Bencotto Taipei 是台北文華東方酒店 6 樓的義大利餐廳, 也是得到 2019 紅蝦評鑑和米其林餐盤的餐廳之一. Bencotto Restaurant is the Italian Restaurant at Mandarin Oriental Hotel 6F. It is one of restaurants has 2019 Gambero Rosso Taipei cert...
台北萬豪 INGE'S Bar & Grill 餐廳和酒吧是不僅是台北景觀餐廳, 也是許多饕客大直高級餐廳的首選之一. INGE'S Bar & Grill is located at Taipei Marriott Hotel 20F. It is one of the restaurants that can see Taipei View. It is also one of...
Buttermilk 餐廳是台北中山意舍酒店餐廳 , 是中山站美式餐廳之一, 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到眾所皆知的美國阿嬤秘方炸雞. Buttermilk Taipei is located inside amba Taipei Zhongshan Hotel. It is one of the American restaurants near Zhongshan MRT station. I ha...
台北君品飯店頤宮 ( Le Palais ) 榮獲2018年台北米其林三星餐廳, 頤宮招牌菜火焰片皮鴨三吃和先知鴨料理征服了許多饕客的味蕾. Le Palais Restaurant, which won the 2018 Michelin 3 Stars, is located at Palais de Chine Hotel. Its signature dish is roasted duc...
(已搬至遼寧街) 重新裝潢 A CUT 牛排館 ( A CUT STEAKHOUSE ) 是 台北米其林一星餐廳名單之一, 位於國賓飯店2F. (Moved to Liaoning Street ) The remodeled A CUT STEAKHOUSE is one of the Taipei Michelin One Starred restaurants. It is locate...