上海邵師傅湯包是台北六張犁捷運站美食之一, 臭豆腐湯包與麻婆豆腐湯包是這家大安區餐廳的招牌料理. Shanghai Master Shao Soup Dumpling restaurant is one of the restaurants near Liuzhangli MRT station. The stinky tofu filling and male tofu filling is t...
(已搬至遼寧街) 重新裝潢 A CUT 牛排館 ( A CUT STEAKHOUSE ) 是 台北米其林一星餐廳名單之一, 位於國賓飯店2F. (Moved to Liaoning Street ) The remodeled A CUT STEAKHOUSE is one of the Taipei Michelin One Starred restaurants. It is locate...
12MINI鍋位於南京復興捷運站旁的慶城街一號B1美食街, 為台北松山區平價小火鍋餐廳之一, 我這次有這個榮幸可以品嚐到他們的小火鍋料理. “12 Mini Hot Pot” is located at the food court of “Urban One Department Stores” near Nanking Fuxing MRT station. It is one of the ...
台北新開幕咖哩飯餐廳又一家! Noname咖哩專門店是台北大安捷運站附近的餐廳, 除了咖哩飯外, 唐揚炸雞也是招牌料理之一. Another curry restaurant opens at Taipei City. No Name Curry Restaurant is one of the restaurants near Da’an MRT station. Besides curry r...
EN 和食。酒 (えん) 為忠孝復興捷運站日本料理餐廳之一, 除了在SOGO復興館 BR4 11樓有餐廳店面外, 在板橋大遠百也有分店. EN Japanese Cuisine Restaurant is one of the Japanese restaurants near Zhongxiao Fushing MRT station. Besides the SOGO Fuxing branc...
東咖啡是台北無麩質甜點咖啡店之一, 位於麟光捷運站附近, 是少數台北市不限時咖啡店. Dong Coffee Bar is one of the Gluten-Free Dessert & Coffee Shop. It is located near Taipei Linguang MRT station. It is also one of the coffee shops with ...
忠孝 SOGO 樓上有一家2017 新開幕的日本餐廳, 名稱為KICHI 吉天婦羅, 讓人記憶深刻的則是鍍24K金炸盤. There is a newly-opened Japanese restaurant, which is called KICHI, at SOGO department store. Its famous selling point would be the 24K gol...
Antico Forno 老烤箱義大利披薩餐酒 (Antico Forno Pizz Bistro) 榮獲2017與2018 義大利紅蝦評鑑 1 Pizza 獎項, 屬於科技大樓捷運站美食之一. Antico Forno received 2017 and 2018 Gambero Rosso International One Pizza. This restaurant is one of t...
杜鵑窩咖啡店是少數內湖大直營業時間超過半夜12點的咖啡店之一, 也是實踐大學附近咖啡店之一, 免費 Wifi , 不限時 和貓咪是這家店的三大特色. CUCKOO’s NEST coffee shop is one of the coffee shops that operates pass midnight at Taipei Neihu Area. Free wifi, unlimited d...