Fermented by 曾 House 是台北 Wine Bar . 因為 Fermented by 曾 House 菜單與酒單皆優秀 , 我認為能成為台北餐酒館推薦之一 Fermented by Tseng House is Taipei Wine Bar. Because its dish menu and wine menu are above average, I am consider...
栩栩 OMAKASE 是台北無菜單日本料理餐廳. 藍色波浪光影走廊與石板吧檯令人印象深刻. 很適合成為台北約會餐廳之一. Xu Xu OMAKASE is a Japanese omakase restaurant in Taipei. The striking blue wave-like lighting in the hallway and the sleek stone counterto...
(2025.2 更新)台北隱鍋林森店是雙連站火鍋餐廳之一, 也是華泰王子飯店附近的餐廳. ( 2025. 2 Update) Taipei Yin Hot Pot Restaurant is one of the Zhongshan District Hot Pot Restaurants. Yin Hot Pot is also near Gloria Prince Hotel.
(2025.1 更新) 捌伍添第 85 TD Restaurant 是 台北 101 餐廳美食之一 , 也是「 米其林入選」的台北高空景觀餐廳 , 這篇文章會提到捌伍添第菜單, 訂位與包廂等五個重點. (2025.1 Update) 85 TD Chinese Restaurant is one of the Taipei 101 Restaurants and also a Taipei Mic...
Desert Land 莫漠是一家少見的沾醬甜點專門店 , 也是可內用的信義安和站甜點美食之一. 人氣最高的內用甜點則是帕妃杯. Desert Land is a store that offers dessert and dip sauce. You can also dine in this dessert shop near Xinyi Anhe metro station. The mos...
Poetry 如詩是一間有包廂且有戶外座位的台北餐酒館, 也是一間內湖大直早午餐. 文章裡有 Poetry 如詩菜單, 訂位與低消. Poetry Restaurant is a Taipei Bistro with private dining room and outdoor seating area. Poetry Restaurant is also a Neihu Brunch plac...
北投泉源閣餐廳不僅是台北台菜餐廳推薦, 也是適合宴客的北投美食推薦.泉源閣是晶華國際酒店集團所屬餐飲品牌之一, 位於北投晶泉丰旅飯店裡 Bando Club Restaurant is one of the Beitou Restaurant recommendation, which offers delicious Taiwanese cuisine. Bando Club brand bel...