深杯子概念店 La Copa Oscura 是少數台北提供多款單杯酒的店面 , 令人意外的是深杯子菜單有巴斯克蛋糕甜點與手工現切西班牙熟成火腿. La Copa Oscura is one of the few stores that offer single glass wines. Surprisingly, La Copa Oscura menu also has Spanish Monte...
(2023. 1 更新) 這篇文章是關於 台北哪裡可以喝單杯酒, 以 台北單杯葡萄酒 為主, 多數為台北葡萄酒專賣店. (2023. 1 Update ) This article is mainly about where to drink single glass wine in Taipei City. Some of you might consider as Taipei Wine Ba...
台北中山區的 Pure Wine 璞斟酒窖菜單與酒單除了有提供單杯酒與整瓶酒外, 也有搭配酒的小點, 更特別的是璞斟酒窖有午餐搭單杯酒的特別組合. You can order single glass wine or purchase a whole bottle of wine at Pure Wine Shop. You can also enjoy the snacks and lunch ...
(2024.12 月更新) Enoteca 旗艦店地址為台北信義新光三越 A9的3樓, 也是少數台北販售單杯酒的店面, Enoteca 單杯酒價位不高, 可成為微醺信義區下午茶好去處. (2024.12 Update) Enoteca address is at Xinyi SKM department store A9 3rd Floor. It is one of the Taipei win...
( 2020.1 二訪更新) 1855 Premier Cru 卓越酒莊是台北松江南京捷運站附近的進口酒商實體門市, 二樓與三樓皆有VIP室, 也有品酒教室, 1855 Premier Cru store front is located at Songjiang Nanjing MRT station, Taipei City. Second and Third Floor has VIP ar...