(結束營業) 新開幕有手繪老虎塗鴉壁畫的Liquid Bread Company (LBC) 位於信義安和捷運站附近的延吉街, 由於店內全天販售On Tap 啤酒和迷人的Pastrami 三明治, 吸引了不少啤酒愛好者去朝聖. (Closed Down) Newly-opened Liquid Bread Company is located near Xinyi Anhe MRT statio...
(Closed Down) 最近很夯的“泡菜肉彈”就在新北市的51 BBQ 韓國烤肉餐廳! 位於永安市場捷運站只需15分鐘路程. (Closed Down) 51bbq Korean restaurant offers the famous “Kimchi Fried Rice”. It only takes 15 minutes walking from Yongan Market MRT st...
(結束營業搬到中山區) 又有一家新開幕的台北東區火鍋店! 且全天供應特殊的罌粟鮮麻鴨血牛肉麵. (Closed down and move to Zhongshan District )There is another hot pot restaurant opened at Taipei Da’an District. It also offers unique spicy beef noodl...
(Closed Down) 2017新開幕的HERZMOMENT 笛瑟甜點工坊是永春捷運站下午茶甜點咖啡店. (Closed Down) Newly-opened Henrzmoment Sweets Factory is one of the pastry shops near Yongchun MRT station.
(已結束營業) 原來台北新光三越A11美食街也有美威鮭魚! 這次有這個榮幸再次品嚐到美威鮭魚, 而且是新菜單. (Closed) Supreme Salmon is also located at Xinyi District Shinkong Mitsukoshi Department Store food court. I have the opportunity to taste their...
(已歇業) 位於台北市忠孝敦化捷運站的敦南誠品附近新開幕一家名為“悄悄黑眼圈”, 這是一家小坪數的咖啡與司康外帶店. (Closed ) CIAO CIAO Scone & Coffee To-Go Shop, which is near Zhongxiao Duanhua MRT station, is located near Eslite Bookstore Duannan bran...
位於台北松山區南京東路五段的1/2 Cafe採用台灣食材製作手作果露咖啡, 深受附近上班族與居民喜愛, 近日也推出雪糕冰拿鐵和4度C冰鬆餅, 這次我有這個榮幸可以品嚐到這些新產品. 1/2 Cafe is located near Nangjing Sanmi MRT station in Taipei Songshan District. The owner uses Taiwan local ...
(已歇業) 2017 新開幕的ROUND 4 Bar加入台北中山區酒吧之一, 離中山國中捷運站只有約15分鐘, 酒吧裡除了有調酒,威士忌, 氣泡酒, 和讓人意想不到的VR遊戲 (虛擬實境). (Closed Down) Newly-opened ROUND 4 Bar becomes one of the Taipei Zhongshan District Bars. It is only loc...
台北市無菜單日本料理餐廳並不多, 搜尋到業界知名阿田師所經營的“山花割烹”, 不僅交通方便(近信義安和捷運站), 也是今年才從敦化南路搬遷至信義路新地點. 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到他們的料理. There isn't much “Special Chef’s Tasting Menu” Japanese Restaurants in Taipei City. What is “Special Che...
位於咖啡店林立的 中山捷運站旁的Tame Moose 常被定義為下午茶餐廳, 這次有這個榮幸可以品嚐到Tame Mosse的2017年春夏新菜單裡的歐陸式料理和多種調酒飲料. Tame Moose Restaurant is located near Zhongshan MRT station. Most people would think this restaurant as afternoo...