新開幕 C'elet 115 Wine & Champagne 前身是初衣食午 Onefifteen Cafe, 適合與朋友品嚐 Moet 香檳下午茶甜點菜單, 或是分享魚子醬搭蕎麥薄餅. The 2022 newly-opened and trendy restaurant is C'elet 115 Wine & Champagne at Taipei city. You ca...
一時無酉 Abvless 是中山捷運站只開白天的台北無酒精酒吧推薦, 提供無酒精調酒飲品, 一時無酉無酒單也不接受訂位. Abvless Bar Taipei is a Taipei Mocktail Bar Recommendation near Taipei Zonghshan MRT station. They do not have menu and they don’t accept r...
BAR 忠 Chu 酒吧是台北中山區日本酒吧之一, 日籍 Bartender Kazy San 成功打造 Bar 忠 Chu 成為少數提供新鮮水果調酒與頗具水準餐點的台北酒吧推薦. Bar Chu Taipei is one of Taipei Zhongshan Japanese bars. Japanese Bartender Kazy San successfully build a Tai...
(二訪 2020.5更新) 小後苑 Backyard Jr. 是少數中午就開始營業的台北信義區威士忌酒吧, 也是台北餐酒館之一, 近期下午時段推出大人系的威士忌茶酒和甜點系列. Backyard Jr. is Taipei Whisky Bar that opens during the day time. It is also one of the Taipei Bistros. Rece...
專屬台北葡萄酒吧越來越多, 但是像 肯自然 這種下午開始營業的台北自然葡萄酒吧則是非常少見. There are many Wine Bars at Taipei City. “ Can Nature Taipei ” opens from afternoon through night, which is quite rare at Taipei City.
台北萬豪 INGE’S Bar & Grill 是餐廳為主, 酒吧為輔, INGE’S 酒吧是少數台北戶外景觀高空酒吧之一, 也在許多內湖大直上班族選擇小酌的酒吧清單裡. INGE’S Bar & Grill is located at Taipei Marriott Hotel 20F. It is a restaurant and also a bar. INGE'S Bar ...
台北大稻埕米凱樂啤酒吧 ( Mikkeller Bar Taipei )是台北少見的精釀啤酒吧之一, 從北門捷運站三號出口只需走 15 ~ 20 分鐘即可抵達. Mikkeller Bar Taipei, which is one of the craft beer bars, is located at Taipei Dadaocheng. The location is only 15 ~ 2...
Libido Wine Gallery 是台北遠企附近的酒吧, 離信義安和捷運站大約 15 分鐘路程, 這次有這個榮幸可以到這家酒吧品酌. Libido Wine Gallery is one of the bars near Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel. It is about 15 minutes walking from Xinyi Anhe M...