Gelovery Gift 蒟若妮頂級法式甜點店有大安店與信義店, 我跟朋友去的是忠孝復興甜點大安店, 這家東區蛋糕店可外帶也可外送. Gelovery Gift Dessert Store has Da’an branch and Xinyi branch. My friend and I went to the Gelovery Gift Zhongxiao Fuxin Branch. You...
侯布雄法式茶點沙龍是信義區下午茶選擇之一, 這篇文章會提到侯布雄法式茶點沙龍訂位, 低消, 菜單等事項. SALON DE THE de Joël Robuchon is one of the Xinyi District Cafes that offer afternoon tea. This article will mention SALON DE THE de Joël Robuchon ...
(2023. 9 更新 ) Cafe de Lugano 是台北文華東方酒店餐廳, 也是頗具歐式風格的台北戶外咖啡廳之一, Cafe de Lugano 菜單有早午餐,甜點,也有酒精飲品. (2023. 9 Update ) Café de Lugano is one of the Taipei Mandarin Oriental Hotel restaurants. It has Europea...
六丁目 Cafe 是台北民生社區咖啡店推薦, 更特別的是 六丁目 Cafe 菜單 也提供多款日本進口的茶品, 招牌抹茶甜點則是 2.5 倍濃抹茶生乳酪蛋糕. Rokucyoume Cafe is one of the Mingshen Community Coffee Recommendation. The menu also stated that they have various Japan...
Come Up Patisserie 是內用士林甜點店推薦之一 , Come Up Patisserie 菜單上的外帶常溫點心以達克瓦茲與費南雪最為有名. Come Up Patisserie is one of the dine-in Shilin dessert recommendation. Come Up Patisserie menu is famous for its dacquois...
Matcha One 齊東店最有名的莫過於 “ 台北日式老宅下午茶 ” 與 “ 台北日式抹茶專賣店 ” , 也有許多抹茶控喜歡 Matcha One 菜單上的板前套餐. Matcha One is famous for its Japanese style House and Japanese Matcha Shop. There are many matcha lovers like their...
(2021. 11 更新) OZ Cafe & Bistro 是我的信義區美食餐廳推薦, OZ Cafe 菜單上也有抹茶千層蛋糕與鹹派, 也是信義區下午茶餐廳與早午餐選擇之一. (2021.11 Update) OZ Cafe & Bistro is my Xinyi Restaurant Recommendation. Its menu has Matcha Green Tea ...
(2021.10 更新) 台北信義區下午茶有很多選擇, 義瑪卡多餐酒咖啡館是台北 101 美食之一, 也是少數有販售單杯酒的Cafe. (2021.10 Update ) There are lots of Xinyi District Afternoon Tea Cafe. IL MERCATO Cafe is one of the Taipei 101 Restaurant. It also ...
登波咖啡是 2021 新開幕台北咖啡店, 除了落地鐵花窗店面設計搶眼之外, 登波也是赤峰街美食咖啡之一, 最有名的莫過於登波美式肉桂捲. Coffee Dumbo is 2021 New Coffee Shop in Taipei City. It is also one of the Chifeng Street Coffee Shops. The most popular item would...