台中鐵板燒 》石庭兼六園鐵板燒日本料理 | Taichung Teppanyaki

Last Updated on 2019-05-05 by Foodelicious

石庭兼六園台中日本料理鐵板燒複合式餐廳, 也是適合家庭聚會的台中西屯區美食之一.
Kenrokuen Teppanyaki & Japanese Restaurant is one of the Taichung restaurants. This is also a restaurant that is suitable for family gathering.

2019 石庭兼六園菜單 在文末 2019 Kenrokuen Teppanyaki Menu is at the end of article



Kenrokuen Teppanyaki Traffic

台中石庭兼六園位於台中西屯區河南路上, 有著跟 “大江戶町鰻屋” 一樣的獨立一棟餐廳與斗大招牌, 後來才得知原來皆是屬於同一個集團 -大漁餐飲連鎖企業, 可惜並無代客泊車, 因為停車位就在餐廳旁邊, 非常方便.
Kenrokuen Teppanyaki is located at Taichung Xitun District. It has a independent building as “Edo Machi Eel Rice Restaurant”. It doesn’t have Valet Parking because the small parking lot is right next to the building.

延伸閱讀: 大江戶町鰻屋 》台中南屯區鰻魚飯美食 | Taichung Eel Rice

延伸閱讀: 其他台中餐廳 》Other Restaurants at Taichung



About Kenrokuen Teppanyaki

進入餐廳時, 放滿活海鮮的水族箱與 “明水然鐵板燒”有些相似,目測熟成肉室比 “ A Cut Steak House” 的熟成室大一些, 可惜酒櫃比 “和牛 47” 遜色許多, 因為石庭兼六園也有提供日本料理, 當然也少不了日本板前座位, 令我比較驚訝的是大包廂是像 “台北君品飯店頤宮 ( Le Palais )”一樣是圓桌擺設.
After entering the restaurant, I immediately see the aquarium that is similar with “Minsui Zen Teppanyaki”. The beef aged room is bigger than the aged room at “A Cut Steakhouse”. However, the wine collection is not as much as “Wagyu 47”. There is also counter seats like the traditional Japanese restaurant. The most surprisingly part would be the the private dining room is displayed as “Le Palais”, which is the large table.

延伸閱讀: Taipei Teppanyaki 》台北鐵板燒推薦 | 明水然鐵板燒之超值龍蝦牛排海陸套餐

延伸閱讀: A Cut Steakhouse 》國賓飯店牛排餐廳 | Taipei Steakhouse

延伸閱讀: Wagyu 47 》台北和牛 47 | 品嚐和牛美食欣賞台北101高空景觀

延伸閱讀: 頤宮 Le Palais 》Taipei Michelin 3 Stars Restaurant | 君品酒店台北米其林三星餐廳榮耀



石庭兼六園鐵板燒套餐- 熟成安格斯 Prime 牛排雙品

Kenrokuen Teppanyaki Set – USA Prime Angus Beef Fillet Mignon
Price : NTD $2280/ 2 people




Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

開胃小品不只一款, 除了沾醬外, 也有用小碟裝的蘿蔔乾炒蝦米與涼拌洋蔥, 店員端上小盤香腸與酥炸小魚乾, 頗為台式, 沙拉裡常見的玉米筍,秋葵和山藥,適量清脆蔬菜比 “Le Feu 鐵板燒”的佐餐沙拉有誠意許多.
There are more than one appetizer. Besides dip sauce, there are also dried daikon, onions, sausage and small fried fish. The salad has the common baby corn, okra, and yam. The fair amount of quantity and crisp is better than “Le Feu Teppanyaki”.

延伸閱讀: Le Feu 鐵板燒 》台北大安區平價鐵板燒 | Taipei Teppanyaki



Mushroom Hokkaido Large Scallop
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

首先, 我必須要說菜餚名稱很誠實, ”松露風“至少不會誤導客人以為是真正黑松露碎末. 擺盤簡單, 洋菇裡的亮黑松露醬增加少許獨特氣息, 干貝是生食級,石庭兼六園鐵板燒主廚將干貝半熟度拿捏恰到好處, 整體算是美味.
The mushroom with truffle “sauce” enhances the overall unique flavor. The scallop is perfectly cooked, which is very delicious.



Seasonal Fresh Fish
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

石庭兼六園是日本料理鐵板燒複合式餐廳, 理所當然要將生魚片放進鐵板燒菜單內, 店員提到若不吃生魚片可換成手卷, 與“梅子鰻魚”一樣相當為顧客著想. 料理皆是在外面的板前製作再端進鐵板燒包廂, 厚片鮭魚生魚片沾著山葵與醬油入口, 鮮美中帶給舌尖些許刺激感, 兩貫壽司並不會散落, 炙燒生魚片過後的油脂流進口裡, 不難想像石庭兼六園的日本料理應該不錯.
Since this is a Japanese restaurant as well, they of course need to put the sashimi into the menu. The staff mentions that if the customer cannot eat raw fish, they will sub to hand roll. It is quite considerable like at “UMEKO Japanese Restaurant”. The thick-sliced salmon sashimi tastes great and fresh pairing with the wasabi and soy sauce. Both nigiri are delicious since both are slightly grilled.

