Maple Tree House 楓樹韓國烤肉》隋棠老公Tony為股東之一 | 新開幕

Last Updated on 2019-01-29 by Foodelicious

目前台北信義區三家韓國燒烤餐廳 – 新開幕的Maple Tree House 楓樹韓國烤肉, Meat Love和Honey Pig. 較為特別的是Maple Tree House 台灣分店股東之一是隋棠老公Tony.
There are three Korean BBQ restaurants in Taipei Xinyi District – newly open “Maple Tree House”, Meat Love, and Honey Pig. Because one of the “Maple Tree House” shareholders is a Taiwan celebrity, this restaurant gets lots of media exposures.


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警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

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牛骨湯 (附紫米飯)

English Name: Jumbo Galbitang (Short Ribs) With Black Rice
Price: NTD $520
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍

石鍋端上桌時, 服務生細心地用剪刀將兩根大牛肋骨與牛肉分開, 舀起一口湯,湯頭並非乳白色的神仙雪濃湯, 而是淡褐色且較為的清澈牛骨湯, 湯頭比台南溫體牛肉湯濃郁, 鮮甜且牛肉味十足. 長時間的燉煮讓牛肉和牛筋軟嫩, 可搭配店家的特製佐醬, 此外, 韓國本店是使用韓牛, 台灣分店使用的則是美牛, 由於美牛肋骨較為昂貴, 單價部份對部份消費者可能偏高.  湯頭裡有少許韓國冬粉與金針菇搭配適量蔥花, 由於石鍋的Size比常見的韓國豆腐煲大, 裝的牛骨湯份量絕對滿足一個人. Maple Tree House 只提供紫米飯, 並無粒粒分明, 口感十足但不黏牙.
The waiter patiently trims the beefs from the two large ribs. The soup appearance is light brown color and full of meaty aroma. When tasting the first sip, the tastebuds can immediately feel light sweet but deep beef flavor. With long hours of cooking/stewing, every piece of beef is tender. You can dip the meats into their custom-made sauce. The soup also includes Korean vermicelli, enoki mushroom and fair amount of green onions. As for the rice, Maple Tree House only offers Black Rice (It turns deep purple when cooked).




English Name: Hot Stone Steam Egg
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

由於是石鍋, 需要一直注意精準的火侯, 因為若火侯太大, 烘蛋就會像韓國拌飯的鍋吧. Maple Tree House的烘蛋剛上桌時是稍微澎起, 過了約十分鐘後會塌下來,其實是正常的狀況, 烘蛋質地為扎實但有彈性, 並不是澎鬆, 蛋的風味似乎過多, 建議搭配風味更濃郁的燒烤牛肉或豬肉.
The texture is dense and full of egg flavor, perhaps too much. It might be suitable for the Roasted Beef or Pork though. Eating this dish without pairing would be difficult to finish this dish.




English: Side Dish (Unlimited Supply)

韓式生菜沙拉 (Salad)
採用的是口感清脆的綠色萵苣, 佐醬則是風味較為清淡但香氣十足的麻醬, 再撒上少許白芝麻, 很適合搭配任何一道肉的料理.
The crisp lettuce with light sesame dressing is delicious and refreshing. It is perfect to pair with any meat dish.



紫蘇葉 (Korean Sesame Leaf)
店家提到紫蘇葉是韓國進口, 其他韓國料理餐廳較不會提供整片完整的醃漬紫蘇葉當作小菜, 視覺上看起來軟爛, 其實口感十足.
The sesame leaf is directly imported from Korea. Not much Korean restaurant in Taiwan offer this side dish. The flavor will not overwhelm any flavor from the soup.



至於涼拌菠菜, 加入比台灣香油更香的韓國100%白芝麻油後, 芝麻風味十足,吃起來則是爽口, 由於先吃韓國新鮮辣泡菜, 味蕾已嚐不出來豆腐上的佐醬口味.
The spinach is added with 100% Korean Sesame oil, which is full of sesame aroma with light taste. However, The kimchi flavor covers the sauce flavor on the tofu.


延伸閱讀:  2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide


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Restaurant Name店名: Maple Tree House Korean BBQ 楓樹韓國烤肉
Address: No.585, Guangfu South Road ,Xinyi District, Taipei City 台北市信義區光復南路585號 (MAP)
Nearby MRT station 捷運站: 台北101 / Taipei 101
電話 TEL:02 8780 9222
營業時間:N/A (They may change their operation hour)

