信義區 Xinyi District

K. LAB 甜點實驗室 》台北五分埔巷弄 | Taipei Dessert

K. LAB 甜點實驗室 》台北五分埔巷弄 | Taipei Dessert
K. Lab 甜點實驗室位於信義區後山埤捷運附近, 是一家五分埔甜點店, 與“深夜裡的法國手工甜點”一樣皆是手工法國甜點, 而且營業時間一樣誇張地短, 但蛋糕款式截然不同. K. Lab Dessert Shop is located near Blue Line Houshan Pi MRT station at Taipei Xinyi District. However, their ope...

國父紀念館捷運站早午餐美食 》周家豆腐捲 | Roasted Tofu Roll

國父紀念館捷運站早午餐美食 》周家豆腐捲  | Roasted Tofu Roll
光復南路巷口早午餐美食非周家豆腐捲莫屬 , 這家店鋪是附近居民在國父紀念館運動完後常去買的早午餐之一. One of the Guangfu South Road Brunch selections includes Chou’s Roasted Tofu Roll Shop. This store is located near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station.

Caffé Florian Coffee 福里安花神咖啡館 》 台北信義新光三越A9 |市政府捷運站

Caffé Florian Coffee 福里安花神咖啡館 》 台北信義新光三越A9 |市政府捷運站
來自威尼斯的Caffé Florian Coffee 福里安花神咖啡館加入台北市信義區咖啡店之一, 除了最有名的“古銅濾杯咖啡”外, 最有名的非“英式下午茶”莫屬. Caffé Florian Coffee from Venice joined one of the Taipei District Coffee Houses. Besides the famous “Caffe Filtro- C...

五之神拉麵 GONOKAMI RAMEN 》台北信義區拉麵推薦

五之神拉麵 GONOKAMI RAMEN 》台北信義區拉麵推薦
(2019.10 二訪更新) 每次有人問台北信義區推薦拉麵店時, 我通常都會說“五之神拉麵”,  五之神拉麵招牌料理是濃厚豚骨蝦沾麵, 深受拉麵愛好者的歡迎. GONOKAMI RAMEN restaurant is one of my Xinyi District Restaurant recommendations. It had its grand-opening on 2017 at Ta...

檀島香港茶餐廳 Honolulu Cafe 》信義新光三越A11 | Cantonese Restaurant

檀島香港茶餐廳 Honolulu Cafe 》信義新光三越A11 |  Cantonese Restaurant
國外餐廳紛紛到台北信義區開餐廳, 檀島香港茶餐廳跟Jamie’s Italian 一樣選擇加入台北信義區美食行列. Oversea restaurants kept opening up at Taipei City. Honolulu Cafe and Jamie’s Italian both chose A11 Department store to locate their oversea ...

松菸誠品行旅咖啡店》The Lounge 大廳書房 | Eslite Hotel Coffee

松菸誠品行旅咖啡店》The Lounge 大廳書房 | Eslite Hotel Coffee
市政府捷運站附近的台北松菸文創區咖啡店越來越多, 附近的十間茶屋也常常客滿, 當找不到地方聊天時, 誠品行旅的“大廳書房” (The Lounge) 或許是個好選擇. There are many coffe shops at Songshan Culture Park near Taipei City Hall MRT station. Shijian Tea House is always p...

Ichiran Ramen Taiwan 一蘭拉麵 》台北信義區24小時美食

Ichiran Ramen Taiwan 一蘭拉麵 》台北信義區24小時美食
(2019.8 更新)    一蘭拉麵在台北拉麵店名單裡算是相當有名, 不僅在信義區有獨立店面, 信義新光三越A11 地下一樓也有一蘭拉麵. 而且兩家都是 24小時營業, 讓許多上夜班的人不用擔心沒有餐廳可以吃飯. Ichiran Ramen Taiwan is quite famous at Taipei Ramen Restaurants list. Besides independent s...