Antico Forno 老烤箱義大利披薩餐酒 (Antico Forno Pizz Bistro) 榮獲2017與2018 義大利紅蝦評鑑 1 Pizza 獎項, 屬於科技大樓捷運站美食之一. Antico Forno received 2017 and 2018 Gambero Rosso International One Pizza. This restaurant is one of t...
(已搬家) Moda Vita Caffè 義式料理是一家位於天母士林區的義大利餐廳, 屬於天母SOGO週邊美食, 平價程度在小資男女可接受的範圍. (Moved) Moda Vita Caffè is one of the Italian Restaurants at Tianmu area. The must-mentioned detail would be their price rang...
新開幕的Gumgum Beer & Wings 是台北市少數販售美式雞翅與精釀啤酒餐廳, 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到他們的餐點與精釀啤酒. Newly-opened Gumgum Beer & Wings is one of a few restaurants that specializes on selling chicken wings and craft beer restau...
位於台北東區的L’AGE 熟成餐廳是一家低調餐廳, 老饕熟客回客率跟中山區的Popina餐酒館一樣高. L’AGE restaurant is located at the heart of the city- Taipei East District. This is a low-profile restaurant with many returning foodie customers, j...
小後苑 Backyard Jr. 為台北市政府捷運站餐酒館美食之一, 這家是個威士忌酒吧 (Whiskey Bar) , 也是一家餐酒館. “Backyard Jr.” is one of the Bistros and Whisky Bars near Taipei City Hall MRT Station.
台北中山區美食 “POPINA” 是台北餐酒館裡少數回客率高的餐酒館, 也常被饕客拿來跟附近的台北晶華酒店與大倉久和裡的餐廳做比較, POPINA 通常是處於優勢. POPINA Bistro, which is located near Taipei Zhongshan District, is one of the bistros that has high customer return r...
2017年初新開幕的LA MOLE TAIPEI 義式料理餐酒館位於建國北路與民權東路的晶宴會館附近, 義大利籍主廚的經歷豐富且年輕, 不惜成本地堅持使用最新鮮的食材作出更細緻的料理. Newly-opened LA MOLE TAIPEI Italian restaurant is located near Jianguo North Road and Mínquan East Road. Th...
國父紀念館捷運附近的餐酒館又征服了一家 - La Piola Cucina Italiana 義大利餐廳, 老闆則是來自義大利, 專攻北義料理, 考驗台北上班族對於正統異國美食的接受度. I tried another Bistro, which is La Piola Cucina Italiana, near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station. The owner i...
台北市大安區西班牙美食餐廳名單又一枚, El Marqués Tapas Bar除了海鮮飯外, 也提供正統西班牙Tapas, 西班牙紅酒和西班牙啤酒. Newly-opened El Marqués Tapas Bar now is one of Taipei City Da’an District Spanish restaurants. Besides paella, they also of...