知名化妝品Kiehl’s 在台北市政府捷運站的新光三越A11的1樓開了一家Kiehl’s 咖啡店, 店家推出限量的金盞花咖啡吸引更多客人. International cosmetic brand Kiehl’s opened a coffee shop near Taipei City Hall MRT station at Xinyi District Department Store. ...
台北市中正區善導寺捷運站美食在哪裡? 大嗑西式餐館 (Ducky Restaurant) 是少數在善導寺附近提供美味西式料理餐廳, 也是個適合家庭聚餐的餐廳. Is there any good restaurant in Taipei Zhongzheng District near Shandao Temple MRT station? Ducky Restaurant is one of a...
閤家小館是少數台北大安區信義安和捷運站附近平價且適合家庭聚餐的美食, 餐廳的位置位於利長春餐廳旁邊的巷子裡, 除了具備“油鹹酸香”的客家菜之外, 也可品嚐到廣受台灣人喜愛的四川菜餚. Ho-Gia Hakka Restaurant is one of the price-friendly restaurants near Xinyi Anhe MRT station. It is fit for ...
目前台北信義區三家韓國燒烤餐廳 - 新開幕的Maple Tree House 楓樹韓國烤肉, Meat Love和Honey Pig. 較為特別的是Maple Tree House 台灣分店股東之一是隋棠老公Tony. There are three Korean BBQ restaurants in Taipei Xinyi District - newly open “Maple Tree H...
基隆海產店最有名的非“榮生魚片”莫屬, 但在地人還知道另一家名為“海味海產店”, 較為特別的是“海味海產店”與“章記” 合作(Co-Branding)共同販售生魚片與生牛肉. Since Keelung city is closed by the ocean, seafood is always the must-eat cuisine. Hai-Wei Seafood Restaurant co...
(2022. 5 更新) 台北哪裡可以買肉粽? 肉粽是端午節美食, 王記府城肉粽是台北市有名的肉粽店, 不用買一整串回家吃, 也可直接在餐廳裡享用. (2022. 5 更新) In Taipei City, rice dumplings always appear everywhere, not only during the Dragon Boat Festival. In “Wang Ji R...
光看店名會給人的錯覺是賣古早味麵店, 事實上,位於小南門捷運站附近的新開幕”重熙老麵“是一家專賣雞白湯底的拉麵店. 店面頗小但帶有點深夜食堂的感覺. By judging the store’s name, you probably would think that they are selling Chinese noodle. This newly-opened store, “Chongxi...
近期除了手沖咖啡外, 手泡茶也成為一種低調的時尚. 在台北松山機場捷運站附近的民生社區巷弄中, 販售著台灣優質手沖茶與伴手禮的”開門茶堂”總是能讓路人們停下腳步品茶享人生. Besides Hand-Drip-Brewing Coffee, Hand-Brew Tea is also a fashionable trend in Taipei City. Locating near Taipei ...
永康街咖啡店比比皆是, 有一家名為 8% Ice Bistro的複合式咖啡店在2017年悄悄地在永康街開幕, 它的姐妹店則是眾所皆知的 8% 冰淇淋專賣店. 較為不同的是除了冰淇淋外, 8% Ice Bistro也販售麵包與火鍋. There are a lot of coffee shops in Yongkang section near Dongmen MRT station. And ye...
論美味水餃, 台北東區有巧之味手工水餃, 南港展覽館捷運美食非北大荒水餃莫屬. 午餐時間的顧客幾乎都是南港科技園區新貴. As for delicious dumpling category, “Chiao Chi Wei Dumpling Shop” is the winner in Taipei East District. In the further east near Nankang E...