“忠南飯館”是 LOUIS VUITTON旅遊指南推薦餐廳之一, 位於台北空軍總部對面, 也就是仁愛路三段和建國北路高架橋附近, 是一家在適合家庭聚會的平價中式料理餐廳. Many people didn't know that this restaurant is at LOUIS VUITTON Taipei City Travel Guide. Chungnam Restaurant is...
廣東正龍城烤鴨是新北市永和烤鴨美食代表之一, 可惜的是這家排隊名店離永安市場捷運站有點遠. Guangdong Zheng Long Roasted Duck Restaurant is one of the Yonghe district best roasted duck restaurants. However, the restaurant location is a bit far fr...
國外餐廳紛紛到台北信義區開餐廳, 檀島香港茶餐廳跟Jamie’s Italian 一樣選擇加入台北信義區美食行列. Oversea restaurants kept opening up at Taipei City. Honolulu Cafe and Jamie’s Italian both chose A11 Department store to locate their oversea ...
閤家小館是少數台北大安區信義安和捷運站附近平價且適合家庭聚餐的美食, 餐廳的位置位於利長春餐廳旁邊的巷子裡, 除了具備“油鹹酸香”的客家菜之外, 也可品嚐到廣受台灣人喜愛的四川菜餚. Ho-Gia Hakka Restaurant is one of the price-friendly restaurants near Xinyi Anhe MRT station. It is fit for ...
基隆海產店最有名的非“榮生魚片”莫屬, 但在地人還知道另一家名為“海味海產店”, 較為特別的是“海味海產店”與“章記” 合作(Co-Branding)共同販售生魚片與生牛肉. Since Keelung city is closed by the ocean, seafood is always the must-eat cuisine. Hai-Wei Seafood Restaurant co...
(2022. 5 更新) 台北哪裡可以買肉粽? 肉粽是端午節美食, 王記府城肉粽是台北市有名的肉粽店, 不用買一整串回家吃, 也可直接在餐廳裡享用. (2022. 5 更新) In Taipei City, rice dumplings always appear everywhere, not only during the Dragon Boat Festival. In “Wang Ji R...
論美味水餃, 台北東區有巧之味手工水餃, 南港展覽館捷運美食非北大荒水餃莫屬. 午餐時間的顧客幾乎都是南港科技園區新貴. As for delicious dumpling category, “Chiao Chi Wei Dumpling Shop” is the winner in Taipei East District. In the further east near Nankang E...
長勝君捲蛋餅新開幕早午餐店位於台北市民生社區附近, 附近也有許多辦公室, 此店專攻捲蛋餅, 也就是大家所熟悉的中式蛋餅做成類似墨西哥捲的造型, 東西合併概念相似美國知名餐車賣韓國BBQ牛肉墨西哥捲餅. This newly-opened “Champion Omelet Pastry Shop” is located near Ming-Shen Community near Nangjing F...
台中魯肉莊曾是街頭路邊攤, 最初是在人來人往的第三市場裡享受著溫熱滷肉飯. 經營40多年的魯肉莊已搬至整體環境乾淨的店面, 店家皆保持原本的傳統食譜和熟練廚藝的手法, 美味依舊不變. This restaurant was once a food booth by the street located in Taichung City. Now, they become a new restaur...
街頭巷弄其實有很多傳統但是美味的餐聽, 但是因為用餐很方便, 人們容易忘記他們的料理是所謂的巷口美味, 利長春就是台北東區CP值極高的一家餐聽. There are quite a few traditional yet delicious restaurants in between lanes. Because it is too convenient to dine in these res...