12MINI鍋位於南京復興捷運站旁的慶城街一號B1美食街, 為台北松山區平價小火鍋餐廳之一, 我這次有這個榮幸可以品嚐到他們的小火鍋料理. “12 Mini Hot Pot” is located at the food court of “Urban One Department Stores” near Nanking Fuxing MRT station. It is one of the ...
2017年6月新開幕的台北東旅 ( Hotel East Taipei ) 位於南京三民捷運站附近, 是台北松山區南京東路上的商旅之一. 這次有這個榮幸可以體驗一晚住宿. Newly-opened Hotel East Taipei is one of the hotels near Nangjing Sanmin MRT station. It is also one of the busine...
BEHER 食物研究圖書館位於松山機場捷運站附近的民生社區內, 這是台灣第一家蒐集中英日文關於食物書籍的專業圖書館. Beher Food Library is located near Songshan Airport MRT station at Mingshen Community. This is the first library in Taiwan that collects food...
GABEE為 中山國中捷運站咖啡店之一, 最近跟格蘭菲迪威士忌(Glenfiddich) 合作特調飲品 - 威士忌咖啡. GABEE is one of the coffee shops near Zhongshan Junior High School. It recently works with Glenfiddich brand to create an interesting drink...
位於台北松山區南京東路五段的1/2 Cafe採用台灣食材製作手作果露咖啡, 深受附近上班族與居民喜愛, 近日也推出雪糕冰拿鐵和4度C冰鬆餅, 這次我有這個榮幸可以品嚐到這些新產品. 1/2 Cafe is located near Nangjing Sanmi MRT station in Taipei Songshan District. The owner uses Taiwan local ...
(2022. 5 更新) 台北哪裡可以買肉粽? 肉粽是端午節美食, 王記府城肉粽是台北市有名的肉粽店, 不用買一整串回家吃, 也可直接在餐廳裡享用. (2022. 5 更新) In Taipei City, rice dumplings always appear everywhere, not only during the Dragon Boat Festival. In “Wang Ji R...
近期除了手沖咖啡外, 手泡茶也成為一種低調的時尚. 在台北松山機場捷運站附近的民生社區巷弄中, 販售著台灣優質手沖茶與伴手禮的”開門茶堂”總是能讓路人們停下腳步品茶享人生. Besides Hand-Drip-Brewing Coffee, Hand-Brew Tea is also a fashionable trend in Taipei City. Locating near Taipei ...
加班加到天昏地暗, 已經沒有多少餐廳是開著. 在台北市東區靠近微風廣場, 有一家只在晚上六點後才開的餐廳, 名字很特別 , 叫做“牛肉麵.雞湯” .(沒錯, 名稱快狠準, 還沒走進去就知道明星餐點是什麼) When you overwork at night, there isn't much restaurants that you can choose to eat. In Taipei e...