese cuisine.
CS Club Sushi Kappou Chef uses high-end imported ingredients. So, the price is a bit higher.
✅ People who can accept fusion cuisine (Japanese and European cuisine )
CS Club Sushi Kappou has fusion cuisine.



辰壽司割烹 資訊

CS Club Sushi Kappou Information

店名: 辰壽司割烹
地址: 台北市松山區敦化北路167號B1 (Map)
捷運站: 小巨蛋捷運站
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070748266939
Website: http://www.csclub.com.tw
Restaurant: CS Club Sushi Kappou
Address: B1 , No. 167, Dunhua North Road, Songshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Taipei Arena
Tel: 02-7707-6666