延伸閱讀: 台北鰻魚飯 》梅子鰻屋不僅有鰻魚飯也有日本料理 | Taipei Eel Rice



Seasonal Fish
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這次的魚食材是澎湖石老魚, 鐵板燒師傅只撒上一些鹽巴, 並沒有多做調味, 客人自己可以沾桌上的醬, 我是選擇單吃, 油脂充足, 並不會像有些海鮮一夾起就支離破碎, 雖然與之前的生魚片烹飪方式不同, 我倒是希望把這道菜餚拿掉, 或是讓客人生魚片與香煎魚二選一, 降低價格.
There is only salt on this particular Taiwanese Fish. The customer can choose to dip sauce as preference. The overall taste is average. But, I sincerely wish that they can have sashimi or grilled fish to choose from. Maybe the price could be lower.



Vegetable Vinegar Drink
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

因為這杯醋飲看起來不討喜, 我沒有喝.
I didn’t drink this vinegar because it looks a bit odd.



Ise Live Lobster
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

在點菜時, 店員並沒有提到今天的龍蝦其實是南非玫瑰龍蝦, 而不是菜單上寫的日本伊勢龍蝦, 由於我沒吃過日本伊勢龍蝦, 無法多做比較或是告知是不是等值. 但是這道小龍蝦鮮美程度高, 建議不沾任何醬直接吃. 只是要記得吃完這道料理要請店員換叉子, 他們並不會主動換, 因為下一道料理是牛排.
While ordering, the staff didn’t mention the lobster is from South Africa instead of Japan (as the menu stated). We were told just a moment before the chef grill the lobster. Since I never tried the Japanese lobster, I couldn’t tell the difference. This lobster is surprisingly tender. I would suggest NOT to dip any sauce though. However, please remind the staff to change the utensil after finishing this dish. Next dish is steak.


熟成安格斯 Prime 牛排雙品

Kenrokuen Teppanyaki Set – USA Prime Angus Beef Fillet Mignon
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

其實菜單沒有寫得很清楚, 熟成是幾天?  店員口頭上說牛排是沙朗, 至於熟成幾天和幾盎司方面, 礙於長輩在場, 我沒有多詢問. 石庭兼六園鐵板燒將這道牛排煎五分熟, 切塊後放置在盤裡, 搭配與 “犇 牛肉食堂” 一樣的蒜片, 肉質鮮嫩度不在話下. 雙品的定義其實是運用牛肉作成兩款菜餚, 第二款則是將牛肉片包裹著紫蘇葉和鮭魚卵入口, 除了頗具創意外, 我個人覺得很美味, 這是一道名正言順的迷你海陸菜餚.
The staff mentioned that the daily steak is sirloin. However, I didn’t ask how many days of aged or how many oz. The medium grilled steak is tendered juicy as expected. It has the garlic chip, just like at “Ben Teppan & Grill Restaurant”. There is also a beef roll, which filling is Japanese Basil leaves and roe. This dish is quite creative and great texture at the same time.

延伸閱讀: 犇 牛肉食堂 》台北和牛鐵板燒餐廳 | Taipei Wagyu Steak Teppanyaki



Fried Seasonal Vegetables
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我發現不僅夜市鐵板燒會出現熱炒高麗菜, 台灣很多高級鐵板燒也會出現炒高麗菜, 只是加些櫻花蝦增加少許不同風味, 也許是反映出台灣人喜歡吃一頓餐要有肉有海鮮也要有蔬菜吧. 這道有牛油加持拌炒的櫻花蝦高麗菜似乎有點過於油膩.
Stir-fried cabbage with sakaru shrimp is very common in Taiwan Teppanyaki Restaurant. But, the cabbage is stir-fried with the butter fats from the previous steak dish. It is a bit too oily.



Clear Fish Soup
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道湯品裡除了有魚外, 也有豆腐和菇類, 雖然看起來有味噌, 但其實喝起來只有單純帶有微薄海鮮風味的清湯, 份量頗多, 整個套餐吃下來其實湯品是喝不完.
Besides fish, there are also tofu and mushroom. Even though the appearance looks like it has miso, the soup doesn’t have much seafood flavor as well.


甜點& 飲料 & 水果

Dessert, Drink, Fruit
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
客人移駕到甜點座位區, 可以隨意聊天, 若是四位客人以上, 會提供小包廂, 相當不錯的設計.
The customers will be moved to the dessert sofa section (pic 1). I have to say it is a lovely and considerable design.


  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



餐廳: 石庭兼六園鐵板燒日本料理
地址: 台中市西屯區河南路四段183號 (MAP)
捷運站: N/A
電話: 04-2258-4855
營業時間: 打電話確認
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kenrokuen/
Restaurant: Kenrokuen Teppanyaki & Japanese Restaurant
Address: No. 183, 4th Section, Ho-nan Road, Taichung City (MAP)
Nearby MRT: N/A
Tel: 04-2258-4855
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm


2019 石庭兼六園菜單 》 Kenrokuen Teppanyaki Menu



