繼總代理知名日本麵粉品牌十五年之後, 苗林行開始代理法國麵粉 - 布瑟麵粉 ( Minoterie Bourseau ), 在這次 Julien Dubois X 野上智寬麵粉講習會, 也得知目前台灣烘焙業運用麵粉的趨勢. After becoming the sole distributor of famous Japanese flour brands, Miaolin Foods now b...
全球知名法國貝瑪格雷集團與酒類專家王鵬合作舉辦這一場世界風土品酒會, 這次走動式品飲的酒款皆是尚未有正式台灣代理商的葡萄酒. Mr. Paul Peng Wang cooperates with World-wide famous Bernard Magrez Group to co-host this event. Most wines at the event do not have offi...
法國隆河葡萄酒公會與酒類專家王鵬老師合作舉辦一堂大師講堂, 我很榮幸可以南下高雄參加這次的”隆河希哈的多樣性“ 課程. Inter Rhône Association cooperates with Mr. Paul Peng Wang to host a course regarding the topic - Diversity of Syrah in the Rhône Valley Vin...
2019 新開幕波記冰室是台北大安區港式餐廳之一, 與波記茶餐廳是同一位老闆, 很榮幸這次在試營運且有優惠期間可品嚐到波記冰室經典餐點和港式冰品飲料. 2019 newly-opened Bo Kee Cafe is one of the Hong Kong Restaurants at Taipei East District area. I am honored to taste their ...
Saffron 46 ( 番紅花 46 餐廳 ) 是台北微風南山美食之一, 在台北信義區印度餐廳名單佔有一席之地, 這次有榮幸可品嚐到這裡的料理與出色的調酒. Saffron 46 is one of the restaurants at Taipei Breeze Nangshan. It is also one of the Indian Restaurants at Taipei Xinyi...
Taïrroir 態芮是台北法國餐廳之一, 經過主廚何順凱和餐廳團隊的努力後, 也獲得 2023 台北米其林三星餐廳的榮耀. Taïrroir is one of the Taipei French Restaurants. With Chef Kai and all the restaurant staff’s hard work, they also receive 2023 Taipei M...
這次法國食品協會 (Sopexa Taiwan) 與法國國家乳製品公會 (Cniel) 和歐盟 (EU) 合作, 為了推廣更多奶油應用和知識, 不惜成本在 Taïrroir 態芮舉辦法國奶油媒體見面會. Sopexa Taiwan cooperates with Cniel and EU to promote French butter knowledge and cooking methods....
紐澳良小廚是少數台北有美國南方料理的餐廳, 這次除了楓糖鬆餅炸雞和紐澳良濃湯飯外, 店家也準備新推出的現剖生蠔套餐給我們. Nola Kitchen is one of a few Taipei restaurants that offer America Southern Cuisine . Besides the fried chicken waffle and gumbo, the rest...