栩栩 OMAKASE 是台北無菜單日本料理餐廳. 藍色波浪光影走廊與石板吧檯令人印象深刻. 很適合成為台北約會餐廳之一. Xu Xu OMAKASE is a Japanese omakase restaurant in Taipei. The striking blue wave-like lighting in the hallway and the sleek stone counterto...
Desert Land 莫漠是一家少見的沾醬甜點專門店 , 也是可內用的信義安和站甜點美食之一. 人氣最高的內用甜點則是帕妃杯. Desert Land is a store that offers dessert and dip sauce. You can also dine in this dessert shop near Xinyi Anhe metro station. The mos...
Poetry 如詩是一間有包廂且有戶外座位的台北餐酒館, 也是一間內湖大直早午餐. 文章裡有 Poetry 如詩菜單, 訂位與低消. Poetry Restaurant is a Taipei Bistro with private dining room and outdoor seating area. Poetry Restaurant is also a Neihu Brunch plac...
Shabu Zen 是 2024 新開幕的台北高級火鍋餐廳. 最大亮點是 Shabu Zen 菜單與醬料皆是台北米其林一星 Ad Astra 廚師團隊研發. Shabu Zen is 2024 Taipei high end hot pot restaurant. The selling point is that Shabu Zen menu and sauce are developed by...
陸 和洋私廚料理 是 台北無菜單日本料理餐廳之一, 也是台北中山捷運站附近日料餐廳. 文章裡的三個重點包括 訂位 , 菜單價位 與 餐酒搭配價格. Kappou Roku Japanese Restaurant is one of the Taipei omakase Japanese restaurants. It is also a Japanese restaurant near Zhong...
台北喜來登大飯店比薩屋 Pizza Pub 客座 請到 世界50最佳披薩 第15名 的 Chef Giuseppe Errichiello ( Mr. Peppe) , 客座時間只到 2025年1月 1 日 . Chef 的Pizza Recipe 不確定會不會繼續留在常規菜單. Pizza Pub at Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel has invited Chef G...
台北南港六福萬怡酒店臨近 南港捷運站, 高鐵南港站, 台鐵及客運轉運站. 這篇文章會著重在有山景的豪華客房評價, 也包括早餐與其他介紹. The Courtyard by Marriott Taipei is located near Nangang Metro Station, High-Speed Rail Nangang Station, Taiwan Railway, and Bus Tr...
二訪 台北 FirePlay 餐廳, 品嚐新加坡主廚 Nick 準備的 FirePlay 菜單 , 套餐菜餚類型屬於直火料理 , 評價依舊是天母美食推薦. This is the 2nd time that I dine at Fireplay Taipei Restaurant. Singaporean Chef Nick offers great performance of Fire int...
許多人已經知道台北 Orchid 蘭餐廳換新主廚 - 日籍主廚 Sato Kiyoshi 佐藤清. 這次 2024 年 1 月晚餐套餐菜單讓我最驚艷的是日本雪室熟成和牛 ( Snow Wagyu ). Many people already knew that Taipei Orchid Restaurant changes to new Chef - Chef Sato Kiyoshi. The...
earnestos 餐廳 是 2024 新開幕台北餐廳之一 , earnestos 菜單由老闆之一, 也是新加坡籍主廚 Ernest Toh 卓均仰所設計. earnestos restaurant is a 2024 new Taipei restaurant. Singapore Chef Ernest Toh , who is also one of the owners , designs...