(已結束營業) 寅樂屋咖哩食堂是台北大安區咖哩飯餐廳, 也是信義安和站美食推薦餐廳之一, 只賣 “豬雞咖哩” 與 “牛肉咖哩”的日式咖哩系列. 可惜這裡即將在 2020.7月熄燈. Torarakuya Taipei is one of the Xinyi Anhe MRT station restaurants. It is in the alley between Xinyi Road an...
(已結束營業 )台北韓屋村是國父紀念館站美食, 也是台北東區韓國餐廳之一 , 韓屋村菜單提供除了豆腐鍋外, 也提供多款不同的韓國料理. (Closed Down ) Han Wu Village Korean Restaurant is one of the SYS Memorial MRT station restaurants. Besides Tofu Pot dishes, there a...
(Closed Down) al sorriso 餐廳位於 Home Hotel 大安的一樓, 近期餐廳與飯店皆進行微整修, 也重新推出 al sorriso 下午茶組合, 午後輕調酒, 晚上調酒與 Bar Food. (Closed Down) al sorriso restaurant is located at Home Hotel Da’An 1st Floor. Recently, bo...
(2023.4月結束營業 ) 台北 Chou Chou 法式料理餐廳是台北餐酒館之一, 也在米其林餐盤餐廳推薦名單裡, 近期重新裝潢後推出新菜單. 這次二訪是部落客朋友工作, 我輕鬆陪吃. (Closed down on 2023.April ) Chou Chou French Restaurant is one of the Taipei Bistros. It is also at the ...
(Closed Down) S 飯店餐廳是台北松山區餐廳之一, 近期換新主廚, 也同時推出以歐陸菜餚為主, 也帶些許北歐風格的新菜單. (Closed Down) S Hotel Restaurant is one of Songshan District Restaurants. Recently, S Hotel changed its executive chef and updated i...
(已結束營業 )VJ 義法餐廳是台北信義區松山文創園區美食餐廳之一, VJ 義法餐廳菜單上最受歡迎的是蒜香龍蝦義大利麵 (NTD $780) 與和牛肉醬千層義大利麵 (NTD$380). (Closed) VJ Italian and French Restaurant is one of the restaurants near Taipei Songshan Cultural Park at ...
(已結束營業) 2020 年開始 ACME Breakfast Club 與 AFTERWORK by ACME 餐酒館 結合成為成為同一個品牌, 轉型成為全天營業的餐廳 . (Closed Down) From the year of 2020, ACME Breakfast Club and Afterwork by ACME combine together into one brand. ...
(結束營業) 新開幕的台北 Alma 西班牙餐廳是大安站美食餐廳之一, 台北 Alma 菜單由知名隱丹廚主廚 Daniel Negreira 設計與監督, 有不同類型的 Tapas 和正統西班牙料理. (Closed Down )Newly-opened Taipei Alma Spanish Restaurant is one of the Spanish Restaurants near Da...
(結束營業搬到板橋) 有著 “吃我下麵” 霓虹招牌的姑媽咪牛肉麵深受年輕人喜愛, 也同樣是台北東區牛肉麵餐廳名單之一. (Closed down and move to Banqiao) With the Chinese Words Red Neon sign, Good Mommy & Co beef noodle is quite famous among young gener...