2017年6月新開幕的台北東旅 ( Hotel East Taipei ) 位於南京三民捷運站附近, 是台北松山區南京東路上的商旅之一. 這次有這個榮幸可以體驗一晚住宿. Newly-opened Hotel East Taipei is one of the hotels near Nangjing Sanmin MRT station. It is also one of the busine...
1969 藍天飯店 ( Blue Sky Hotel ) 為台中市中區飯店之一, 也是日本【H.I.S】旅行社網站“最想造訪的台灣景點或美食” 票選活動中唯一上榜的飯店, 這次有這個榮幸可以體驗到此家飯店. 1969 Blue Sky Hotel is one of the hotels at Taichung Central District. It is also the only Hotel...
台中 1969 藍天飯店 (Blue Sky Hotel) 開幕滿一週年, 與 萬寶龍 (Montblanc) 和 美國夢露葡萄酒台灣總代理 合辦一場精彩的《就在今夜 ‧ 我與夢露有約》派對, 也特別打造一間《瑪麗蓮夢露》主題客房. Taichung Blue Sky Hotel hosted a hotel birthday party with Montblanc and Marilyn Mo...
(長安東路店已結束營業) 米塔義大利連鎖餐廳 (Mita Pasta) 適合上班族商業午餐跟家庭聚會的餐廳名單之一, 這次我有這個榮幸可以品嚐到米塔的“主廚上菜” 新菜單. (Closed ) Mita Pasta restaurant is one of the price-friendly chain restaurants in Taiwan. It is suitable for Busi...
新開幕的大稻埕魯肉飯是台北大同區平價美食之一, 不僅販售魯肉飯, 也有豬腳與控肉, 也有搭配好的便當可外帶與外送. 這次有這個榮幸可以品嚐到以上三種招牌菜餚. Newly-opened “Dadaocheng Braised Pork Rice” is one of the low-cost restaurants at Taipei Datung District. It has braised...
新開幕的Gumgum Beer & Wings 是台北市少數販售美式雞翅與精釀啤酒餐廳, 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到他們的餐點與精釀啤酒. Newly-opened Gumgum Beer & Wings is one of a few restaurants that specializes on selling chicken wings and craft beer restau...
( Closed Down ) 慢慢弄乳酪坊 (Man Mano Cheese Lab) 位於台北大稻埕大橋頭捷運站一號出口附近, 也是少數有新鮮義式手工起司的專賣店. (Will Closed Down Soon) “Man Mano Cheese Lab” is located near Taipei Daqiao Tou MRT station Exit 1. It is one of a...
(已歇業) District One Tpe 越南河粉為台北東區新開幕美食餐廳之一 , 知名招牌料理龍蝦河粉已登上台灣各大媒體. (Closed) District One Tpe Pho is one of the newly-opened restaurants at Taipei East District. Its signature dish is Lobster Pho, which ...
雞湯大叔 (Broth Master) 是一個品牌, 也是一家2017年即將在台北行天宮捷運站新開幕的鍋物餐廳, 這次我有這個榮幸受邀搶先試吃雞湯大叔的白蘭地燉雞湯鍋物. Broth Master is a brand, and also a restaurant that will be opened near Taipei Xingtian Temple MRT station. Now, I...
(改名為橫濱牛排) “橫濱物語”位於南京微風3樓, 也是小巨蛋週邊美食之一. (Changed to Yokohama Steak House) Japanese Yokohama Monogatari Restaurant is located at BREEZE NANJING Department store 3F. It is also one of the restaurants nea...