飯店餐廳 Hotel Restaurant

The Guest House 》喜來登請客樓菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜)

The Guest House 》喜來登請客樓菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜)
(2024. 5 二訪更新) 台北喜來登請客樓是 2023 台北米其林ㄧ星餐廳美食, 也是善導寺站美食之一. 主揪朋友安排坐包廂, 且選擇多款需預訂的桌菜. (2nd visit 2024. 5 Update) The Guest House , which is located at Taipei Sheraton Hotel, is a 202ˇ Taipei Michelin One Sta...

Silks House Taipei 》N訪後的晶華軒菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點)

Silks House Taipei 》N訪後的晶華軒菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點)
(2024. 1更新) 晶華軒是許多人台北家庭聚餐餐廳推薦首選, 以美味程度,  米其林入選的台北晶華軒菜單價位 合理, N訪後不只品嚐過西施泡飯, 也有吃到其他菜色推薦. (2024.1 Update) Silks House Taipei is one of the the Taipei Family Gathering Restaurants because Since Silks Hous...

Molino de Urdániz 渥達尼斯磨坊 》菜單歸類於西班牙現代料理

Molino de Urdániz 渥達尼斯磨坊 》菜單歸類於西班牙現代料理
(2023. 10 月更新) Molino de Urdániz 渥達尼斯磨坊 是 2023 台北米其林二星餐廳, 也是少數松江南京站的台北約會餐廳美食選擇之一. (2023. 10 Update ) Molino de Urdániz is 2023 Taipei Michelin Two Starred Restaurant. It is also a Taipei Dating Restau...

Café de LUGANO 》歐洲風格的台北文華東方酒店下午茶

Café de LUGANO 》歐洲風格的台北文華東方酒店下午茶
(2023. 9 更新 ) Cafe de Lugano 是台北文華東方酒店餐廳, 也是頗具歐式風格的台北戶外咖啡廳之一, Cafe de Lugano 菜單有早午餐,甜點,也有酒精飲品. (2023. 9 Update ) Café de Lugano is one of the Taipei Mandarin Oriental Hotel restaurants. It has Europea...

Taipei Michelin Plate 》辰園菜單桌菜點哪些菜餚 (內有豬鴨鵝)

Taipei Michelin Plate 》辰園菜單桌菜點哪些菜餚 (內有豬鴨鵝)
台北喜來登 辰園(The Dragon Taipei )是台北米其林餐盤餐廳之一 , 這次則是品嚐單點 辰園菜單 桌菜為主, 而不是辰園港點吃到飽. The Dragon Taipei, which is located at Sheraton Hotel, is one of the Taipei Michelin Plate restaurants. We ordered quite a lo...

Ambassador Chinese Cuisine 》台北國賓中餐廳菜單不是只有港式點心而已

Ambassador Chinese Cuisine  》台北國賓中餐廳菜單不是只有港式點心而已
(已搬至遼寧街) 並不是很多人知道台北國賓中菜廳 , 大部分饕客只知道台北國賓大飯店裡的 A Cut Steakhouse 與 國賓川菜廳. (Moved to Liaoning Street ) Many people do not know that Ambassador Chinese Cuisine Restaurant.  Most people only know about A Cu...

Regent Taipei Hotel Lan Ting 》終於吃到神秘的晶華蘭亭餐廳

Regent Taipei Hotel Lan Ting 》終於吃到神秘的晶華蘭亭餐廳
近期 台北晶華蘭亭菜單評價 良好, 因為蘭亭曾經是晶華飯店會員制餐廳, 感謝朋友之前的會員身份, 我才能吃到這間神秘的餐廳. Lan Ting Restaurant is one of Taipei Regent Hotel Restaurants. Lan Ting restaurant used to be only for Regent VIP members. Thanks for my ...

La Farfalla Taipei 》台北寒舍義大利餐廳不再是 Buffet

La Farfalla Taipei 》台北寒舍義大利餐廳不再是 Buffet
La Farfalla 義式餐廳是寒舍艾麗酒店義大利餐廳, 近期 La Farfalla 從自助餐轉型成中高價單點模式, 成為台北信義區約會餐廳之一. La Farfalla Italian Restaurant is located at the 6F of Humble House Taipei. Recently, this restaurant changes its Buffet to ...

Bencotto Taipei 》台北文華東方酒店義大利餐廳新菜單新主廚

Bencotto Taipei 》台北文華東方酒店義大利餐廳新菜單新主廚
Bencotto Taipei 是台北文華東方酒店 6 樓的義大利餐廳, 也是得到 2019 紅蝦評鑑和米其林餐盤的餐廳之一. Bencotto Restaurant is the Italian Restaurant at Mandarin Oriental Hotel 6F. It is one of restaurants has 2019 Gambero Rosso Taipei cert...