雙連 / Shuanglian R12

Taipei Cinnamon Roll 》 Miss V Bakery 冠軍肉桂捲適合你嗎?

Taipei Cinnamon Roll 》 Miss V Bakery 冠軍肉桂捲適合你嗎?
Miss V Bakery Cafe 是蘋果日報選出的台北肉桂捲推薦之一, Miss V Bakery 菜單除了冠軍肉桂捲 ( 焦糖黏黏包 ) 外, 也有早午餐選擇. Miss V Bakery Cafe cinnamon roll Taipei is announced as No. 1 Taipei cinnamon roll recommendation by Apple Newspaper...

Leone Restaurant & Bar 》林森北路巷弄裡的 2020 新開幕台北餐酒館

Leone Restaurant & Bar 》林森北路巷弄裡的 2020 新開幕台北餐酒館
台北林森北路巷弄內有一間室外裝潢頗具藍白色地中海風格的餐廳, 新開幕的 Leone Restaurant & Bar 菜單 除了有非炸物主餐外, 也有創意調酒. There is a 2020 newly-opened restaurant called Leone Restaurant & Bar with Santorini design style. Besides main...

Taipei Local Bistro 》酒菜市場適合吃宵夜小酌的台北深夜食堂

Taipei Local Bistro 》酒菜市場適合吃宵夜小酌的台北深夜食堂
酒菜市場是台北中山區深夜食堂, 雙連站宵夜美食之一, 酒菜市場菜單 讓許多饕客們認為這家是台北餐酒館的懷舊台式風格代表. Drunk Food Restaurant is Taipei Zhongshan District late-night restaurant. It is also one of the Taipei Bistro near Shuanglian MRT Station.

Taipei Vermicelli 》面線町的海王子麵線系列不錯吃可ㄧ試

Taipei Vermicelli 》面線町的海王子麵線系列不錯吃可ㄧ試
(2020.1  二訪更新) 2019 新開幕面線町 (麵線町) 是台北中山捷運站美食之一, 面線町招牌菜餚為海王子麵線系列, 讓許多饕客慕名而來. Newly-Opened Vermicelli Shop (Mei-Xian-Ding) is located near Taipei Zhongshan MRT station. Most Foodies would visit to eat It...

Buttermilk Taipei 》Buttermilk 炸雞確實令人難忘

Buttermilk Taipei 》Buttermilk 炸雞確實令人難忘
Buttermilk 餐廳是台北中山意舍酒店餐廳 , 是中山站美式餐廳之一, 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到眾所皆知的美國阿嬤秘方炸雞. Buttermilk Taipei is located inside amba Taipei Zhongshan Hotel. It is one of the American restaurants near Zhongshan MRT station. I ha...

BeApe 法國傳統餐酒館 》位於台北巷弄內的2 樓挑高法式小酒館

BeApe 法國傳統餐酒館 》位於台北巷弄內的2 樓挑高法式小酒館
BeApe 法國傳統餐酒館商業午餐出了名地平價, 二樓挑高裝潢成為這家台北中山區餐廳的特色, 只是 BeApe 餐酒館訂位方式較特別, 一併採用網路訂位. BeApe French Bistro Lunch Set is quite price-friendly. The 2nd floor high ceiling design becomes one of the attraction of ...