(2022.1 更新) 台北微風南山美食餐廳非常多, 此篇台北微風南山美食餐廳懶人包 / 南山微風美食餐廳懶人包 僅限Foodelicious Review 過的餐廳, 之後會陸續更新! (2022. 1 Update) There are many restaurants at BREEZE NANSHAN Department stores. The list only includes t...
台北雞肉飯名單包括來自台南的肉伯火雞肉飯信義店, 也算是信義區上班族外帶便當或是內用的美食選擇之一. Taipei Turkey Rice List includes Roubo Turkey Rice Restaurant Xinyi Branch, which is originated from Tainan. Office workers nearby sometimes would ch...
橘色涮涮屋新光三越分店在2018新開幕, 由於橘色火鍋價位偏高, 成為台北信義區高級火鍋店名單之一, 更是台北適合家人聚餐的餐廳. 2018 Newly-opened Orange Shabu is located at Xinyi Chinking Misukoshi Department stores. Its price matches its high-end image. Their W...
主廚林明健新開幕的台北 Wildwood 原木燒烤餐廳是信義新光三越A9 美食之一, 菜單項目以直火燒烤牛排居多, 對我來說已經算是台北信義區牛排餐廳. Newly-opened Taipei Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine Restaurant is one of Chef Kin’s restaurants. Since there are many grilled st...
(二訪 2018.08) 除了金子半之助台北車站分店外, 金子半之助市政府分店也開幕了, 成為信義新光三越 A8 專賣天婦羅的日本料理. Besides Taipei Train Station branch store, Tendo-JP restaurant also has another branch near Taipei City Hall MRT station. It sell...
新開幕的請請義大利餐廳 ( Cin Cin Osteria ) 位於國父紀念館附近, 是少數大安區裡適合家庭聚會的親子餐廳. Newly-opened Cin Cin Osteria Restaurant is near SYS Memorial Hall. It is one of the family-friendly restaurants at Da’an district.
北村豆腐家是台北信義區統一阪急百貨美食街的韓國餐廳, 也是少數需要排隊的美食街餐廳. North Village Korean Restaurant is located at Uni-U Style Department B2. It is one of a few restaurants that would have a line-up during dining time.
(2023.7 更新) 新開幕的永心鳳茶為台北信義區市政府捷運站下午茶餐廳之一, 玻璃罐裝冷泡茶與復古時尚裝潢為其特色. (Update 2023 July ) Yonshin Tea & Cake Selection Bar is one of the afternoon tea restaurants at Taipei Xinyi Breeze Department Store. T...
生火腿起司拉麵是東京米其林推薦 Due Italian 日本拉麵的招牌料理, 是信義新光三越 A4 餐廳之一. Chicken Broth Ramen with Iberico Ham & Cheese is Due Italian Ramen Restaurant’s signature dish. It is one of the Xinyi Shinkong Mitsubkoshi ...