(2023.7 更新) 新開幕的永心鳳茶為台北信義區市政府捷運站下午茶餐廳之一, 玻璃罐裝冷泡茶與復古時尚裝潢為其特色. (Update 2023 July ) Yonshin Tea & Cake Selection Bar is one of the afternoon tea restaurants at Taipei Xinyi Breeze Department Store. T...
生火腿起司拉麵是東京米其林推薦 Due Italian 日本拉麵的招牌料理, 是信義新光三越 A4 餐廳之一. Chicken Broth Ramen with Iberico Ham & Cheese is Due Italian Ramen Restaurant’s signature dish. It is one of the Xinyi Shinkong Mitsubkoshi ...
PS Tapas 為台北東區餐酒館之一, 是忠孝敦化捷運站附近知名異國料理餐廳, 這次很榮幸可以品嚐到這家餐廳的正統西班牙料理. PS Tapas is one of the Taipei Bistros at Taipei East District. It is also one of restaurants that offer Spanish cuisine near Zhongxiao ...
Fly’s Kitchen 肉桂捲是台北的傳說甜點之一, 也是少數忠孝復興捷運站不限時咖啡店. Fly’s Kitchen Cinnamon Rolls is one of the legendary dessert in Taipei City. it is also one of a few cafes with unlimited dining time policy near Zhongx...
一碗來 ( Taiwan Mama ) 是台北華山文創園區餐廳之一, 屬於忠孝新生捷運站美食, 餐廳內的藍色地板和室座位相當受歡迎. Taiwan Mama Restaurant is one of the Taipei Huashan Creative Park Restaurants. It is located near Zhongxiao Xinshen MRT station. Its ...
新開幕 Herbivore 餐廳位於信義新光三越A4 二樓, 是台北素食餐廳之一, 特色為各國全素 (Vegan) 料理. Newly- opened Herbivore restaurant is located at second floor of Xinyi Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Department store. It is one of the vegetarian ...
EN 和食。酒 (えん) 為忠孝復興捷運站日本料理餐廳之一, 除了在SOGO復興館 BR4 11樓有餐廳店面外, 在板橋大遠百也有分店. EN Japanese Cuisine Restaurant is one of the Japanese restaurants near Zhongxiao Fushing MRT station. Besides the SOGO Fuxing branc...
南村 私廚‧小酒棧屬於台北忠孝敦化捷運站美食, 也是少數公認台北東區眷村菜餐廳代表之一, 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到餐廳雙人套餐 (NTD $1200/人). 44 SV Bistro is one of the Taipei Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station restaurants. It is also one of the Military Kindred Village...
餐廳全名其實是 “武鼎越豐越南麵食館”, 是台北市信義區平價排隊名店之一, 除了經典越南河粉外, 也有販售各種越南小菜. Ding-Yuan-Fong Vietnamese Pho Restaurant is one of the famous and price-friendly Vietnamese Pho restaurants at Taipei Xinyi District. Besid...