文湖線 / Brown Line

Taipei Omakase 》餵公子吃咖哩晚上包場成為台北私廚

Taipei Omakase 》餵公子吃咖哩晚上包場成為台北私廚
餵公子吃咖哩是 2020 新開幕台北餐廳 之一, 餵公子吃咖哩菜單 中午販售印度香料與日式咖哩飯, 晚上則是下酒菜選項, 晚上包場則是可成為台北私廚. Feed the Curry is one of the newly-opened restaurants at the end of 2020. The restaurant offers curry rices by day, and omak...

Ambassador Chinese Cuisine 》台北國賓中餐廳菜單不是只有港式點心而已

Ambassador Chinese Cuisine  》台北國賓中餐廳菜單不是只有港式點心而已
(已搬至遼寧街) 並不是很多人知道台北國賓中菜廳 , 大部分饕客只知道台北國賓大飯店裡的 A Cut Steakhouse 與 國賓川菜廳. (Moved to Liaoning Street ) Many people do not know that Ambassador Chinese Cuisine Restaurant.  Most people only know about A Cu...

肉 RÒU by T-HAM 》敦南店是低調隱密的台北餐酒館也是精品肉舖

肉 RÒU by T-HAM 》敦南店是低調隱密的台北餐酒館也是精品肉舖
近期到 肉 RÒU by T-HAM 敦化店 2F 用餐, 發現不僅 肉 RÒU 菜單 完整, 更有專業侍酒師顧問, 已可以列在我的台北餐酒館名單上. I went to dine at RÒU by T-HAM Dunnan Store 2nd Floor. RÒU menu has lots of dishes. They also have Sommelier as wine pairing...

Taipei Vegetarian Restaurant 》吃完祥和蔬食慶城店的非業配感想

Taipei Vegetarian Restaurant 》吃完祥和蔬食慶城店的非業配感想
2020 米其林必比登推薦的祥和蔬食菜單 以川味素食為主, 兩家分店分別為 祥和蔬食料理慶城店 與 祥和蔬食料理鎮江店. Serenity Restaurant is a Taipei Vegetarian Restaurant, which also at 2020 BIB Gourmand Guide. And it has two branches at Taipei City.

Taipei East District Food 》紫琳蒸餃與美景川味皆是頂好名店城美食

Taipei East District Food 》紫琳蒸餃與美景川味皆是頂好名店城美食
台北東區頂好名店城 B1 有紫琳蒸餃與美景川味, 跟其他忠孝復興餐廳美食價格比較, 兩家老店皆是台北東區平價美食. Zi Lin Steamed Dumpling and May Jing Red Chili Wonton are the price-friendly foods near Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station.

Samwon Garden 》在 三元花園韓式餐廳瑞光店菜單單點才是王道

Samwon Garden 》在 三元花園韓式餐廳瑞光店菜單單點才是王道
台北內湖韓國餐廳非常多, 雖然 三元韓式花園餐廳菜單 價格偏高, 依舊深受內湖科技業的喜愛, 不適合要求高CP 值的人. There are many Korean Restaurants at Neihu district. Even though Samwon Garden menu price is high, it is still one of nearby tech workers’ ...

Zhongxiao Fuxing Food 》小新和食酒場菜單價格經濟實惠

Zhongxiao Fuxing Food 》小新和食酒場菜單價格經濟實惠
小新和食酒場是忠孝復興站日本料理餐廳之一, 也是市民大道上的日式餐廳餐廳, 小新和食海鮮茶碗蒸與海鮮丼的評價皆不錯. Ashin restaurant is one of the Japanese restaurant near Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station. Ashin restaurant’s stewed egg and seafood Donburi are t...

ABV Americano Bistro 》台北 2020 新開幕 ABV 美式餐酒館 (內有菜單)

ABV Americano Bistro 》台北 2020 新開幕 ABV 美式餐酒館 (內有菜單)
ABV 美式餐酒館是 2020 新開幕餐酒館之一, 精釀啤酒款式系列完整, 也提供美國各州著名料理的台北東區美式餐廳. ABV Americano restaurant is one of the newly-opened 2020 Taipei Bistro. Its craft beer collection is impressive. The restaurant also offers ...