梅子鰻屋全名為梅子鰻蒲燒專賣店, 相比較其他台北中山區鰻魚飯價格. 梅子鰻魚飯價位相當合理. UMEKO Japanese Restaurant is located at Taipei Zhongshan district. Comparing to other Taipei Eel Rice, UMEKO eel rice price is very reasonable.
Buttermilk 餐廳是台北中山意舍酒店餐廳 , 是中山站美式餐廳之一, 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到眾所皆知的美國阿嬤秘方炸雞. Buttermilk Taipei is located inside amba Taipei Zhongshan Hotel. It is one of the American restaurants near Zhongshan MRT station. I ha...
二月半そば 蕎麦麺 (簡稱二月半蕎麥麵)是許多人心目中的台北中山區美食推薦名單內, 雖然二月半蕎麥麵可訂位, 但還是成為中山捷運站的排隊餐廳之一. Taipei Healthy Soba Restaurant is on my Taipei Zhongshan District Restaurants recommendation list. It is hard to imagine this ...
(Closed Down ; 搬到中山站附近 ) La Mesa 西班牙餐廳是國父紀念館捷運美食之一, 也在台北東區餐酒館名單上, 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到多款 La Mesa 的西班牙料理 (Closed Down ; Move to Zhongshan District) La Mesa Spanish Restaurant is one of the restaurants near SYS ...
Hana Bi 居酒屋是台北中山區居酒屋之一, 以專賣日式釜飯出名的 Hana Bi 商業午餐也深受附近上班族喜愛. Hana Bi Restaurant is one of the restaurants at Zhongshan District. Its signature dish is rice and ingredients served in a small pot.
新開幕的大師兄銷魂麵舖為中山捷運站美食之一, 藍白色的布製招牌則是紛紛出現在IG與FB上. Newly-opened “Master Spicy Noodle” is located near Zhongshan MRT station. Its blue and white sign often shows up at social media.
台北中山區美食 “POPINA” 是台北餐酒館裡少數回客率高的餐酒館, 也常被饕客拿來跟附近的台北晶華酒店與大倉久和裡的餐廳做比較, POPINA 通常是處於優勢. POPINA Bistro, which is located near Taipei Zhongshan District, is one of the bistros that has high customer return r...
印象中的客家菜是像“閤家小館”合菜, 台北中山捷運站美食之一的“六堆伙房”則是定位在一個人跟家庭聚會皆可吃客家菜料理. Most Hakka cuisine size is large portion, which is perfect for family gathering (For example: Ho-Gia Hakka Restaurant). 6 D Kitchen, which i...