台中鵝肉店相當多,台中西屯路鵝媽媽鵝肉則是一間台中在地人推薦的鵝肉店, 除了鵝肉外, 也點了其他鵝媽媽知名的菜餚. There are many restaurants that offer goose meats at Taichung City. Taichung Mother Goose at Xiqiao District is recommended by the locals.
大江戶町鰻屋為台中市南屯區新開幕鰻魚飯餐廳, 斗大的招牌在文心南路上非常顯著. Newly-opened Edo Machi Eel Rice Restaurant is one of the Taichung Nantun District restaurants. The restaurant sign is very obvious on the side of Wenxin South S...
台中西區的 “23 太陽餅店”是台中太陽堂老師傅們開的, 2016 年日本富士電視台特地來台報導這家關於台中名產伴手禮. “ No. 23 Sun Cake “ Pastry Shop is located at Taichung West District. At the year of 2016, Japan Fuji TV also interviewed this shop for its...
台北的肥前屋鰻魚飯最有名, 台中則是大東屋鰻魚飯, 聽說跟台北一樣是排隊名店. Taipei 肥前屋うなぎ (I couldn't find its English name) near Zhongshan MRT station is quite famous. And the famous eel house in Taichung would be 大東屋 (prounce Da-Don H...
台中魯肉莊曾是街頭路邊攤, 最初是在人來人往的第三市場裡享受著溫熱滷肉飯. 經營40多年的魯肉莊已搬至整體環境乾淨的店面, 店家皆保持原本的傳統食譜和熟練廚藝的手法, 美味依舊不變. This restaurant was once a food booth by the street located in Taichung City. Now, they become a new restaur...